The Annual Town Meeting for the election of Town officers shall be held
on the first Monday in May of each year. The hours for the opening and the
closing of such meeting shall be so designated by the Board of Selectmen,
but in no instance shall the polls for the election of Town officers remain
open for a period of less than 12 consecutive hours. For all other elections,
national, state or otherwise, the same hours as Town elections shall prevail,
unless otherwise covered by statute.
[Amended 6-18-2007 ATM by Art. 24]
Every warrant for a Town Meeting or Special Town Meeting shall be served
by posting an attested copy thereof in two or more public places in the Town
as mandated by state law.
All committees chosen by the Town for any purpose and ordered to report
at any designated time shall make such report in writing.
All motions shall be submitted to the Town Meeting in writing when so
requested by the Town Moderator or the Town Clerk.
No motion shall be reconsidered by the Town Meeting unless ordered by
more than 2/3 of the voters present and voting thereon.
No motion, the effect of which would be to dissolve a Town Meeting,
shall be in order until every article in the warrant has been duly considered
and acted upon, but this shall not preclude the postponement of action on
or consideration of any article to an adjournment of the meeting to a stated