[Adopted 8-14-1991 by Ord. No. 13-1991]
Any person or entity seeking to construct or open a new driveway entering into a Township street or road shall first obtain a Township street access permit from the Township Zoning Officer.
Any person or entity seeking to construct a new dwelling or principal structure on any land fronting on a Township street or road shall first obtain a Township street access permit for any driveways, including existing driveways, that will service said dwelling or principal structure.
Any person or entity before commencing a new or expanded use on any land fronting on a Township street or road shall first obtain a Township street access permit from the Township Zoning Officer.
No construction permit or zoning permit shall be issued for any dwelling, structure or use until the Township street access permit required by this article in connection therewith has been issued.
The fee for a Township street access permit shall be as indicated in Chapter A120, Fees, for each driveway entrance onto the Township street or road.
The following regulations shall govern the issuance of a Township street access permit:
No driveway shall be within 10 feet of any property line unless such driveway is shared by an adjacent house.
No driveway shall be constructed in such a way as to create a drainage problem on an adjacent property or onto the Township road.
Driveways shall enter the street or road right-of-way at an angle between 75° and 105°.
The portion of the driveway between the edge of the existing road pavement of the Township street and the right-of-way line will be paved by the landowner applicant with a minimum pavement thickness of 2 1/2 inches FABC-2 and six inches of quarry blend. The Township Engineer shall have the discretion to permit an equivalent alternative to the six inches of quarry blend.
[Amended 5-26-1993 by Ord. No. 4-93]
Any curb opening shall be properly reconstructed to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer. Where curbing does not exist and conditions warrant, an adequate drainpipe shall be installed by the owner at the owner’s expense as determined by the Township Engineer.
Driveway grades shall not exceed 8% for a distance of 40 feet from any right-of-way line.
Driveway widths shall conform to the design standard specified in Chapter 60, Land Use and Development, of the Code of the Township of Pittsgrove if subject to site plan review. For uses and structures which are not subject to site plan review, driveways shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a maximum width of 20 feet.
Driveways shall be constructed and maintained in adequate condition to permit access by emergency vehicles.
All entrance and exit driveways to a road shall be located to afford maximum safety to traffic on the road. Where a site occupies a corner of two intersecting roads, no driveway entrance or exit may be located within 50 feet of the tangent of the existing or proposed curb radius of that site.
The maximum number of driveways provided from a single lot directly to any Township road shall be as follows:
Length of Lot Frontage
Maximum Number of Driveways
200 or less
201 to 800
Over 800
In order to apply for a Township street access permit, the applicant shall submit a sketch plat providing the following information about the driveway for which the permit is sought:
Location of driveway with regard to the property lines.
All existing features with 50 feet of the driveway, including but not limited to the curb, utility poles, drainage swales, drainage structures, trees and driveways.
Grading of driveway for the first 40 feet from the right-of-way.
Any drainage structures proposed or existing.
Materials of construction.
[Amended 1-25-1995 by Ord. No. 2-1995]
No certificate of occupancy under Chapter 60, Land Use and Development, or under Chapter 37, Uniform Construction Codes, shall be issued for any new dwelling or principal building or new or enlarged use unless and until the Township Zoning Officer or Township Engineer verifies that the driveway(s) subject to the Township street access permit have been constructed in accordance with the permit; provided, however, that a conditional certificate of occupancy may be issued between December 1 and April 30 of each year if driveway access cannot be constructed due to weather conditions, subject to the condition that said driveway access shall be constructed within reasonable time after weather conditions permit but in no event later than May 15 next.