The members of the Board of County Commissioners, the County Executive Officer and such officers as are required by the Constitution shall be the only elective County offices. They shall have such qualifications and be nominated and elected as required by the Charter or general law.
No elected or appointed County officer shall hold or retain any other incompatible office. Any person accepting an incompatible office shall be deemed thereby to have vacated any office previously held by him or her under the County government, in accordance with established law.
[Amended 12-29-1981 by Ord. No. 24-1981]
Unless otherwise provided in the Charter or this chapter, in the event of the temporary absence or disability of any appointive officer or employee or in the event of a vacancy in any appointive office, the appointing authority may designate a qualified person to serve in such office temporarily in an acting capacity for a period of time not to exceed 120 days or until a successor is appointed and qualified. Any such appointee shall have all the functions, powers and duties of an incumbent during the period of temporary appointment.
Every officer or employee of the County who, by virtue of his or her office or position, is entrusted with the receipt, custody or expenditure of public moneys or funds and any other officer or employee who may be required so to do by the Board shall, before entering upon the duties of his or her office or position, execute and deliver a surety bond in such amount as may be fixed by resolution of the Board, binding him or her to the County in its corporate name and conditioned upon the true and faithful performance of his or her duty. Each officer or employee required by law to give bond shall execute such a bond with sufficient surety and deliver the same to the Clerk of the Board, except that the Clerk shall deliver his or her bond to the Treasurer before he or she enters upon the discharge of the duties of his or her office or employment.
If any officer or employee shall neglect to execute and deliver his or her bond as herein required within 30 days after due notification of his or her obligation to do so, his or her office may be declared vacant by the Board.
In every case in which any person is required by the Charter, laws of the state or by any ordinance or resolution to give bond for the faithful performance of his or her duties, such bond shall be secured by a corporate surety authorized to do business in this state, and the premium therefor shall be paid by the County. Each such bond shall be approved by the County Counsel as to legal form and sufficiency, and nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the use of one or more blanket bonds when so approved.
Upon the termination of the term of office or the employment of any officer or employee, he or she shall forthwith deliver to his or her successor or, if there is no successor, to the County Executive of the County, or to the Clerk of the Board if he or she is in the legislative branch, all moneys, papers, books, memoranda, accounts and data of any nature whatever pertaining to his or her office.
Every County officer and employee whose compensation is established on a full-time basis shall devote his or her entire time during business hours to the duties of his or her office.
The Board, with the approval of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, may provide for the administration of the merit system within the County by a County Department of Civil Service, to be established and supervised as provided in the Charter.
Editor's Note: Former § 4-104, Advisory boards; uniform procedures, was redesignated as § 4-64.12 2-15-1992 by Ord. No. 12-1992.