[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Alexandria 8-3-1986. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established in the Township of Alexandria a Local Emergency Management Council, to be appointed annually by the Mayor, and consisting of a Municipal Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator and various representatives from fire, police, rescue squad and Board of Health membership as he or she may deem appropriate.
Said Council shall develop a comprehensive Emergency Management Operations Plan for consideration, adoption and implementation by the Township Committee. Said Council shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with the above stated requirements for its own governance.
[Added 7-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-010]
Establishment. The Office of the Emergency Management is hereby established in the Township of Alexandria in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. App. A:9-41.
Emergency management coordinator. The Mayor and members of the Township Committee shall by way of majority vote, appoint a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. Any qualified individual appointed as the Township's Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, who is not a resident of Alexandria Township, shall reside within a reasonable proximity of the Township to ensure prompt responsive coordination of municipal resources for any local incident. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, subject to fulfilling the requirements of N.J.S.A. App. A:90.1, shall serve for a term of three years.
A Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall:
Possess a high school diploma or its equivalent;
Satisfy applicable position requirements of any relevant state or local statute or ordinance (including N.J.S.A. App.A:9-40.1);
Have a minimum of two years of experience in the planning, development, and administration of emergency response activities such as those provided by emergency management, police, fire, rescue or medical personnel either in the public or private sector or in the military service;
Possess a valid New Jersey driver's license; and
Complete National Incident Management System training pursuant to Directive NJOEM-I (2021), and the following courses/continuing education requirements:
The NJOEM Basic Workshop in Emergency Management (within one year of first appointment as required by N.J.S.A. App.A:9-40.1);
The FEMA Professional Development Series (within one year of first appointment, in satisfaction of the Home Study Course requirement of N.J.S.A. App.A:9-40.1); and
Twenty-four-hours of continuing education every 12 months (based upon the date of appointment or re-appointment), unless extended for good cause by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
Qualifying classes include the following categories:
Disaster/emergency management, homeland security, incident command system courses;
General management courses: principles of management, finance, organizational behavior, budgeting, community development, human resources, computer systems, MIS applications, business communications, and public speaking; or
Other classes approved by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
The course participation hours for the classes identified in Subsection B(1)(a)[5][a] and [b] above can be applied to satisfy the continuing education requirement within any given twelve-month period.
The NJOEM State Training Officer is authorized to develop and disseminate guidance for permitting instructor hours to satisfy a portion of the continuing education requirement up to 12 hours per twelve-month reporting period.
NJOEM Emergency Response Bureau personnel are responsible for verifying compliance. Any questions regarding whether or not a course shall qualify for purposes of this Subsection B(1)(a)[5][c] shall be determined by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
A Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall also be required to meet the standards of Subsection B(1)(a).
Duties and authority of the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall lead the emergency management function at the municipal level. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall:
Maintain proficiency in the profession of emergency management, and participate in appropriate federal, state and local meetings, trainings, conferences and exercises to develop and enhance subject matter expertise;
Establish and oversee the Municipal Office of Emergency Management, and, when applicable, recruit, organize, coordinate and train deputies and staff to administer the Municipal Office of Emergency Management and oversee the functions and programs described in Subsection B(3);
Comply with federal, state and local statutes, rules, procedures and authorities pertaining to emergency management, adhere to the guidance of the State Director and NJOEM, and maintain an active cooperative working relationship with the County Office of Emergency Management of the county in which the municipality is located, to implement all elements of the municipality's emergency management program;
Establish and implement policies and procedures with respect to the municipality's emergency management program to ensure effective coordination and oversight of all programs and functions described in the Municipal Emergency Operations Plan (EOP);
Coordinate the review and update of the EOP pursuant to N.J.S.A. App:A9-36.2 through 36.4, NJOEM procedures and directives issued by the State Director;
Chair the Local Emergency Management Township Committee (or participate in a joint emergency management Township Committee if applicable) in accordance with N.J.S.A. App.A:9-41 and directives issued by the State Director;
In accordance with the authority set forth in directives of the State Director and N.J.S.A. App.A:9-40.5, when warranted, proclaim (and then rescind) a municipal-level state of emergency, implementing emergency protective measures and issuing all orders required to support life safety and to facilitate preparedness, response and recovery operations;
Attend 75% of all scheduled County Office of Emergency Management meetings for municipal coordinators and assure representation at all other County Emergency Management meetings as deemed necessary by the County Coordinator; and
Perform, or ensure the performance of, other duties and tasks necessary to administer the municipality's emergency management program.
Oversight of the municipal emergency management program. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall lead the Municipal Emergency Management Program and oversee the Municipal Office of Emergency Management in accordance with all relevant federal, state and local laws, regulations, procedures and authorities, including State Director directives. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall collaborate with municipal agencies and other stakeholders to ensure the efficient administration of the municipality's emergency management budget to support the following responsibilities, duties and functions:
Equipping, staffing, operating, and maintaining a primary municipal emergency operations center, identifying an alternate site, and developing the capability to conduct emergency operations virtually in the event that the primary municipal emergency operations center is impaired or inaccessible;
Coordinating the preparation and periodic review of an approved municipal emergency operations plan, as well as any appendices and plans in support thereof, that reflects the municipality's hazards, risks, capabilities and gaps;
Conducting at least two meetings per year with the Local Emergency Management Township Committee in accordance with directives of the State Director, and conduct other planning meetings as necessary, providing advance notice to the County Office of Emergency Management;
Pursuant to directives of the State Director, conducting and/or participating in emergency management exercises and training;
Acquiring, maintaining and deploying emergency management equipment;
Developing, coordinating and activating mutual aid emergency management plans;
Activating emergency management facilities and services as are available from the resources of the municipal government;
Ensuring effective programmatic support for all functions within the municipal EOP, including, but not limited to:
Implementing a public information and alert and warning system to disseminate timely and effective communications regarding incidents or threats to public safety, and cooperating with the National Warning System (NAWAS);
Facilitating public health and mass care services, including, but not limited to: emergency sheltering; points of distribution (PODs) and bulk distribution of mass care and health supplies; mental health support for individuals impacted by disasters and emergencies; reunification and family assistance centers; and pandemic support;
Coordinating municipal sheltering and evacuation operations, and supporting any county/regional/state sheltering and mass care response activities for affected residents of the municipalities;
Implementing debris management and other public works programs necessary to support the emergency management program;
Facilitating search and rescue operations in accordance with directives issued by the State Director; and
Supporting damage assessments and recovery efforts.
Supporting county and local plans to provide services for at-risk individuals (N.J.S.A. App.A:9-36.18) during extreme weather conditions;
When applicable, supporting the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and related state statutes, regulations and executive or administrative orders, as well as guidance issued by the New Jersey State Emergency Response Commission;
Securing county, state and federal technical and financial assistance as may be required for promoting and/or implementing the emergency management functions within the municipality, and if the municipality is an Emergency Management Agency Assistance (EMAA) funded agency, satisfying all program goals, work plans and guidelines established by the state for such funding;
Supporting municipal hazard assessments and identifying critical infrastructure;
If applicable, developing, adopting and updating a hazard mitigation plan and ancillary plans required to comply with federal and state mitigation requirements;
Interacting with the municipal, state, and federal government for preparedness, response and recovery activities in connection with the state's nuclear power plants as well as those of adjacent states;
Complying with all orders and directives of the State Director, applicable policies and procedures of NJOEM; and relevant guidance and orders of the county office of emergency management in which the municipality is located.
Performing all such other functions and undertaking any action necessary to support the municipality's emergency management program.