[Added 3-16-1998 by L.L. No. 2-1998]
The following provisions apply to auxiliary housing units:
A temporary use permit shall be required. The permit shall be issued by the Board of Appeals only after a public hearing advertised in the manner required by law for a meeting of the Board of Appeals.
An auxiliary housing unit may be included within a single-family detached dwelling to accommodate not more than two members of the family otherwise occupying the dwelling. At least one member of the persons housed in the auxiliary housing unit must be at least 60 years of age or handicapped or otherwise incapacitated to the extent that independent housing is not practical.
The auxiliary housing shall not exceed 650 square feet of the space within the principal dwelling unit.
The permit for an auxiliary housing unit shall be valid for a period not exceeding two years. Thereafter, it can be renewed, from time to time, for additional two-year periods upon proof satisfactory to the Board of Appeals that the circumstances warranting the original permit continue to exist.