[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Garden City: Art. I, 10-5-1967 as Ord. No. 4.3 of the Revised Unified Code of Ordinances; Art. II, 10-5-1967 as Ord. No. 4.7 of the Revised Unified Code of Ordinances. Sections 123-2 and 123-3 amended during codification; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Penalties for offenses — See Ch. 1, Art. II.
Cesspools — See Ch. 80.
Housing standards — See Ch. 127.
Tree infestations — See Ch. 188, Art. II.
[Adopted 10-5-1967 as Ord. No. 4.3 of the Revised Unified Code of Ordinances]
It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, lessee, agent, tenant or otherwise, to throw, cast or deposit, or to cause or permit to run, drop or remain or to be thrown, cast or deposited, any decomposable organic matter which might create a nuisance or act as a breeding place for flies or as food for rats, discarded things capable of holding water which might serve as breeding places for mosquitoes or combustible matter or growth which might serve to increase the fire hazard of neighboring property in or upon any vacant lot or land, or vacant place upon the surface of any lot or land, enclosed or otherwise, within the Village of Garden City, except at such place or places designated or provided by the Board of Trustees, provided that garbage, manure, offal and other putrescible matter may be temporarily kept in suitable cans, vessels, tanks or containers which are watertight and provided with tightly fitting covers. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the depositing of manure upon any private property for the purpose of cultivating the same.
If the provisions of § 123-1 are not complied with, the Director of Public Works or the Chief of the Village Fire Department shall serve written notice upon the owner, lessee or occupant or any person having the care or control of any such lot or land to comply with the provisions of this Article. If the owner of such lot or land is a nonresident of the village, the Clerk of the village shall mail or cause to be mailed such written notice to such owner, addressed to his last known address as the same may appear upon the last village assessment roll. If the person upon whom the notice is served fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of the notice within five days after such service or mailing of such notice, the Director of Public Works in case of anything affecting public health and the Chief of the Village Fire Department in case of a fire hazard shall cause such substances or matter described in § 123-1 to be removed or such nuisances to be suppressed, and the actual cost of such work plus 5% for inspection and other additional costs in connection therewith shall be certified to the Village Clerk and shall thereupon become and be a lien upon the property on which such substances, nuisances or fire hazards existed and shall be added to and become and form a part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lot or land and shall bear interest at the same rate as taxes and shall be collected and enforced by the same officer and in the same manner as taxes.
Editor's Note: Amended during codification; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III.
It shall be unlawful to permit or allow in or upon any vacant lot or other premises any water to collect and lie stagnant in which mosquito larvae breed or are likely to breed. Whenever the Director of Public Works shall determine that any accumulation of water wherein mosquito larvae breed or are likely to breed constitutes a nuisance or a danger or injury to life or health, he shall proceed to suppress such nuisance or remove such danger or injury in the manner prescribed in the Public Health Law of the State of New York.
Editor's Note: Amended during codification; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III.
[Adopted 10-5-1967 as Ord. No. 4.7 of the Revised Unified Code of Ordinances]
The owner of any low, swampy or waste land in the village shall be required to fill and grade the same or any unsightly or unsanitary excavations, holes or depressions therein. It shall be the duty of the Department of Public Works to report to the Board of Trustees any land in the village found to be low, swampy or waste or in which there shall be any such unsightly or unsanitary excavations, holes or depressions, with a recommendation as to the extent and kind of fill required to correct the same. Upon receipt of such report the Board of Trustees may direct the owner or occupant of such land to fill and grade the same as recommended by the Department of Public Works by giving not less than 10 days' notice in writing thereof to the owner or occupant of such land. Such notice shall be delivered personally or by mail by depositing a copy of the same in the post office of the village, addressed to such owner or occupant at his last known residence address as the same appears on the assessment rolls of the village. In the event the said owner or occupant shall not fill and grade said land as so required within a period of not less than 10 days stated in said notice, the Department of Public Works shall thereupon cause said land to be filled and graded and the cost thereof shall be assessed against such land so filled or graded.