The Industrial B Districts are for heavy industrial uses. Principal buildings and other structures and uses permitted therein are all those permitted in the Industrial A Districts and all similar uses, except for the following, which are specifically prohibited:
Any process of assembly, manufacture or treatment constituting a nuisance by reason of smoke, odor, dust or noise and including, but not limited to, such things as the manufacture or refining of asphalt, blast furnaces, the manufacturing or processing of fertilizer, glue or gelatin, the tanning and storage of raw hides and skins, slaughterhouses and the manufacture of paint, oil and varnish.
Any process of assembly, manufacture or treatment constituting a hazardous use, including, but not limited to, such things as the manufacture or storage of fireworks and explosives and the manufacture or storage of gas or poisonous gases, except as may be necessary and incidental to a permitted industrial process.
The storage of crude oil or any of its volatile products or other flammable liquids in aboveground tanks with a unit capacity greater than 10,000 gallons, and in aboveground tanks with a unit capacity greater than 500 gallons closer than 50 feet to any property lines.
Junkyards, automobile disassembly plants, storage of wrecked vehicles, auto salvage parts and the storage of used materials for resale or recycling.
Residential buildings and uses; provided, however, that a single residential dwelling unit shall be permitted within an industrial building where such dwelling is incident to the existing industrial use of the building. A dwelling unit is incident to the existing industrial use if the dwelling is occupied by the owner of the building, by a member of the owner's family or by an employee of the owner whose presence on the premises is necessary for the operation or security at the building.
The servicing, storage and repairing of motor vehicles, except as ancillary to a permitted use.
Accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted principal uses.
[Refer to Article XXII (§ 315-132 et seq.).]
Telecommunications facilities.
Sexually oriented business.
Billboards, where the advertising area, including any trim, exceeds 300 square feet and is no more than 672 square feet.
[The lot size, area, yard and building requirements for the Industrial B District are included at the end of this chapter.]
In Industrial B Districts, accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be provided for all new construction or additions, as provided for in Article XXIV (§ 315-178 et seq.).
In Industrial B Districts, it shall be the obligation of the prospective user to demonstrate, if required, that the applicable performance standards of this chapter can be met. (Refer to § 315-216.)
Front yards of all properties must be landscaped, including trees, bushes and grass in accordance with § 315-210.