The applicant shall have the option of seeking the advice of the administrative officer as to which approvals are required and the appropriate board for hearing same, or of filing an application and proceeding before the board which the applicant believes to be appropriate. The administrative official's determination and advice shall be presumed to be correct but not be binding on the boards or on the governing body. Application forms and checklist shall be obtained from and filed with secretary of the board to which the application is made.
A development application shall be complete for purposes of commencing the applicable time period for action by the approving authority when so certified by the approving authority or its authorized committee or designee as set forth in § 60-18B. In the event that the board, committee, or designee does not certify the application to be complete within 45 days of the date of its submission, the application shall be deemed complete upon the expiration of the forty-five-day period for purposes of commencing the applicable time period unless the application lacks information indicated on the checklist of items to be submitted specified herein and provided in writing to the applicant, and the approving authority or its authorized committee or designees has notified the applicant, in writing, of the deficiencies in the application within 45 days of submission of the application. The applicant may request that one or more of the submission requirements be waived, in which event the Board or its authorized committee in accordance with the provisions of § 60-37, shall grant or deny the request within 45 days of the date of its submission. Nothing herein shall be construed as diminishing the applicant's obligation to prove in the application process that the applicant is entitled to approval of the application.
An applicant may appeal the committee or designee's decision concerning the completeness of an application to the Board which has jurisdiction to hear the application. The Board shall have 45 days after receipt of a written request to schedule a public hearing, at which time the Board will determine if the application is complete. The Board shall affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the committee or designee.
The Land Use Board or other approving authority upon written request of the applicant, may waive any plat or plan details required in any checklist as required by the provisions of this article where it finds that said waived detail is not required in order to adequately review the plat or plan, is not relevant to the development activity proposed or the property upon which it is located, and that the waiving of said detail(s) shall not be detrimental to the adopted Township Master Plan or the provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 4-22-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003; 12-28-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-11; 12-8-2009 by Ord. No. 15-2009]
The following checklists to be used in determining the completeness of any development application submitted to the approval authority, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter:
Schedule A
General Requirements
Schedule B
Minor Site Plan Application Plan Information Requirements
Schedule C
Preliminary Major Site Plan Information Requirements
Schedule D
Land Subdivision
Schedule E
Environmental Impact Statement Plan Information Requirements
Schedule F
Site Plan for Sign Permit
Schedule G
General Development Plan
Schedule H
Forestry Permit
Schedule I
Variance Application
Schedule J
Supplemental Details for Specific Uses
Schedule K
Local Communications Facilities Application - Supplemental Information
Schedule K-1.1
Local Existing Tower Collocation Communication Facility Application - Supplemental Information
Schedule L
Soils Movement
Schedule M
Stormwater Management
Editor's Note: The checklists are included at the end of this chapter.