Before any plumbing work is started in a building or before any additions or alterations are made to old work, an application on regular printed forms, properly filled out in ink and, except as provided in § 175-22 below, signed by a licensed master plumber, shall be filed in the office of the Plumbing Inspector, together with plans and description in duplicate showing and describing the proposed work; except that where only stoppages are removed or leaks repaired, or where plumbing fixtures are repaired or replaced without altering or disturbing any drain, soil, waste or vent pipe, no application or permit will be required.
[Amended 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Any permit required by this chapter may be issued to any person to do work regulated by this chapter or the code in a building or premises of which he is an owner-occupant, including usual accessory buildings and quarters in connection with such building. Such exception shall not apply to new installations and plumbing in conjunction with new buildings and additions to existing buildings.
The plumbing plans referred to in § 175-23 above shall consist of such floor plans and sections as may be necessary to show clearly all the work to be done, including all sewers, drains, soil, waste and vent pipe lines, and the location of fixtures and their traps and connections. All plans shall be drawn to scale in ink or may be the prints of such scale drawings.
No work shall proceed until the plumbing plans and specifications referred to in this article shall have been approved in writing by the Plumbing Inspector.
If a permit is denied, the applicant may submit revised plans and specifications without payment of additional fee. If, in the course of the work, it is found necessary to make any change from the plans and specifications on which a permit has been issued, amended plans and specifications shall be submitted, and a supplementary permit, subject to the same conditions applicable to original application for permit, shall be issued to cover the change.
Plans are approved upon the condition that such approval expires by its own limitation six months from date of permit unless work under it is then in progress. If it is not begun under approved plans within that time, such plans shall again be presented to the Plumbing Inspector for reconsideration.
[Amended 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Fees for plumbing permits will be charged in accordance with the fee schedule established by the Village Board of Trustees.[1] Said fees are to be paid upon application for a plumbing permit.
Editor's Note: The current fee resolution is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.