[Adopted 7-13-2000 by Ord. No. 12-2000]
A Youth Commission is established for the purpose of studying the issues and concerns facing the youth and families of the City of Auburn and to plan and develop programs to address, minimalize and/or resolve the problems.
Membership. The Youth Commission shall consist of not more than 15 members nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Additionally, there will be three ex officio members consisting of residents from the Auburn School District.
Terms. The terms of office shall be for three years or until their successors are appointed and qualified, except that the initial terms of members or the terms of the persons appointed to fill vacancies shall vary in such a manner that thereafter the term of at least one member shall expire annually. The terms of office of the ex officio members shall be for three years or until their successors are appointed and qualified.
Vacancies. If a vacancy shall occur other than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.
Compensation. The members of the Youth Commission shall not receive compensation for their services as members thereof.
The Chairperson of the Youth Commission shall be designated by the Mayor at the beginning of each calendar year for a one-year term, but upon her or his failure to do so the Commission members shall elect the Chairperson.
Among the duties of the Youth Commission shall be improving the quality of life for the youth of the community. The Commission will pursue the quality of life issues by, among other means:
Development of effective policies and programs for the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and youth crime.
Coordination of the activities of public and private agencies devoted to the prevention of delinquency and youth crime.
Assistance in facilitating the development and coordination of youth services within the City of Auburn and coordination of the same with concurrent activities by the county.
Submission to the City Council of the City of Auburn and to the City Manager of such reports, data and other information as may be required or as may otherwise be appropriate, from time to time, regarding youth policies, programs and services throughout the City.
The City Manager shall have the power and authority to employ experts and a staff upon request of the Youth Commission and to approve such other expenses of the Commission as may be necessary and proper, not exceeding in all the appropriation that may be made for such Commission by the Council.
The Youth Commission shall make an annual report to the City Council and the City Manager, as well as such other reports as may be requested.
The Youth Commission may adopt rules and regulations in respect to procedures before it and with respect to any subject matter for which it has jurisdiction under this article or any other statute, ordinance or law, after public hearing by the Youth Commission and subject to the approval of the Council.