In all districts, off-street automobile parking spaces and truck
loading areas for the various permitted uses shall be required at
the time any of the main buildings or structures of such uses are
constructed or altered, as follows:
A. Required off-street automobile parking in the TN/MU1 and 2 Districts.
The number of parking spaces shall be based on the need to protect
public safety and convenience while minimizing harm to community character
and to environmental, historic, and scenic resources. Since businesses
vary widely in their need for off-street parking, it is most appropriate
to establish parking requirements based on the specific operational
characteristics of the proposed uses. In determining the parking requirements
for any proposed use, the Planning Board shall consider:
(1) The maximum number of persons who may be driving to the use at times
of peak usage. Parking spaces should be sufficient to satisfy 85%
of the anticipated peak demand. There shall be sufficient parking
to meet demands of both employees and customers.
(2) The size of the structure(s) and site.
(3) The environmental, scenic, or historic sensitivity of the site. In
proposals located in sensitive areas, the Planning Board may require
a reduction in size of the parking lot.
(4) The Planning Board may refer to generally accepted traffic engineering
and planning manuals.
(5) The Planning Board may require that an applicant set aside additional
land to meet potential future parking needs. Such land may remain
in its natural state or be attractively landscaped but may not be
used in a manner that would prevent it from being used for parking
in the future.
B. Required off-street automobile parking spaces. The minimum cumulative
number of spaces shall be determined by the amount of dwelling units,
bedrooms, floor area, members, equipment, employees, and/or seats
contained in such new buildings or structures, or added by alteration
of buildings or structures, and such minimum number of spaces shall
be maintained by the owners of such buildings or structures, as follows:
(1) Offices, business and commercial uses.
For retail business or service, bank, or post office: one space
for each 100 square feet of floor area and each two employees.
For funeral home: one space for residence, manager, and each
two employers plus 10 spaces for visitors.
For roadside stands: three spaces per stand.
For restaurant, cafe: one space for each three seats and each
two employees.
For public utility office: one space for each two employees.
For auto and equipment sales and service, gas stations and wholesale
establishments: one space for each 200 square feet of floor space,
and each two employees.
For motel: one space for each bedroom, owner or manager, plus
one space for each two employees.
Spaces in municipal parking lots or on-street parking, where
provided, may be credited toward the parking requirements for these
nonresidential uses, provided that:
These spaces are within 400 feet of the uses to be served.
The parking needs of existing facilities (within 400 feet and
computed on the same basis as for new facilities) are satisfied first
and only excess capacity is used for this purpose.
A special permit for such use is obtained from the Zoning Board
of Appeals.
(2) Industrial uses. One space for each two employees, company vehicle,
custodian dwelling. No off-street parking except for visitors permitted
in front yard.
(3) Public and semipublic uses.
For churches: one space for each four seats plus one for each
clergyman and each two employees.
For community building: one space for each four seats, 60 square
feet floor area, two employees.
For schools: one space for each two employees, including teachers.
Loading and unloading space for buses.
For clubs: one space for each two members, two employees.
(4) Recreational uses.
For stadium: one space for each four seats and for each two
(5) Residential uses.
For dwellings: one space for each dwelling unit, to be provided
on a buildable portion of the lot.
For home occupation: one space for each employee. Where home
occupation is authorized, no off-site parking shall be permitted.
For boardinghouse, one space for each bedroom.
For multifamily dwellings, three spaces for each two units.
(6) For uses not listed herein: as established by the Zoning Board of
C. Calculation of required spaces. In the case of combination of uses,
the total requirements for off-street automobile parking spaces shall
be the sum of the requirements for the various uses, unless it can
be proven that staggered hours of use would permit modification. Whenever
a major fraction of a space is required, a full space shall be provided.
D. Dimensions for off-street automobile parking spaces. Every such space
provided shall be at least 10 feet wide and 20 feet long, and every
space shall have direct and usable driveway access to a street or
alley with minimum maneuver area between spaces as follows:
(1) Parallel curb parking: five feet end to end with twelve-foot aisle
width for one-directional flow and twenty-four-foot aisle width for
two-directional flow.
(2) Thirty-degree parking: thirteen-foot aisle width for one-directional
flow and twenty-six-foot aisle width for two-directional flow.
(3) Forty-five-degree parking: sixteen-foot aisle width for one-directional
flow and twenty-six-foot aisle width for two-directional flow.
(4) Sixty-degree parking: twenty-one-foot aisle width for one-directional
flow and twenty-six-foot aisle width for two-directional flow.
(5) Perpendicular parking: twenty-six-foot aisle width for one-directional
and two-directional flow.
E. Location of required spaces.
(1) In any residential district, required automobile parking spaces shall
be provided on a buildable portion of the same lot and shall not encroach
on any required yards or required open area.
(2) In commercial districts or industrial districts, such spaces shall
be provided on the same lot or not more than 400 feet therefrom.
(3) No open or enclosed parking area shall encroach on any required front
yard open areas. Open parking areas may encroach on a required side
or rear yard to within three feet of a property line.
(4) No entrance and exit drives connecting the parking area and the street
shall be permitted within 25 feet of the intersection of the public
F. Required off-street truck loading areas.
(1) For permitted commercial and industrial uses: one berth for 10,000
square feet of floor area, and one additional berth for each additional
25,000 square feet of floor area, unless it can be proven that truck
deliveries shall not exceed one vehicle per day.
(2) For funeral homes: one berth for each chapel.
(3) For hotels, motels and vacation resorts: one berth for floor area
in excess of 10,000 square feet.
(4) For office, business, and commercial uses: one berth for 10,000 square
feet to 25,000 square feet of floor area and one additional berth
for each additional 25,000 square feet of floor area.
(5) For manufacturing and permitted industrial uses: one berth for the
first 10,000 square feet of floor area and one additional berth for
each additional 40,000 square feet of floor area.
G. Dimensions for off-street loading berths. Each required loading berth
(open or enclosed) shall have the following minimum dimensions: 35
feet long, 12 feet wide and 14 feet high, except that berths for a
funeral home may be 20 feet long, 10 feet wide and eight feet high.
H. Location of required berths.
(1) All off-street loading areas shall be located on the same lot as
the use for which they are permitted or required. Open off-street
loading areas shall not encroach on any required front or side yard,
accessway or off-street parking area, except that in commercial districts,
off-street parking areas where they exist may be used for loading
or unloading, provided that such spaces shall not be so used for more
than three hours during the daily period that the establishment is
open for business.
(2) The location, number, size and design of loading and unloading areas
for nonresidential uses and the accessways thereto shall require the
approval of the Planning Board prior to the issuance of a building
permit or certificate of occupancy by the Building and Zoning Administrator.
I. Off-street parking spaces on corner lots. In all districts, except
industrial districts, off-street parking spaces on corner lots shall
be set back from side street line at a distance equal to front yard
requirements on such side street unless lots are back to back, in
which case they shall be set back at least 10 feet. The ten-foot setback
shall be planted with vegetation of sufficient density to screen the
parking lot from view.
J. Landscaping. At least 8% of the area of the lot usable for off-street
parking shall be devoted to landscaping with lawn, trees, shrubs or
other plant material. All loading berths and parking areas of three
or more spaces that abut a residential lot line, and any parking lot
for more than 20 cars, shall be screened by a six-foot-high solid
masonry wall, or compact evergreen hedge or a landscaped strip of
trees and shrubs so designed as to form a visual screen from the adjoining
property. All parking areas and landscaping shall be properly maintained
thereafter in a sightly and well-kept condition.
No sign or other device for advertising purposes of any kind
may be erected or established in the Town except and provided as follows:
A. Signs in residential districts. No sign or other device for advertising
purposes of any kind may be erected or established in any residential
district except and provided as follows:
(1) Permitted nonresidential uses and legal nonconforming nonresidential
uses, but not including home occupations, places of worship, libraries,
museums, social clubs or societies or day nurseries, may display one
sign or bulletin board pertaining to the use of property, having a
total face area of not more than 12 square feet, and not projecting
beyond the principal building of such use to which they are attached
more than 12 inches, except that where such nonresidential uses are
set back from property lines the sign may be in the ground, provided
that such ground signs shall not exceed 12 square feet in total face
area, shall not exceed four feet in height, and shall be no nearer
than 10 feet from the nearest point of sign to any property line.
If such freestanding signs face substantially at right angles to the
road and/or display in more than one direction, they shall have a
face area of not more than eight square feet per side, with no more
than two sides.
(2) Dwellings for five or more families may display one nonilluminated
sign identifying the premises, having an aggregate total face of not
more than eight square feet, and not projecting beyond the principal
building on the lot more than 12 inches.
(3) Any dwelling unit in a detached, attached or townhouse structure
may display one nameplate or professional sign not exceeding four
square feet in area.
(4) Any bed-and-breakfast may display one sign not exceeding six square
feet in area and not projecting more than 12 inches from the principal
building on the lot.
B. Signs in commercial districts.
(1) General commercial and neighborhood commercial districts. Not more
than two signs per business unit, having a total face area of not
more than one square foot per lineal foot of width for each foot of
principal frontage of the lot, may be displayed, but not to exceed
a total area of 50 square feet. Such signs shall not project more
than five feet beyond the principal building on the lot, and there
shall be not more than one projecting sign per business unit; provided,
further, that such signs shall not extend more than 20 feet above
the ground level or exceed the highest part of the building housing
the business or service advertised, whichever is less restrictive,
except in the case of pole signs, which shall be limited to a maximum
height of 35 feet above ground level. "Principal frontage," throughout
this subsection, shall mean the frontage of the lot adjacent to the
principal street in the case of a corner lot. Where a corner lot faces
two principal business streets, only one such frontage shall be considered
the "principal frontage."
(2) TN/MU1 and TN/MU2 Districts. Not more than two signs per business
unit are permitted. Prohibited signs include those using neon, mercury
vapor, low-pressure and high-pressure sodium, and metal halide lighting,
plastic panel rear-lighted signs, signs on roofs, dormers or balconies,
and billboards.
The maximum permitted height of a wall-mounted sign, having
a total face area of not more than 5% of the ground floor building
facade or 24 square feet, whichever is less, may be displayed no more
than 15 feet above the ground and shall project outward from the wall
to which it is attached no more than six inches. Wall-mounted building
directory signs are allowed identifying the occupants of a commercial
building with the area not to exceed three square feet and with each
tenant limited to one square foot.
One freestanding sign is allowed, and the area of the signboard
shall not exceed six square feet. The height of the top of the sign
or of any posts, brackets, or other supporting elements shall not
exceed six feet from the ground. The sign shall be architecturally
compatible with the style, composition, materials, colors and details
of the building. The sign shall not be illuminated after 10:00 p.m.,
and its location shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular
One directional sign directing visitors to a rear parking lot
is allowed and shall be wall mounted and shall be limited to three
square feet in area.
Painted window or door signs are allowed, provided that the
sign shall not exceed 10% of the window or door area or four square
feet, whichever is less.
Signs on an awning or valance are allowed. If an awning sign
is acting as the main business sign, it shall not be in addition to
a wall-mounted sign.
Projecting signs are allowed, providing that they have a clearance
of 10 feet and do not exceed 15 feet in height. The signboard area
shall not exceed six square feet. It shall not extend into any public
right-of-way. Projecting signs are not permitted in conjunction with
wall-mounted or freestanding signs.
Restaurants are permitted to place a sandwich board sign with
an area not to exceed five square feet (single-sided), provided that
the sign is located within four feet of the main entrance to the business
and the location does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation
and the sign is removed at the end of the business day.
C. Signs in industrial districts. One sign having an aggregate total
face area of not more than 80 square feet may be displayed for each
establishment, provided that such signs shall be located not nearer
than 10 feet to any property line, and provided, further, that such
signs shall not extend more than 20 feet above ground level or above
the height of the roof of a building at the point of location of the
sign, whichever is less restrictive, except in the case of a pole
sign, which shall be limited to a maximum height of 35 feet above
ground level.
D. Representational signs. No representational sign shall be permitted
in any district except such signs as shall be approved by the Planning
Board. Further, such sign shall not project more than five feet beyond
the principal structure to which it is attached and shall not have
a face area of more than 15 square feet. Only one such sign per establishment
shall be permitted.
E. Billboards. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter,
signs not pertaining to the use, sale, rent or lease of property on
the same lot, and signs not representing construction of subdivision
activity as allowed, are not permitted in any district, except that
signs for the purpose of directing persons to a local business or
community establishment may be erected in any district, providing
such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area per establishment,
shall conform with applicable regulations of the district in which
they are located, shall be grouped on community poles and shall be
approved by the Planning Board.
F. Projecting signs. Signs projecting into a public right-of-way shall
have a clearance of not less than 10 feet above the sidewalk or surrounding
ground and not less than 15 feet above any public driveway or thoroughfare.
No sign may project into any public right-of-way without approval
of the Planning Board.
G. Subdivision signs. Any person offering lots for sale in a subdivision
may erect nonilluminated, directional signs within the limits of the
subdivision, or adjoining property in the same ownership, having an
aggregate total face area of not more than 50 square feet. No subdivision
sign shall be erected without a permit. Permits shall be issued for
a period of one year and may be renewed for successive periods of
one year each, following annual determination by the Building and
Zoning Administrator that the signs are properly painted and in good
condition in each case.
H. Exemption from above regulations:
(1) Real estate signs which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the
premises upon which said signs are located, having an aggregate total
face of no more than six square feet within any residential district,
12 feet in any commercial district, or not more than 20 square feet
within any industrial district.
(2) One professional or business nameplate not exceeding two square feet
in area for any one professional or business establishment where such
signs would not otherwise be a permitted use.
(3) One sign denoting the architect, engineer, and/or contractor when
placed upon work under construction, and not exceeding 12 square feet
in area.
(4) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings, and dates of erection
when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze, stainless
steel, or similar material.
(5) Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, and such temporary,
emergency, or nonadvertising signs as may be authorized by the Town
(6) Posting of notice to the public pertaining to but not limited to
fishing or trespassing, provided that each such sign does not exceed
one square foot in area.
(7) Signs or bulletin boards customarily incident to places of worship,
libraries, museums, social clubs or societies, which signs or bulletin
boards shall not exceed 24 square feet in area and shall be located
on the premises of such institutions.
I. Illuminated signs. Illumination of signs shall not be of intermittent
or varying intensity or produce direct glare beyond the limits of
the side property line. Colored lights of such shape and hue that
they may be confused with official traffic lights and signals shall
be prohibited. All bare incandescent light sources and immediately
adjacent reflecting surfaces shall be shielded from view.
J. Banners. No sign or part thereof shall contain or consist of banners,
posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners or other similar moving,
fluttering or revolving devices which shall be displayed for no longer
than a two-week period. These devices, as well as strings of lights,
shall not be used for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention
when not part of a sign.
K. Window signs. No signs erected or maintained in the window of a building,
visible from any public or private street or highway, shall occupy
more than 10% of the area of said window.
L. Roof signs. No signs shall be placed on the roof of any building.
M. Posters. Temporary, nonpermanent posters covering such things as
political events, sporting events, shows and elections shall not be
displayed until four weeks prior to the event and must be removed
within four days after the event. No such sign shall be attached to
a street or utility pole.
N. All applications for approval of signs or for sign permits as required
by this chapter shall be in writing, in the form of a request for
a permit. Applications shall be to the Building and Zoning Administrator.
He shall refer each application to the Planning Board for its consideration.
The Planning Board shall then recommend to the Building and Zoning
Administrator, in writing, approval of the application, approval of
the application with modifications required for conformance with this
chapter specified in the approval, or disapproval. If the Planning
Board shall recommend disapproval, its reasons therefor shall be set
out in its records. If the Planning Board shall not make a written
recommendation to the Building and Zoning Administrator within 45
days after he shall have referred an application for an approval or
a permit to it, the application shall be deemed to have been approved
by the Planning Board without modification. The Building and Zoning
Administrator shall issue a permit for each approved application,
including therein any modifications required by the Planning Board
in accordance with this chapter.
O. No sign, including signs existing on the date of enactment of this
chapter, shall be erected or altered except in conformity with the
provisions of this chapter. Notwithstanding any other provisions set
out herein, all signs shall be kept clean, neatly painted and free
from all hazards, including but not limited to faulty wiring, loose
fastenings and weakened supports, and shall be maintained at all times
in such condition as to present no potential threat to public health
or safety.
(1) In the event a violation of any provision of this chapter relating
to signs shall exist, the Building and Zoning Administrator shall
give notice of the violation to the owner of the land on which the
sign is and to the owner of the sign, specifying the violation. Such
notice may be given orally to such owner or owners in person, in writing
personally delivered to such owner or owners, or in writing by depositing
the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to
such owner or owners at their residence or business address or addresses.
An owner's address, for purposes of mailing, shall be presumed to
be the address set out on any application for a permit for the sign
which he may have submitted to the Building and Zoning Administrator.
(2) A notice of violation in respect to a sign shall instruct the owners
of the land and of the sign to remove the violation, and they shall
be allowed 30 days from the date of personal notice, or the mailing
of notice, to do so. In the event the violation shall not be removed
within such time, the Building and Zoning Administrator shall revoke
any permit issued for such sign, and the owner or owners of the land
and of the sign shall remove the sign. If the owners of the land and
of the sign are not the same, they shall be individually and severally
responsible for removing the same.
P. Removal of signs.
(1) Any sign existing on or after the effective date of this chapter
which no longer advertises an existing business conducted or product
sold on the premises shall be removed by the owner of the premises
upon which such sign is located after written notice as provided herein.
The Building and Zoning Administrator, upon determining that any such
sign exists, shall notify the owner of the premises in writing to
remove the said sign within 30 days from the date of such notice.
Upon failure to comply with such notice within the prescribed time,
the Building and Zoning Administrator is hereby authorized to remove
or cause removal of such sign and shall assess all costs and expenses
incurred in said removal against the land or building on which such
sign is located, unless the existing contract between the owner of
signs or billboards and the owner of the land has limited the responsibility
of the owner of the land for removal of the sign.
(2) If the Building and Zoning Administrator shall find that any sign
regulated by this chapter is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to
the public, he shall give written notice to the named owner of the
sign and the named owner of the land upon which the sign is erected,
who shall remove or repair the said sign within 30 days from the date
of said notice. If the said sign is not removed or repaired, the Building
and Zoning Administrator shall revoke the permit issued for such sign,
as herein provided, and may remove or repair said sign and shall assess
all costs and expenses incurred in said removal or repair against
the land or building on which such sign was located. The Building
and Zoning Administrator may cause any sign which is a source of immediate
peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice.
Q. Advisory board. The Supervisor of the Town of Berne is hereby authorized
and empowered to appoint a sign and billboard advisory board consisting
of members of the Town Board, the Zoning Board and the Planning Board,
with such professional volunteers as they deem helpful or necessary.
The Town Board may, after the Planning Board review, public
notice and hearing, approve the development of a parcel of land for
industrial use and establish a special Industrial District for such
development in an RAF District subject to the following conditions:
A. Minimum acreage. The minimum required acreage of any industrial use/site
shall be 10 acres.
B. Application of regulations. Individual uses and structures in an
Industrial District need not comply with the specific building location,
height, lot size and open space requirements of the underlying basic
district. The overlay superimposes the regulations for the Industrial
District upon the underlying district.
C. Use regulations.
(1) Permitted uses:
Any use permitted by right in the Industrial District.
Any use permitted by special permit in the Industrial Districts
subject to the favorable approval thereof by the Board of Appeals.
(2) Prohibited uses:
Residential uses, except dwellings of caretakers and any and
all residential uses made and permitted prior to the establishment
of such Industrial District, shall be allowed to continue as permitted
All prohibited industrial uses listed in Article
III, §
190-8, Prohibited uses, herein.
Any use, although expressly allowed as a permitted use, shall
be prohibited if the particular application or adaptation of such
use is or shall become or cause a nuisance.
D. Performance standards.
(1) General standards. The following general standards are hereby adopted
for the control of uses in an Industrial District, and no use shall
be permitted, established, maintained, or conducted therein which
shall cause or be likely to cause:
Excessive smoke, fumes, gas, dust, odor or any other atmospheric
pollutant beyond the boundaries of the lot whereon such use is located.
What smoke is excessive shall be determined according to the Ringelmann's
Scale for Grading the Density of Smoke, published by the U.S. Bureau
of Mines, when the shade or appearance of such smoke is darker than
No. 2 on said Ringelmann Smoke Chart.
Noise, perceptible beyond the boundaries of the lot occupied
by such use causing the same.
Any pollution by discharge of any waste material whatsoever
into any watercourse, open ditch or land surface.
Discharge of any waste material whatsoever into any sanitary
disposal system or sewerage system, except only in accordance with
the rules of and under the control of public health authorities or
the public body controlling such sewerage system. Any chemical or
industrial waste which places undue loads, as determined by the Town
Engineer or the Building and Zoning Administrator, shall not be discharged
into any municipal system and must be treated by the industrial use.
The storage or stocking of any waste materials whatsoever.
Glare or vibration perceptible beyond the lot lines whereon
such use is conducted.
Hazard to person or property by reason of fire, explosion, radiation,
or other cause.
Any other nuisance harmful to persons or property.
(2) Specific standards. The following specific standards are hereby adopted
and must be complied with, for and by any use in any Industrial District
and before the same be permitted, established, maintained or conducted:
Storage facilities materials, supplies, or semifinished products
shall be stored on the rear 1/2 of the property and shall be screened
from any existing or proposed street.
Loading docks. No loading docks shall be on any street frontage.
Provisions for the handling of all freight shall be on those sides
of a building which do not face on any street or proposed streets,
and if a building shall front on a street or proposed street on all
sides, the loading dock shall be in the rear of the building unless
otherwise ordered by the Building and Zoning Administrator.
Landscaping. It is hereby declared that all areas of the plot
not occupied by buildings, parking, driveways or walkways, or storage
shall be landscaped attractively with lawn, trees, shrubs or other
plant material. Such landscaping shall take into consideration the
natural growth presently on the premises and the nature and condition
of the terrain as well as the situation of the lands and premises
themselves and with regard to adjoining lands and premises.
Fences and walls. Property that is adjacent to a residential
or commercial district shall be provided, along such property lines,
with a wall, fence, compact evergreen hedge or a landscaped strip
of trees and shrubs so designed as to form a visual screen not less
than six feet high at the time of planting. Except for landscaped
areas and parking areas, a use which is not conducted within a completely
enclosed building shall be screened by a six-foot solid masonry wall,
chain link fence covered with an evergreen vine, or compact evergreen
hedge. Where a front yard adjoins a street, the wall, fence or hedge
shall be located not closer to the street than the depth of the required
Off-street parking and loading: Refer to §
190-18 of this chapter.
Signs: Refer to §
190-19 of this chapter.
Buffer strip. In addition to the fences and walls, the entire
district must be separated along its outside boundary from any adjoining
residential zones by a buffer strip, suitably landscaped, at least
100 feet wide.
(3) Proper and adequate water supply, sewerage and waste disposal, other
utility services and accessibility to and from public streets must
be provided.
(4) Special consideration must be given to the traffic generated by each
proposed use in an Industrial District, and no undue traffic volumes
shall be permitted on residential streets. Such data are to be submitted
with each petition for amendment. No access drive for any Industrial
District shall be within 300 feet of and on the same side of the street
as a school, public library, theater, church or other public gathering
place, park playground, or fire station unless a street 50 feet or
more wide lies between such access drive and such building or use.
E. Area and bulk regulations. Area and bulk requirements shall be in
compliance with those for Industrial Districts as set forth in the
Density Control Schedule of this chapter.
F. The Planning Board, upon review of the proposed development, may
prescribe such additional conditions as are, in its opinion, necessary
to secure the objective of this chapter.
G. Procedure.
(1) Application for rezoning classification of a site shall be filed
by the owner or several owners jointly or the holder of a written
option of purchase of the site with the Secretary to the Town Board,
in writing on a form required by the Town Board, and shall be accompanied
by a certified check in an amount in accordance with the schedule
of fees as promulgated from time to time by the Town Board to help
defray the cost of advertising the hearing on said petition and incidental
disbursements. The applicant shall also submit the following:
A plan of the site and surrounding areas drawn to scale and accurately dimensioned in accordance with Article
190-58, Site plan approval, herein.
The use and height of each proposed building or structure, yard
lines, lot coverage, and number of parking spaces in each proposed
parking area, and the expected flow of traffic in and out of the area.
Any additional data as may be requested by the Planning Board
in order to determine the suitability of the tract for the proposed
(2) Each application shall be referred to the Planning Board. The Planning
Board shall report its recommendations thereon to the Town Board,
accompanied by a full statement of the reasons for such recommendations
prior to the public hearing. If the Planning Board fails to report
within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of notice or such
longer time as may have been agreed upon by it and the Town Board,
the Town Board may act without such report. If the Planning Board
disapproves the proposed amendment, or recommends modification thereof,
the Town Board shall not act contrary to such disapproval or recommendation
except by adoption of a resolution passed by 4/5 of its members fully
setting forth the reasons for such contrary actions.
H. The Town Board, by a resolution, shall fix the time and place of
public hearing and cause notice to be given as follows:
(1) By publishing a notice of the application and the time and place
of the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Town of Berne as designated by the Town Board not less than 10 days
prior to the date of the public hearing.
(2) By giving notice of hearing to any required municipal, county, state
or federal agency in the manner prescribed by law.
I. Upon approval of the proposed development, the new district established
shall be excepted from the provisions and controls of this chapter
only to the extent specified in the approval, and such new district
shall become a part of the regulations established herein, shall be
enforced in the same manner, and be similarly subject to amendment,
except that if construction of the proposed development is not commenced
within one year after approval of the Town Board, such approval shall
be revoked and such area shall be subject to the requirements of the
prior district regulations.