[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Riverside 12-4-1995 by Ord. No. 1295. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Riverside Borough has a commitment to provide a safe and helpful workplace for its employees and to ensure efficient services to our residents. We also recognize that in order to accomplish our goals, we must implement programs that will enable us to achieve our objectives in a cost-effective manner while respecting the rights of our workers.
For example, statistics show that employees who are substance abusers are absent from work about three times more often than other employees, are about one-third less productive when they are at work, and are about twice as likely to have industrial accidents. Such employees are also more likely to steal from their employer and their fellow employees, to have serious medical and emotional problems, and to disregard safety policies and procedures.
With these facts in mind, Riverside Borough must make every reasonable attempt to establish a work environment that is free from the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse, both directly and indirectly. The purpose of this chapter is not to discipline or discharge employees if they can be helped and rehabilitated. Rather, the idea is to help employees solve their drug and alcohol problems through counseling and rehabilitation. Discipline and discharge will normally result only if employees refuse to cooperate or, after having undergone a rehabilitation program, once again slip back into drug or alcohol problems.
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Assure that the workplace is free from the effects of drug and alcohol use and that employees are fit to perform their work duties and report for work regularly and on time.
Establish effective means to detect and deal with drug and alcohol abuse while respecting the rights of the workers. The rights of workers include the right to privacy, as defined by applicable law, to fair and evenhanded treatment, and to whatever rights may exist by reason of a contract, including a labor contract, governing their employment.
Comply with applicable state and federal law.
The testing program will cover at least the following substances present in the body: alcohol, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), marijuana, opiates (including heroin) and amphetamines.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has established mandatory drug and alcohol testing regulations that affect certain Borough of Riverside drivers and driver applicants. The Borough of Riverside is committed to complying with these federal regulations. Accordingly, the following DOT requirements will apply to all employees with CDLs and applicants for CDL positions:
Types of testing.
Preemployment. All applicants for positions requiring a CDL will be tested for alcohol and drugs prior to commencing employment with the Borough of Riverside. A driver applicant testing positive for alcohol or drugs will not be considered for employment with the Borough of Riverside.
Random testing. Each year, Riverside Borough will use a random process to select at least 50% of its CDL drivers who will be tested for the use of controlled substances. Additionally, at least 50% of its CDL drivers will be randomly tested for alcohol use in the first year of this chapter. Drivers selected on a random basis for testing will be required to supply a urine sample for the drug test and a blood sample for the alcohol test.
Reasonable cause testing. Testing will be required by Riverside Borough upon reasonable cause. The conduct necessitating testing, if at all feasible, shall have been witnessed by a supervisor. Each witness must have received training in the detection of probable drug or alcohol use by observing a person's behavior.
Mandatory post-accident testing.
Drivers will provide urine specimens for drug testing as soon as possible after a Riverside Borough vehicle accident, but in no case later than 32 hours after the accident. Drivers must be tested for alcohol as soon as possible after a motor vehicle accident. A driver may not consume alcohol until he has been tested.
An accident is defined as any involving:
Serious injury or a fatality.
The driver receiving a citation under state or local law for a moving violation arising from the accident.
If, as a consequence of an accident, a driver is seriously injured and cannot provide a specimen at the time of the accident, he must provide the necessary authorization for obtaining hospital records and other documents that will indicate whether there were any controlled substances or alcohol in his system at the time of the accident.
Procedures to follow when an employee is tested.
Inform the employee, in as private a setting as reasonably appropriate, that the employee is being taken for drug and/or alcohol testing. If the test is required by DOT regulation, the employee is also to be informed of that fact.
If the employee is represented by the union, attempt should be made to contact a union representative.
The employee is to be accompanied by a designated Borough official to the collection site.
Employees are required to follow all instructions communicated to them by the individual at the collection site.
Employees are also required to understand, and comply with, all the procedures set forth in the United States Department of Transportation's regulations.
If an employee refuses to be taken for testing, or refuses to cooperate in any way with the testing procedures, the employee shall be deemed to have voluntarily resigned employment with the municipality or be deemed to have violated this chapter.
Return-to-duty testing. If Riverside Borough offers a driver reemployment after the driver has been referred to an alcohol and substance abuse professional and the driver has undergone all recommended treatment, the driver will be tested for alcohol and drugs prior to being returned to duty. The driver must test negative prior to returning to duty.
Follow-up testing. Any driver who has returned to duty after a positive alcohol or drug test will be subject to unannounced follow-up tests for a period up to 60 months. There will be at least six follow-up tests for alcohol and three follow-up tests for drugs given during the first 12 months.
Other aspects of CDL policy.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Riverside Borough will establish an Employee Assistance Program, which will include the following:
An educational and training component for drivers, addressing alcohol and controlled substances;
An education and training component for supervisory personnel, addressing alcohol and controlled substances; and
A written statement, on file and available for inspection, outlining Riverside's EAP.
The EAP training program for all drivers and supervisory personnel will consist of at least 60 minutes of training. The training program will also include the following elements:
The effects and consequences of alcohol and/or controlled substance use on personal health, safety and the work environment;
The manifestations and behavioral causes that may indicate alcohol and/or controlled substance use or abuse; and
Documentation of training given to drivers and supervisory personnel.
Notification of test results. Riverside Borough will notify its drivers and driver applicants of the results of tests conducted pursuant to the DOT regulation. Drivers who test positive will also be advised specifically what drug or the amount of alcohol that was discovered.
Consequences of violating chapter; what constitutes a violation of chapter.
An employee will be deemed to have violated this chapter whenever the employee tests positive for alcohol or drugs, regardless of whether a supervisor, or anyone else, determines that the employee is impaired or that the employee's job performance was adversely affected.
A test is positive for alcohol when the result is 0.04 or greater for post-accident, reasonable suspicion, and random testing. A test is positive for alcohol when the result is 0.02 or greater for preemployment, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing. A test is positive for drugs whenever it exceeds the standards set forth in 49 CFR Part 40.
When a person tests positive for alcohol for post-accident, reasonable suspicion or on a random basis between 0.02 and 0.04, that employee will be removed from their position without pay for at least 24 hours.
Employees will also be deemed to have violated this chapter when they fail to cooperate as set forth in this chapter.
Employee to be removed from position.
An employee who tests positive will immediately be removed from their position without pay and sent to a substance abuse professional for an examination.
An employee who tests positive will be allowed one opportunity during their entire employment with the municipality to avoid discipline, provided they seek assistance and comply with all of the requirements set forth in this chapter.
The employee must be examined by a substance abuse professional acceptable to the Borough.
The employee must comply with all recommendations of the substance abuse professional.
The employee must periodically submit reports from any person or group designated by the substance abuse professional, confirming that employee is complying with any aftercare recommendations.
The employee must pass a return-to-work drug and alcohol test.
The employee must sign an agreement releasing all medical information relating to drug or alcohol use to the Borough, so that the Borough can ensure that the employee can perform the job safely, and providing for follow-up testing, upon demand, for a period of 12 months and further providing that the employee will be immediately discharged for a second violation of this chapter.
All of the records relating to the administration and results of the municipality's alcohol and drug testing program for its drivers will be maintained for a minimum period of five years, except that individual negative test results will be maintained for a minimum of 12 months.
There shall be a Medical Review Officer who is a licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy with knowledge of drug abuse disorders and who is employed by Riverside Borough to review alcohol and drug testing results in accordance with the DOT regulations. The Medical Review Officer for each subsidiary and/or division shall be the sole custodian of individual test results for that division. The Medical Review Officer shall retain the reports of individual test results for a minimum of five years.
Riverside Borough shall retain in the driver's personnel medical file information indicating only the following:
The employee submitted to a drug and/or alcohol test;
The date of such test;
The location of such test;
The identity of the person or entity performing the test; and
Whether the test finding was positive or negative.
Riverside Borough will also maintain an annual (calendar) year summary of the records related to the administration and results of the testing program for its drivers under the DOT regulations.
Access to test results and findings. No person may obtain the individual test results retained by the Medical Review Officer, and no Medical Review Officer shall release the individual test results of any employee, to any person without first obtaining written authorization from the tested individual, unless otherwise required by law.
Employees shall not use, sell, possess or receive alcohol or illegal drugs or distribute or sell prescription drugs while on duty. Violation of these rules will subject the employee to discipline, up to and including termination, subject to any applicable provisions and procedures of a collective bargaining agreement. "Illicit drugs" includes prescription drugs for which the employee does not have a valid prescription.
Riverside Borough reserves the right, upon reasonable suspicion, to ask for consent to search the vehicle or personal property of any employee during working hours or while on Riverside Borough's property or designated workplace.
Any employee refusing to consent to or cooperate with a reasonable search or investigation will be relieved of duty and removed from the workplace, resulting in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination, for insubordination.
Prescription drugs must be kept in their original container identifying the drug, dosage, date of prescription and physician. Employees are required to notify their supervisor if taking a prescription drug that could impair their working ability or alertness.
Third-party or contractor employees, while on Riverside Borough property, will also be subjected to this chapter, with violations resulting in removal from the premises.
Off-duty conduct. Employees are also expected not to engage in any off-duty or off-premises drug or alcohol-related conduct which may affect their work performance or which causes adverse publicity to Riverside Borough.
Riverside Borough reserves the right to add to, change, or modify this chapter, in its sole discretion, and to terminate any employee at any time, except as those rights are restricted by law or by any applicable collective bargaining obligation or agreement. Riverside Borough accepts no liability in the event of an alleged breach of any of the policies or procedures set forth in this chapter.
Riverside Borough encourages every employee and prospective employee voluntarily to comply with this chapter, not only for his or her own safety, but for the safety of others. Because of its importance, Riverside Borough will take all necessary steps to ensure implementation of and compliance with this chapter.
This chapter will be limited by any applicable federal or state law or municipal ordinance and by any applicable collective bargaining agreements. Any portion of this chapter which directly conflicts with such a collective bargaining agreement will not be implemented for that bargaining unit, but shall be severable and shall not affect the validity and enforcement of the remainder of this chapter.
This chapter and this document (or any accompanying document executed or delivered pursuant to or in connection with this chapter) are not intended to confer any contractual or other rights or claims in favor of Riverside Borough employees.
Any failure to implement this chapter, or any part thereof, or any variation, addition, or omission to the procedures set forth in this chapter shall not confer any contractual or other rights or claims in favor of the employee not otherwise conferred by law. (You remain employed at-will.)