[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Bethlehem 3-3-1998 by Ord. No. 302-98. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created the Bethlehem Township Public Information Office.
[Amended 9-3-1998 by Ord. No. 311-98]
There shall be five members of the Public Information Office who shall serve for terms of one year until a successor is appointed and qualified. Said appointments shall be made by the Township Committee and shall be made up of the following categories:
One member of the Township Committee.
One member of the township administrative staff who shall be the Township Clerk.
Three members of the public (preferably with experience in communications and/or media relations).
In addition, there shall be one alternate who shall also be a member of the public. The Township Attorney shall sit as an ex-officio member of the Office.
The Township Committee is hereby granted the powers to establish policy and procedure and review content of any material disseminated by the Public Information Office on behalf of the township. The Township Committee shall have final authority to review content, subject to rules and regulations. It shall be the responsibility of the Office to carry out said policies and procedures in order to effectuate the maximum dissemination of information from the township. The Township Committee, through the auspicies of the Public Information Office, shall have an Official Township Web Site and may also contract with any individual(s) or group(s) to disseminate township information, upon input from the Public Information Office, in accordance with said policies and procedures and subject to the availability of funds.
The Public Information Office shall be authorized to take the necessary action to carry out the policies and procedures of the township in order to disseminate township information to the public. The Office shall also be authorized to seek, subject to Township Committee approval, funding or other assistance to carry out its mission of public information access/dissemination.