Purpose. The purpose of this section is to increase the education, appreciation and communication of the heritage of the City through the establishment of the position of City of Trenton Historian, for the recreation, education, inspiration and enrichment of the residents of the City.
Authority. This section is authorized by "Local Historians Enabling Act," N.J.S.A. 40:10A-1 et seq.
Establishment of position. There is hereby established, as an officer of the City, the position of City of Trenton Historian.
Appointment; term. The City Historian shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The City Historian shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Compensation; expenses. The City Historian shall serve without compensation. The City Council may annually appropriate such funds as may be necessary to reimburse the City Historian for expenses incurred in the performance of the duties and responsibilities set forth in this section.
Powers; responsibilities. The City Historian shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
To recommend an historical program, including, but not limited to, collecting, preserving and making available materials relating the history of the City.
To store such materials in such a manner as to insure their preservation, and to notify the State Archivist, New Jersey Historical Commission, county local historian and City Council of any materials which should be acquired for preservation.
Upon leaving the position, to turn over all materials, records and reports into the possession of the successor, if then appointed, or to the City Council until a successor shall be appointed.
To report to the Mayor and City Council as necessary concerning the work performed and accomplished.
To recommend the research, writing and publication of a history of the City, and to recommend appropriate historical materials for publication.
To assist the Landmarks Commission for Historic Preservation, as well as advise the Mayor and City Council, concerning the acquisition, administration, use and disposition of any landmark or historic site, including such places in the City included on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places.
There is hereby established a Zoning Board of Adjustment, as more fully set forth in section 19-13 of this revision.
A Planning Board is hereby established, as more fully set forth in Chapter 315, Zoning and Land Development, of this Code.
Creation; powers.
There shall be a Municipal Court in the City pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq., as amended and supplemented, to be known as the "Municipal Court of the City of Trenton, Mercer County." The Municipal Court shall have a seal bearing the impress of the name of the Court.
The Municipal Court shall be held in the City Hall of the City of Trenton or such other place as the City Council shall designate from time to time, and shall exercise all of the functions, powers, duties and jurisdiction conferred upon Municipal Courts by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq., as amended or supplemented, or any other law.
Municipal Judges.
Power and duties. There shall be three full-time judges of the Municipal Court appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council, who shall serve for three-year terms from the date of appointment and until a successor shall be appointed and qualified. The Mayor may appoint two part-time judges of the Municipal Court, with the advice and consent of the City Council, who shall serve for a three-year term from the date of appointment and until a successor shall be appointed and qualified. One of the full-time judges shall be designated at the time of appointment, or at any time thereafter, as Chief Judge of the Municipal Court, and shall be responsible during his/her term for the establishment and enforcement of the rules, policies and procedures relating to the operation of the Court, as well as the general management of the Court and its personnel. Each Municipal Court Judge shall have and possess the qualifications and shall have, possess and exercise all of the functions, duties, powers and jurisdiction conferred by law. The part-time judges shall not be required to devote full time to judicial duties to the exclusion of such other professional pursuits as are permitted by the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey.
[Amended 7-10-2008 by Ord. No. 08-38; 10-5-2017 by Ord. No. 17-62]
Compensation. The salary range for the Chief Judge and for Municipal Judges shall be as set by ordinance.
Municipal Court Administrator. There shall be an Administrator of the Municipal Court who shall be appointed in the manner provided by law and who shall perform such functions and duties as shall be prescribed by law, the rules applicable to Municipal Courts and by the Municipal Judge. The Administrator's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
Carrying out the rules, regulations, policies and procedures relating to the operation of the Court.
Interviewing and speaking to prospective complainants; receiving complaints and dispensing information relating to Court matters.
Maintaining the financial records of the Court.
Attending Court, taking minutes of trials and entering them in the docket; arranging trial calendars; signing Court documents; preparing and issuing warrants and commitments.
Taking and preparing bail bonds, making inquiry as to their sufficiency and equity; receiving and accounting for fines and costs.
Interviewing persons on informal Police Court matters to determine if there is a basis for formal action and, if necessary, issuing summonses requiring Court appearances in this regard; maintaining and classifying records and files.
Violations Clerk. There shall be a violations Clerk of the Municipal Court who, under the direction of the Municipal Court Administrator, shall:
Perform the necessary clerical work in relation to appearances, waivers of trial, pleas of guilty and payment of fines and costs in traffic violations.
Keep proper records and entries of summonses, amounts of fines, and their classification in such books or other records and machines provided for this purpose, as well as the names and addresses of the persons, the amount of the fines and dates of payment.
Periodically prepare reports concerning traffic violations and other cases, and such other duties as the Municipal Court Clerk shall from time to time prescribe, order and direct.
Chief Municipal Prosecutor and Chief Municipal Public Defender.
[Added 1-17-2008 by Ord. No. 08-03]
The title of Chief Municipal Prosecutor is hereby created subject to applicable law.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 2B:25-4.
The title of Chief Municipal Public Defender is hereby created subject to applicable law.[2]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 2B:24-3.
The salary ranges for the Chief Municipal Prosecutor and the Chief Municipal Public Defender shall be the salary range for division directors in the City of Trenton.
Preamble. The greatly increased use by the public of motor vehicles of all kinds has caused serious traffic congestion on the streets of the City; and the parking of motor vehicles on the streets has contributed to this congestion to such an extent as to interfere seriously with the primary use of such streets for the movement of traffic; and such parking prevents the free circulation of traffic in, through and from other municipalities, impedes rapid and effective fighting of fires and the disposition of police forces and endangers the health, safety and welfare of the general public; and such parking threatens irreparable loss in valuations of property in portions of the City which can no longer be readily reached by vehicular traffic; and this parking crisis which threatens the welfare of the community can be reduced by providing sufficient off-street parking facilities properly located in the several residential, commercial and industrial areas of the City; and adequate provisions of properly located terminal space for automobiles is a public responsibility; and the parking problem cannot be remedied by regulatory processes and cannot be effectively dealt with by private enterprise, and the establishment of a parking authority will promote the public safety, convenience and welfare.
Creation. Pursuant to the provisions of the Parking Authority Law of the State of New Jersey, Chapter 198 of the Laws of 1948 (N.J.S.A. 40:11A-1 et seq.), there shall be a body corporate and politic to be known as the "Parking Authority of the City of Trenton," subject to all the rights, powers and duties vested in and conferred upon it by the terms and provisions of the aforesaid statute.
Appointment of Commissioners. The Parking Authority of the City of Trenton shall consist of seven persons as Commissioners of the Authority. Five persons shall be appointed by the governing body of the City of Trenton, and two additional Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor. The five Commissioners who are first appointed by the governing body shall be designated to serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively, from the date of their appointment, but, thereafter, Commissioners shall be appointed as aforesaid for a term of five years. The two Commissioners who are first appointed by the Mayor shall be designated to serve for terms of one and two years, respectively, from the date of their appointment; but, thereafter, Commissioners shall be appointed as aforesaid for a term of five years. All vacancies, however, shall be filled for the unexpired term.
[Added 3-5-2009 by Ord. No. 09-08]
Parking management. The City of Trenton may delegate the management and operation of "on-street" and other parking meters and related parking facilities owned by the City of Trenton, and the enforcement of all of the applicable laws, ordinances and regulations as to the parking of vehicles in the City of Trenton to the Parking Authority of the City of Trenton subject to the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement to be negotiated by the Mayor, and separately approved by City Council resolution.
[Added 3-5-2009 by Ord. No. 09-08]
Eminent domain. No real property shall be acquired by the Parking Authority of the City of Trenton without the consent of the City Council.
[Added 3-5-2009 by Ord. No. 09-08]
There exists in the City of Trenton unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations and persons of low income are forced to reside in such unsanitary or unsafe accommodations; and in the City there is a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at rents which persons of low income can afford and such persons are forced to occupy overcrowded and congested dwelling accommodations; and the aforesaid conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City and impair economic values; and those conditions necessitate excessive and disproportionate expenditures of public funds for crime prevention and punishment, public health and safety, fire and accident protection, and other public services and facilities.
These areas in the City cannot be cleared, nor can the shortage of safe and sanitary dwellings for persons of low income be relieved, through the operation of private enterprise, and the construction of housing projects for persons of low income, as defined in the Local Housing Authorities Law, would therefore not be competitive with private enterprise.
The clearance, replanning and reconstruction of the area in which unsanitary or unsafe housing conditions exist and the providing of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations by any public body for persons of low income are public uses and purpose for which public money may be spent and private property acquired and are governmental functions.
It is in the public interest that work on projects for such purposes be commenced as soon as possible in order to relieve unemployment.
Creation. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Development and Housing Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.), there shall be a body corporate and politic to be known as the "Housing Authority of the City of Trenton", subject to all the rights, powers and duties of the aforesaid law.
Creation. There shall be a free library known as the "Trenton Free Public Library," governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven members. One member shall be the Mayor or the Superintendent of Schools, and the Mayor shall appoint five additional trustees for terms of five years each pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:54-9. At least four of the five citizen members shall be residents of the City of Trenton.
Powers of Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall hold in trust and manage all property of the library. It may rent rooms or, when proper, construct buildings for the use of the library; purchase books, pamphlets, documents, papers and other reading matter; hire librarians and other necessary personnel, and fix their compensation; make proper rules and regulations for the government of the library; and exercise all of the powers contained in N.J.S.A. 40:54-1 et seq., that a board of trustees of a free public library may exercise, including the doing of all things necessary and proper for the establishment and maintenance of the Trenton Free Public Library.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-3 1, there is hereby created within the City of Trenton a Public Employees Awards Committee to consist of five members appointed by the Mayor for terms provided therein.
The Committee shall establish appropriate rules and regulations for the conduct and operation of the awards program, which is designed to promote efficiency and economy in government functions, and to reward individual employees for meritorious suggestions, copies of same to be on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Cash awards shall be paid from funds appropriated therefor in the Department of Administration. [1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Committee shall report at least annually to the Mayor and City Council concerning the awards program.
The Mayor shall appoint a Citizens Advisory Committee on Parks and Recreation to advise and consult with the Superintendent. With the aid and assistance of the Committee, the Superintendent shall plan and develop recreational facilities; promote and direct an all-year program of cultural/recreational activities for children, youth and adults; and provide for the optimum coordination and development of public and private recreational facilities and programs.
General. The Mayor and City Council find and declare that:
The spirit and direction of this City, state and nation are founded upon and reflected in Trenton's historic past.
The historical and cultural foundations of the City should be preserved as a living part of our community life and development in order to give a sense of orientation to the people of Trenton and visitors.
In the face of ever-increasing urban development, the present governmental and nongovernmental historic preservation programs and activities are inadequate to ensure future generations a genuine opportunity to appreciate and enjoy the rich heritage of this City.
Although private agencies and individuals should continue to play a vital role, it is nevertheless necessary and appropriate for the City to begin a comprehensive preservation program by the creation of a Landmarks Commission for Historic Preservation.
Duties of Commission. To ensure the goal of fostering civic pride in the beautiful and noble accomplishments of the past, the Landmarks Commission for Historic Preservation shall:
Effect and accomplish the protection, enhancement and perpetuation and restoration of such improvements and districts which represent or reflect elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.
Safeguard the City's historic, aesthetic and cultural heritage, as embodied in such improvements and districts.
Protect and enhance the City's attractions to tourists and visitors and the support and stimulus to business thereby provided.
Promote the use of historic districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the citizens of this City and its visitors.
Strengthen, through its actions, the economy of the City.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean and include:
Any act defined as an alteration by the Building Code of the City of Trenton as set forth in the standard building code of New Jersey.[1] An alteration or construction shall be deemed to be "major" if it is the kind of work which is not normally done without the aid of plans or specifications; an alteration or construction shall be deemed to be "minor" if it is the kind of work which is normally done without the aid of plans, specifications or skilled labor and which would not substantially or radically change the external appearance of the site.
The Landmarks Commission for Historic Preservation.
Any day other than Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday; provided, however, that for the purpose of Subsection H, the term "day" shall mean every day in the week.
The architectural style, design, general arrangement and components of all the outer surfaces of an improvement, as distinguished from the interior surfaces enclosed by said exterior surfaces, including, but not limited to, the kind and texture of the building material, and the type and style of all windows, doors, lights, signs, and other features appurtenant to such improvements.
Any area which:
Contains improvements which:
Have a special character or special historic or aesthetic interest or value.
Represent one or more periods or styles of architecture typical of one or more eras in the history of the City, state or nation.
Cause such area, by reason of such features, to constitute a distinct section of the City.
Has been designated as an Historic District pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Any building, structure, place, work of art or other object constituting a physical betterment of the real property, or any part of such betterment.
The unit of real property which:
Includes a physical betterment constituting an improvement and the land embracing the site thereof.
Is treated as a single entity for the purpose of levying taxes, provided that the term "improvement parcel" shall also include any unimproved area of land which is treated as a single entity for such tax purposes.
An interior, or part thereof, any part of which is 30 years old or older, and which is customarily open or accessible to the public, or to which the public is customarily invited, and which has a special historical or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, and which has been designated as an interior landmark pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Any improvement, any part of which has a special character or special historic or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, state or nation and which has been designated as a landmark pursuant to the provisions of this section.
An improvement parcel or part thereof on which is situated a landmark and any abutting improvement parcel or part thereof used as and constituting part of the premises on which the landmark is situated, and has been designated a landmark site pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Work done on any improvement.
Replacement of any part of an improvement for which a permit issued by the central permit office is not required by law, where the purpose and effect of such work or replacement is to correct any deterioration or decay of or damage to such improvement or any part thereof and to restore same, as nearly as may be practicable, to its condition prior to the occurrence of such deterioration, decay or damage.
Any person or persons having such right to, title to or interest in any improvement so as to be legally entitled, upon obtaining the required permits and approvals from the City agencies having jurisdiction over building construction, to perform with respect to such property any demolition, construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration or other work as to which such person seeks the authorization or approval of the Commission.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 42, Building Construction.
Commission membership, appointments and procedures.
Members; appointment. The Commission shall consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
Classes. The membership shall be divided into three classes:
Class A: a person who is knowledgeable in building design and construction or architectural history.
Class B: a person who is knowledgeable or with a demonstrated interest in local history.
Class C: regular members who are not designated as Class A or Class B. Class C members shall be citizens of the City who shall hold no other municipal office, position or employment, except for membership on the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Composition. At least one of the Commission members shall be from Class A. At least one of the Commission members shall be from Class B. No less than four of the regular members of the Commission shall be from Classes A and B combined.
Terms; designation of term and class. Appointees shall serve for a period of four years, provided that of those first taking office, four shall be appointed for two years and five shall be appointed for four years. At the time of appointment, the term and class of each appointee shall be designated.
Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled by an appointee of the Mayor. The appointee shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Organization; meetings; compensation; staff.
The Commission shall elect from its membership a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.
The Commission shall create rules and procedures for the transaction of its business, subject to the following regulations:
A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five of the Commission's members.
The Commission shall keep minutes and records of all meetings and proceedings, including voting records, attendance, resolutions, findings, determinations and decisions. All such material shall be public record.
All meetings shall be open to the public, and notice of meetings shall be posted 48 hours in advance, provided that emergency meetings may be held without prior notice.
The Commission members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of official business.
Within the limits of funds appropriated generally for the performance of its work, the Commission may obtain the services of qualified persons to direct, advise and assist the Commission, and may obtain the equipment, supplies and other material necessary to its effective operation.
Alternate members. Alternate members of the Commission may be appointed in the following manner:
Alternate members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The alternates selected shall be designated as Alternate No. 1 and Alternate No. 2.
Alternate members shall meet the qualification of Class C members.
Alternate members shall be appointed for two-year terms.
Powers and duties.
The Landmarks Commission shall have the responsibility to perform in an advisory capacity the following duties:
Prepare and maintain a survey of sites worthy of consideration and protection within the City of Trenton.
Make recommendations to the Planning Board on the historic preservation plan element of the Master Plan and on the implications for preservation of historic sites of any other Master Plan elements.
Advise the Planning Board on the inclusion of historic sites in the recommended capital improvement program.
Advise the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment on applications for development pursuant to the provision of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
Provide written reports, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., on the application of the zoning provisions concerning historic preservation.
Carry out such other advisory, educational and informational functions as will promote historic preservation.
Report and recommend to the Zoning or Planning Board on such matters as applications for certificates of appropriateness as may be referred to the Commission in connection with a building permit application site plan approval or other procedure pending before such Board.
Periodically publish lists and related information regarding historic and architecturally significant landmarks. It shall have the authority to propose modifications and additions to the list based on study and recommendations, including special hearings to be conducted in the discretion of the Commission.
Issue its advice and recommendations for preservation by way of periodic or special reports to the Planning Board stating reasons in support of its action with respect to each landmark, landmark site and historic district designation.
Review all applications for permits pertaining to historic sites on property in historic districts pertaining to those aspects of the proposed changes which were not determined by approval of an application for development. The Commission shall submit its report to the Director of Inspections. Such report shall be submitted within 45 days of the referral of the application to the Commission. If within the forty-five-day period the Historic Preservation Commission recommends to the administrative officer against the issuance of a permit or recommends conditions to the permit to be issued, the administrative officer shall deny issuance of the permit or include the conditions in the permit, as the case may be. Failure to report within the forty-five-day period shall be deemed to constitute a report in favor of issuance of the permit and without the recommendation of conditions to the permit.
The Commission shall make recommendations to the Planning Board for the designations of landmark sites and districts in accordance with Subsection E(2) hereof.
Designation of landmarks. Landmark sites and Historic Districts.
The Commission shall make a comprehensive survey of the City of Trenton for the purpose of identifying landmarks, landmark sites and Historic Districts and interior landmarks which are worthy of protection and preservation because of their historical, cultural, social or architectural significance which is hereinafter defined.
Based on the survey and upon the recommendation of concerned citizens, the Commission shall document the importance and historical or architectural significance to the City, state or nation of each landmark designation. Thereafter, the Commission, by certified mail, shall:
Notify each owner that his/her property has been tentatively designated an historical or architectural landmark.
Advise each owner of the significance and consequences of such tentative designation, and advise him/her of the opportunities and rights to challenge or contest such designation.
Invite each owner to voluntarily consent to final designation without the need of public hearing or other procedures.
The Commission shall as soon as practicable make public a complete list of the tentatively designated landmarks and districts specifying the locations, boundaries and popular names thereof. The tentative list shall thereafter be submitted at a public hearing to the examination and criticism of the public. Interested persons shall be entitled to present their opinions, suggestions and objections at this public hearing.
After full consideration of the evidence brought forth at the special hearing, the Commission shall make its final decisions on the designations and shall issue its final report to the public stating reasons in support of its action with respect to each landmark, landmark site, and historic district designation.
The list shall be submitted thereafter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation for approval to the City Council, in accordance with Subsection 19-21.2.
After a complete list of designations has been composed and approved by City Council, the landmarks, landmark sites and Historic Districts affected shall be plotted on an appropriate map and kept as the permanent designation record of the Commission.
Updated copies of the designation list and official map shall be made public and distributed to the Bureau of Building Inspection, the Bureau of Housing Inspections and the Zoning Inspector. Certificates of designation shall be issued to the owner of each site included in the final list as amended, and official notification of each property so designated shall be filed with the City tax receiver for recording on the tax records of the designated landmark property in the same manner as a tax lien upon the property.
Each designated landmark, landmark site and Historic District may be marked by an appropriate plaque carrying a brief description and account of the historical significance of the property.
Special projects. The Commission shall investigate and pursue any special projects, including but not limited to restoration projects and projects coordinated with groups having similar purposes, provided that such special projects are directly related to the purpose of this section. The Commission shall also act in an advisory capacity to citizens of Trenton who are interested in the historic preservation or restoration of their property.
Funding. The City Council shall annually appropriate funds, within budget limitations, for operation of the Commission. The Commission shall endeavor to avail itself of financial assistance from federal, state or private sources.
Guidelines for restoration of City Hall.
No person shall make or direct to be made any change in the present existing design, structure, decor or other architectural or aesthetic feature of City Hall except in faithful compliance with the official guidelines entitled "City Hall Restoration Guidelines," a copy of which is annexed hereto and 10 copies of which shall be maintained on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Prior to commencement of any such work, the person responsible for preparing specifications for or authorizing such work shall obtain the review and comment of the Landmarks Commission.
Violations of any provision of this section shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty.
Established. A public parking system utility is hereby established in and for the City of Trenton, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:60-25.1(D).
Revenue and accounting. All future revenue and accounting on the public parking system utility shall be on a dedicated utility basis in conformity with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-33. All moneys derived from operation of the public parking system utility and any other moneys applicable to its support shall be segregated and kept in a separate fund which shall be known as the "Public Parking System Utility Fund." All disbursements for operation and maintenance for the public parking system utility shall be taken from the Public Parking System Utility Fund.
Dedicated budget. The dedicated budget of the public parking system utility shall include appropriations for operating expenses, capital improvements, debt services for payment of any public parking system utility bonds which may be issued, principal and interest and all other deferred charges and statutory expenses as may be required.
Creation and composition. There is hereby established the City of Trenton Construction Board of Appeals. The Board shall consist of five members to be appointed by the Mayor. Each member of the Board shall be qualified by experience or training to perform the duties of members of the Construction Board of Appeals and shall be appointed for a term of four years; provided, however, that for the initial appointment, two of the appointees shall have terms of four years, one appointee shall have a term of one year, one shall have a term of two years and one shall have a term of three years. It shall be the responsibility of the Mayor to designate length of initial term for which each of his/her nominees shall be considered.
Compensation and duties. The Construction Board of Appeals shall serve without remuneration or salary and shall be responsible for hearing appeals from decisions rendered by the appropriate code enforcement official in the manner provided by N.J.S.A. 52:27D-127. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish its own procedural rules and determine its own time and place for convening, in accordance with the said state law and in accordance with the regulations established by the Commissioner of Community Affairs.
Appeal procedure. When a code enforcement official such as the Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector or any similar construction enforcement official refuses to grant an application or refuses to act upon an application for a construction permit or when the enforcing agency makes any other decision pursuant or related to the appropriate construction code or State Uniform Construction Code, an owner or his/her authorized agent may appeal in writing to the Board. The Board shall hear the appeal, render a decision thereon and file its decision with a statement of the reasons therefor with the enforcing officer from which the appeal has been taken not later than 10 business days following submission of the appeal, unless such period of time has been extended with consent of the applicant. Such decision may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the enforcing officer or remand the matter to the enforcing officer for further action. A copy of the decision shall be forwarded by certified or registered mail to the party taking the appeal. Failure by the Board to hear the appeal, render and file a decision thereon within the time limits prescribed in this subsection shall be deemed a denial of the appeal for purposes of a complaint, application or appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction. A record of all decisions made by the Board, properly indexed, shall be kept by the enforcing officer and shall be subject to public inspection during business hours.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 42, Building Construction.
Establishment. There is hereby established a Board of Review, which Board shall have the authority pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-30 to review decisions of the purchasing agent with respect to the qualification, classification or reclassification of persons or business agencies applying for the same pursuant to the state law.
The Board shall consist of one member of the City Council to be designated by motion of the City Council and two citizens of the City to be designated by motion of the City Council. The City Clerk shall serve as secretary to the Board of Review and shall keep a complete record of its proceedings and decisions. All members of the Board shall serve without compensation.
The Board shall select its presiding officer and shall make reasonable rules for the conduct of its business and for the holding of hearings.
Request for review. Any prospective bidder seeking to appeal the decision of the Purchasing Agent with respect to his/her qualification, classification or reclassification shall be required to submit a request for review, in writing, to the City Clerk no later than 30 days following receipt of the decision of the Purchasing Agent. The Board shall convene a hearing on such request within 30 days of receipt and shall make its decision known within 30 days of the hearing. The failure of the Board to render a decision or to convene a hearing within the time period prescribed shall constitute a denial of the appeal.
Appeals. In such cases where a prospective bidder desires to appeal the decision of the Purchasing Agent with respect to a particular public works or public contract previously advertised and desires to have a review and decision by the Board prior to the time for submission of bids on the contract, the request shall be filed not less than five days prior to the final date for the submission of bids, and the Board shall hold a hearing and act upon the request not less than two days prior to the date fixed for the next opening of bids on such public works or contract. The request for any such expedited review shall state with specificity the need for an accelerated review stating the time and subject matter of the impending bid. Such accelerated review shall also be available to any person who receives notice of disqualification or notice of potential rejection pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-32 following the opening of bids and prior to the award of contracts.
Creation; purpose; duties. There is hereby created an Open Space Advisory Board whose purpose is to promote and facilitate the development and improvement of open spaces within the City of Trenton. The Open Space Advisory Board will consider such matters as it deems necessary as well as those presented to it by the Mayor, City Council or the various city department directors. The Open Space Advisory Board shall have the following purposes and duties:
To promote programs that involve city residents in the care of existing street trees, parks and other open spaces in the City.
To determine ways in which the various city agencies and citizens can work together in the most efficient and productive manner.
To encourage and facilitate the use of vacant city property for gardens and passive recreation areas.
To foster heightened citizen awareness and concern for the outdoor environment.
To inventory street trees throughout the City and make recommendations on areas most in need of new trees or tree maintenance.
To seek conventional and alternative sources of funding for open space development.
To make recommendations on capital budgets and program operations.
To advise the Department of Housing and Economic Development on the terms and conditions of the sale of city-owned land of 10,000 square feet or more and buildings with eight or more units with regard to open space requirements.
Membership; appointments.
The Board shall consist of 13 members. The Board shall be composed as follows:
Eight of the members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.
One member shall be a member of the City Council chosen by the City Council.
Three members shall be Directors of the Departments of Housing and Economic Development, Health and Human Services and Public Works.
The Mayor of Trenton.
Appointment terms shall be as follows:
Appointees shall serve for a period of two years, provided that of those members first taking office, four shall be appointed for one year and four shall be appointed for two years.
Vacancies shall be filled by an appointee of the Mayor with the exception of the City Council's appointee. The appointee shall serve for the remainder of his/her predecessor's term.
Alternate members, who shall be called to serve only as needed to form a quorum but once called shall serve regardless of whether actually needed to fill a quorum, may be appointed in the following manner:
Four alternate members may be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.
The City Council may appoint a member of the Council as an alternate to the Board.
Not more than two alternate members shall serve for regular members for any one meeting. Alternate members shall be appointed for two-year terms.
The procedures of the Board are as follows:
The Board shall elect from its members a Chairperson.
The Board shall create rules and procedures for the transaction of its business subject to the following regulations:
A quorum for transaction of business shall consist of seven of the Board's members.
The Board shall keep minutes and records of all meetings and proceedings, including voting records, attendance, resolutions, recommendations, findings, determinations and decisions. All such materials shall be public record.
The Board shall observe the laws and rules governing open public meetings, N.J.S.A. 10:4-1 et seq. Agendas for the monthly meetings shall be prepared by the secretary who shall send the agenda to all members and alternates prior to the regular meetings.
The Board members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of official business.
[Amended 2-18-2010 by Ord. No. 10-08]
There is hereby established in the City of Trenton a Board of Education. The membership shall hereby be established to be nine members pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:12-6 et seq.
Declaration of policy; finding of facts.
The City of Trenton is composed of a variety of different races, nationalities, religions and ethnic backgrounds. It is vital to the future of this City that hostilities and prejudice be eliminated among all of its people.
The City of Trenton hereby finds and declares that the practice of prejudice and discrimination tends to disturb the peace and threatens not only the right and proper privileges of its inhabitants but menaces the institutions and foundations of a free democratic society. To end this prejudice and discrimination, this section shall provide an instrument through which the City may officially encourage and promote mutual understanding and respect among all people in the City.
The City of Trenton further finds and declares that such an official instrumentality is needed to organize, coordinate and stimulate the City's efforts in promoting positive human relations among all of the people in the City.
Commission established; purpose.
Creation; purpose. There is hereby created the Human Relations Commission of the City of Trenton. The mandate of the Commission shall be to encourage and promote mutual understanding and respect among all people in the City, and to provide support for the informal resolution of human relations problems in Trenton.
Composition; organization; appointment; compensation. The Commission shall consist of 11 members who shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed by the Mayor. A majority of the members shall be residents of the City of Trenton. The Mayor shall designate a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary for the Commission. Each such officer shall serve a one-year term, and may be redesignated by the Mayor.
Terms; rules for governance of business. The Commissioners shall serve a term of three years each, with 1/3 of its membership completing their terms each year. Any such Commissioner may be reappointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The Commission is empowered to adopt rules for the governance of its business and for its procedure as it may determine, consistent with the laws of the City, the state and federal government.
Goals. The Commission shall seek to establish programs and other initiatives that will help to improve human relations and to eliminate discrimination in all areas of the community, as more particularly provided throughout this section.
Powers and duties. The Commission is authorized to and shall:
Formulate and implement a comprehensive action plan designed to improve human relations, diversity and eliminate prejudice and discrimination in the City against persons because of their race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation or sex.
Hold public forums on a biannual basis, initiate studies where necessary, and otherwise gather relevant information concerning the current status of human relations in the City, which reports shall be submitted to the Mayor.
Establish community and educational activities that the Commission finds will promote its goal of improved human relations in the City.
Make recommendations regarding changes in the policies and practices of the City and its various departments and divisions to promote improved human relations in Trenton.
Initiate programs designed to increase understanding and communication among residents of Trenton.
Act as advocates for multiculturism as an important aspect of city life.
Actively promote the Commission's desire to have all residents of Trenton participate in artistic and multicultural activities for the emotional growth and well-being of the City as a whole.
Advise and support institutions and groups within the City interested in developing artistic and multicultural activities and programs.
Develop, as well as support, a wide variety of programs which reflect the cultural needs, diversities and life experiences of the residents of Trenton.
Make recommendations to the Trenton Board of Education regarding programs, curriculum and policies that are designed to improve human relations among youth and their families in Trenton.
Compile and publish an annual report and action plan describing the work of the Commission over the prior year and the current status on human relations in the City.
Create such committees and subcommittees as are appropriate to aid in carrying out the purpose of this section.
Conduct inquiries and studies for the purpose of determining the existence of discriminatory practices or conditions in the City, including, but not limited to, the unlawful practices of employment discrimination prohibited by N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 et seq.
To cooperate and negotiate on behalf of the City with any state or federal agencies functioning or having jurisdiction in the same areas as the Commission, with respect to the subject matter of this section.
To seek to resolve informally any conflict or complaint brought before it that is, in the Commission's judgment, significantly related to the Commission's mandate to improve human relations in the City.
To refer any complaint brought before the Commission to the State Division of Civil Rights or to other bodies that, in the Commission's judgment, appear able to assist in the resolution of the matter.
Cooperation with other organizations. The Commission shall invite and enlist the cooperation of racial, religious and ethnic groups, community organizations, fraternal and benevolent societies, veterans' organizations, professional and technical organizations and other groups in the City in carrying out its duties, functions and purpose under this section.
[Added 12-19-2013 by Ord. No. 13-56]
Creation; purpose; duties. There is hereby established within the City of Trenton an Americans with Disabilities Act Committee whose purpose is to advise and counsel the Mayor and Council of the City of Trenton as to the concerns of disabled persons, barrier-free facilities and facilities maintenance, employment practices, services and activities, planning and zoning concerns, and the like, as well as compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and any appropriate legislation dealing with the subject matter hereof. The Americans with Disabilities Act Committee shall have the following purposes and duties:
The Americans with Disabilities Act Committee shall be constituted to meet at least bimonthly, shall by a majority vote select a chairperson to serve for a one-year period, such selection to be made each year, and shall act pursuant to bylaws to be created by the Advisory Committee for the Disabled and adopted by a majority vote thereof within 90 days from the formation of the Advisory Committee for the Disabled.
The record of proceedings of Committee meetings shall be kept, and such record, as well as any recommendations or advice of the Committee to the Mayor and Council, shall be provided to the Mayor and Council no later than 60 days after each meeting.
Membership; appointments.
The Committee shall have no fewer than seven and no more than 13 members, of which 51% shall be persons with disabilities, or parents of a child with a disability or a resident family member who is the caregiver of a person with a disability. The balance of the Committee shall be either residents of, or those employed or civically active in, the City of Trenton. The initial Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor, and five members appointed by the Council, with staggered terms so as to result in the expiration of no more than three terms in any one year. Vacancies that arise after the initial Committee has formed shall be filled by alternating nominations of the Mayor and Council.
The specific appointments to the aforesaid Committee shall be made by the Mayor and Council for three-year terms, such appointments to be made within 60 days after the adoption of this section.
In addition to member appointments, the Mayor shall appoint one liaison from each of the following groups:
City Council;
Department of Health and Human Services;
Police Department;
Department of Public Works;
Department of Administration;
Department of Recreation;
Department of Housing and Economic Development;
School District.
[Added 5-4-2023 by Ord. No. 23-25; amended 3-21-2024 by Ord. No. 24-16]
The Senior Citizen Advisory Council (SCAC), shall consist of 11 members who shall be appointed as follows:
Three members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
Three members shall be appointed by the City Council.
Five ex-officio members shall consist of the Mayor, a member of the City Council, the Director of Health and Human Services, the Director of Recreation, the Director of Trenton Police Department. Any ex-officio member may designate a member of his or her staff to attend a meeting of the SCAC as a representative of the ex-officio officer.
By majority vote and on an annual basis, the Board shall appoint a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Vacancies arising from causes other than by expiration of a term, shall be filled for the unexpired term, if any, remaining.
A board member shall continue to hold office at the expiration of their term until a successor has been appointed and qualifies.
Members may be removed for non-performance or neglect of duties or for other good cause by a recommendation of a majority vote of the Board with the concurrence of a majority of City Council.
Adequate representation. The SCAC shall consist of representatives from various segments of the community, including the business and public sector as well as nonprofit organizations with a successful history of performance towards the health and betterment of senior living, but not limited thereto.
Terms. The term of each Board member shall be two years from the date of their appointment, commencing January 1 and ending December 31 the following year, except that the first appointments shall be as follows: three members shall be initially appointed to two-year terms, and three members shall be initially appointed to a one-year term.
Purpose and duties.
The purpose of the SCAC shall be to:
Recommend a comprehensive system of coordinated health and social recreational services for senior citizens and residents of the community.
Advise and assist the Department of Health and Human Services in the preparation of an annual plan for the enhancement of services available to senior citizens and residents of the community or private foundations in obtaining grants to provide for the programs and activities of said SCAC and said applications for grants to be made with the approval of the City Council.
The SCAC shall also:
Recommend policy and guidelines for the operations of the City of Trenton's Office on Aging Services, provided however that the SCAC's recommendations shall be limited to planning and programmatic review and shall not affect the decisions concerning daily operations, budgeting or personnel.
Review proposals submitted for funding for services to senior citizens.
Assist departments in the planning and implementation of citywide comprehensive service programs for senior citizens of the City of Trenton.
Identify the needs and service gaps that affect senior citizens.
Make recommendations for the legislative programs and actions on behalf of senior citizens.
Meetings and reports.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the SCAC members. A quorum shall be necessary to conduct SCAC business.
The SCAC shall meet at least once a month at a time fixed by the members either in person or virtually as deemed necessary by the Chairperson or presiding officer; special meeting may be called when necessary.
The SCAC may designate representatives to attend community forums and meetings and provide the Advisory Council with periodic briefings.
The SCAC shall prepare quarterly reports for the Mayor and City Council on its activities, goals, accomplishments, and recommendations and shall submit the report for review on or before the end of each quarter of the calendar year. If it is found that reporting shall take place more frequently by the SCAC, the City Council or the Mayor, this is permissible as needed.
The SCAC may promulgate by-laws governing the procedure of the SCAC.
Roberts rules.
SCAC meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order unless such rules are otherwise inconsistent with the state law or the Trenton City Code.
Compensation of the Board.
Members of the SCAC shall serve without compensation.