Stop signs are hereby established on the following streets, at the following locations:
Barker Road
One sign at Ferry Road
Barker Road
One sign at West Bethel Road (U.S. Route 2)
Broad Street
One sign at Paradise Road
Chapman Hill Road
One sign at Northwest Bethel Road
Chapman Street
One sign at Main Street
Clark Street
One sign at Main Street
Crescent Park Street
One sign at Mason Street
Eden Lane
One sign at Paradise Road
Elm Street
One sign at Main Street
Evergreen Road
One sign at Paradise Road
Gibson Road
One sign at Northwest Bethel Road
Grover Hill Road
One sign at Flat Road
Grover Hill Road
One sign at Songo Pond Road (Route 5)
High Street
One sign at Elm Street
High Street
One sign at Mechanic Street
Kilborn Street
One sign at Chapman Street
Kilborn Street
One sign at Vernon Street
Main Street
One sign at Church Street
Martin Lane
One sign at Mayville Road (U.S. Route 2)
Martin Lane
One sign at Sunday River Road
Meadow Bridge Road
One sign at Flat Road
Mill Hill Road
One sign at Broad Street
Liberty Lane
One sign at Flat Road
Liberty Lane
One sign at Mountain View Circle
Mason Street
One sign at Broad Street
Mechanic Street
One sign at Main Street
Mechanic Street
One sign at Railroad Street (Route 26)
Park Street
One sign at Church Street
Philbrook Street
One sign at Main Street
Smith Farm Road
One sign at Flat Road
Spring Street
Two signs at Mason Street
Summer Street
One sign at Elm Street
Summer Street
One sign at Mechanic Street
Tyler Street
One sign at Chapman Street
Tyler Street
One sign at Vernon Street
Vernon Street
One sign at Main Street
Winter Street
One sign at Church Street
Winter Street
One sign at Elm Street
The schedule of way-way streets is as follows:
Park Street
One-way in a westerly and southerly direction from Church Street (Congregational Church) back to Church Street (Nazarene Church) exempt loop around Kimball Park
Spring Street
One-way in an easterly direction
Sunset Road
One-way in a northerly direction from Route 26 a distance of approximately 300 feet
Any person driving a vehicle on a street shall drive such vehicle at a careful and prudent speed not greater than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive any vehicle upon a street at such a speed as to endanger any person or property. (State law reference: For similar provisions, see 29-A M.R.S.A. § 2074; municipal authority to regulate speed, 29-A M.R.S.A. § 2075, Subsection 3.)
Subject thereto and except in those instances where a lower speed is specified by law, it shall be prima facie lawful for the driver of a vehicle to drive at a speed not exceeding the following, but in any case when such speed would be unsafe it shall not be lawful:
Speed in excess of 15 miles per hour when approaching within 50 feet and in traversing an intersection of ways when the driver's view is obstructed shall be unlawful, except where preference is given through movement of traffic in one direction at the expense of cross traffic by utilization of stop signs or by direction of a traffic officer. A driver's view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last 50 feet of his approach to such intersection he does not have a clear and uninterrupted view of such intersection and of the traffic upon all of the ways entering such intersection for a distance of 200 feet from such intersection.
Twenty-five miles per hour in a business or residential district, or "built-up" portion, defined as the territory of the Town contiguous to any way which is built up with structures devoted to business or where the dwelling houses are situated less than 150 feet apart for a distance of at least 1/4 of a mile.
Forty-five miles per hour outside of the built-up section.
Fifteen miles per hour on Crescent Street, Philbrook Street, Mason Street and Chapman Street during the periods when students are going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours.
Twenty-five miles per hour on the following designated streets that do not meet the requirements as stated in Subsection B above:
Sunset Road.
Annis Road.
Mountain View Circle.
Liberty Lane.
Ferry Road.
Baker Road.
Paradise Road.
Rabbit Road.
Holt Hill Road.
Stevens Road.
Osgood Road.
Cross Street.
Mill Hill Road.
Thirty-five miles per hour on the following designated streets:
North Road from the Reservoir Road to the Gibson Road.
Grover Hill Road.
Flat Road from the center line of its intersection with Liberty Lane one mile south.
Barker Road.
Through truck traffic is prohibited on Main Street from its intersection with Vernon Street to its intersection with Church Street and on Mill Hill Road from its intersection with the Songo Pond Road and Lover's Lane to its intersection with Broad Street. The provisions of this section shall apply to trucks weighing more than 18,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.