The following is a chronological listing of legislation of the Town of Bethel adopted since the publication of the Code, indicating its inclusion in the Code or the reason for its exclusion. [Enabling legislation which is not general and permanent in nature is considered to be non-Code material (NCM).] The last legislation reviewed for the 2024 republication of the Code was from the June 12, 2024, Annual Town Meeting.
Adoption Date
6-9-2004 ATM
Access Management Amendment
Repealed 6-13-2007 ATM
6-9-2004 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-9-2004 ATM
Floodplain Management Amendment
Ch. 105
6-9-2004 ATM
Road Design and Construction Amendment
Ch. 125
6-9-2004 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-9-2004 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-9-2004 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-15-2005 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-15-2005 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-15-2005 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-15-2005 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-15-2005 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-15-2005 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
10-17-2005, Board of Selectmen
Trails and Bridges, Recreational
Ch. 76
6-14-2006 ATM
Code Amendments
(Chapter Amendment Procedures)
Chs. 12, 43, 60, 67, Art. II, 90, 105, 132 and 146
6-14-2006 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-14-2006 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-14-2006 ATM
Entertainment Amendment
Ch. 29
6-14-2006 ATM
Animal Control Amendment
Ch. 17
6-14-2006 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-14-2006 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-14-2006 ATM
Road Design and Construction: General Standards Amendment; Private Road Standards Amendment
Ch. 125, Art. I and Art. II
6-13-2007 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-13-2007 ATM
Innkeeper, Lodging and Victualers' Licenses Amendment
Ch. 43
6-13-2007 ATM
Sewer and Water Use Amendment
Ch. 60
6-13-2007 ATM
Street Excavations and Driveways Amendment
Ch. 67, Art. II
6-13-2007 ATM
Access Management Repealer
Ch. 90 (Reference Only)
6-13-2007 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-13-2007 ATM
Road Design and Construction: General Standards Amendment; Private Road Standards Amendment
Ch. 125, Art. I and Art. II
6-13-2007 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-13-2007 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-11-2008 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-11-2008 ATM
Sewer and Water Use Amendment
Ch. 60
6-11-2008 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-11-2008 ATM
Road Design and Construction: Private Road Standards Amendment
Ch. 125, Art. II
6-11-2008 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
7-16-2008 STM
Floodplain Management Amendment
Ch. 105
7-16-2008 STM
Shoreland Zoning Amendment
Ch. 132
7-16-2008 STM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
7-16-2008 STM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-10-2009 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-10-2009 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-10-2009 ATM
Floodplain Management
Ch. 105
6-10-2009 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-10-2009 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
12-21-2009 STM
Traffic, Parking and Pedestrians Amendment
Ch. 75
6-9-2010 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-9-2010 ATM
Sewer and Water Use Amendment
Ch. 60
6-9-2010 ATM
Traffic, Parking and Pedestrians Amendment
Ch. 75
6-9-2010 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-9-2010 ATM
Entertainment Amendment
Ch. 29
6-9-2010 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-9-2010 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-13-2012 ATM
Entertainment Amendment
Ch. 29
6-13-2012 ATM
Sewer and Water Use Amendment
Ch. 60
6-13-2012 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-13-2012 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-13-2012 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-13-2012 ATM
Property Assessed Clean Energy
Ch. 52
1-30-2013 STM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-12-2013 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-11-2014 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-11-2014 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-10-2015 ATM
Shoreland Zoning
Ch. 132
6-10-2015 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-10-2015 ATM
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-10-2015 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-10-2015 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
10-19-2015 STM
Shoreland Zoning Amendment
Ch. 132
6-15-2016 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-15-2016 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
2-13-2017 STM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
2-13-2017 STM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-14-2017 ATM
Wind energy: Commercial Facilities
Ch. 160, Art. I
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Adult Use Marijuana Cultivation Facilities
Ch. 46, Art. I
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Adult Use Marijuana Manufacturing Facilities
Ch. 46, Art. II
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Adult Use Marijuana Retail Stores
Ch. 46, Art. III
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Adult Use Marijuana Testing Facilities
Ch. 46, Art. IV
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Ch. 46, Art. V
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility
Ch. 46, Art. VI
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Medical Marijuana Manufacturing Facility
Ch. 46, Art. VII
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Medical Marijuana Caregiver Retail Stores
Ch. 46, Art. VIII
6-11-2019 ATM
Marijuana: Medical Marijuana Testing Facilities
Ch. 46, Art. IX
6-11-2019 ATM
Single-Use Bags and Containers
Repealed 6-14-2024 ATM by Art. 12
6-12-2019 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-9-2021 ATM
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-9-2021 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-9-2021 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-9-2021 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-9-2021 ATM
Food Sovereignty
Ch. 33
6-9-2021 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-15-2022 ATM
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-15-2022 ATM
Solar Energy Systems
Ch. 144
6-15-2022 ATM
Wind Energy Amendment
Ch. 160
6-15-2022 ATM
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-15-2022 ATM
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-14-2023 ATM Art. 3
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-14-2023 ATM Art. 4
Building Construction Amendment
Ch. 96
6-14-2023 ATM Art. 5
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 3
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 4
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 5
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 6
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 7
Administration Amendment
Ch. 5
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 8
Marijuana: Cannabis Establishments Amendment
Ch. 46, Art. I
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 9
Signs Amendment
Ch. 136
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 10
Site Plan Review Amendment
Ch. 140
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 11
Subdivision Amendment
Ch. 150
6-12-2024 ATM Art. 12
Adoption of Code
See Ch. 1, Art. I