[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Bethel 7-22-1996. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to enhance the easy and rapid location of properties by law enforcement, fire, rescue and emergency medical services personnel in the Town of Bethel.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to and consistent with the municipal home rule powers as provided for in Article VIII, Part Second, § 1, of the Constitution of the State of Maine and 30-A M.R.S.A. § 3001.
This chapter shall be administered by the Code Enforcement Officer, who is authorized to and shall assign road names and numbers to all properties, both on existing and proposed roads, in accordance with the criteria in §§ 146-5 and 146-6. The Code Enforcement Officer shall also be responsible for maintaining the following official records of this chapter:
A map of the Town of Bethel for official use, showing road names and numbers.
An alphabetical list of all property owners as identified by current assessment records, by last name, showing the assigned numbers.
An alphabetical list of all roads with property owners listed in order of their assigned numbers.
[Amended 6-14-2006]
This chapter may be amended by vote of a Town Meeting as provided in Chapter 5, Administration, Article VII.
All roads that serve two or more properties shall be named regardless of whether the ownership is public or private. "Road" refers to any highway, road, street, avenue, lane, private way, or similar paved, gravel, or dirt thoroughfare. "Property" refers to any property on which a more or less permanent structure has been erected or could be placed. A road name assigned by the Town of Bethel shall not constitute or imply acceptance of the road as a public way.
The following criteria shall govern the naming system:
No two roads shall be given the same name (e.g., no "Pine Road" and "Pine Lane").
No two roads should have similar sounding names (e.g., "Beech Street" and "Peach Street").
Each road shall have the same name throughout its entire length.
Numbers shall be assigned every 50 feet along both sides of the road, with even numbers appearing on the left side of the road and odd numbers appearing on the right side of the road, determined by the number origin. (The frontage interval may vary in more densely or lightly populated areas, and it should be so indicated where that particular interval applies.)
The following criteria shall govern the numbering system:
All number origins shall begin from the designated center of Bethel or that end of the road closest to the designated center. For dead-end roads, numbering shall originate at the intersection of the adjacent road and terminate at the dead end.
The number assigned to each structure shall be that of the numbered interval falling closest to the front door. If the front door cannot be seen from the main road, the number shall be that of the interval falling closest to the driveway of said structure.
Every structure with more than one principal use or occupancy shall have a separate number for each use or occupancy (i.e., duplexes will have two separate numbers; an apartment will have one road number with an apartment number).
All owners of structures shall, by the date stipulated in § 146-9, display and maintain in a conspicuous place on said structure the assigned numbers in the following manner:
Number on the structure or residence. Where the residence or structure is within 50 feet of the edge of the road right-of-way, the assigned number shall be displayed on the front of the residence or structure near the front door or entry.
Number at the street line. Where the residence or structure is over 50 feet from the edge of the road right-of-way, the assigned number shall be displayed on a post, fence, wall, the mailbox, or on some structure at the property line next to the walk or access drive to the residence or structure.
Size and color of number. Numbers shall be displayed in a color and size so as to be clearly visible from the road.
Every person whose duty is to display the assigned number shall remove any different number that might be mistaken for, or confused with, the number assigned in conformance with this chapter.
Interior location. All residents and other occupants are requested to post the assigned number and road name next to their telephone for emergency reference.
All new construction and subdivisions shall be named and numbered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and as follows:
New construction. Whenever any residence or other structure is constructed or developed, it shall be the duty of the new owner to obtain an assigned number from the Code Enforcement Officer or United States Post Office. This may be done at the time of the issuance of the building permit.
New subdivisions. Any prospective subdivider shall show a proposed road name and lot numbering system at the time of application to the Planning Board. Approval by the Planning Board, after consultation with the Code Enforcement Officer, shall constitute the assignment of road names and numbers to the lots in the subdivision. On the final plan showing proposed roads, the applicant shall mark on the plan lines or dots in the center of the street every 50 feet to aid in assignment of numbers to structures subsequently constructed.
[Amended 6-11-2003]
This chapter shall become effective as of July 22, 1996. It shall be the duty of the Code Enforcement Officer to notify by mail each property owner and the post office of a new address at least 30 days before the effective date of its use. It shall be the duty of each property owner to comply with this chapter, including the posting of new property numbers, within 30 days following notification. On new structures, numbering will be installed before final inspection or when the structure is first used or occupied, whichever comes first.
If the decision of the Code Enforcement Officer regarding naming of roads or numbering of property is objectionable to a property owner, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this chapter do not apply, or that the true intent of this chapter has been misconstrued or wrongfully applied, the aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the Code Enforcement Officer to the Board of Appeals following the procedures set forth in § 140-10 of Chapter 140, Site Plan Review.
[Added 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Anyone who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of $50.