Title. This chapter shall be known as and may be cited as the "Subdivision Law of the Town of Hyde Park."
Authority. Pursuant to Chapters 276, 277, 278 and 279 of Town Law and Chapter 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and for the purpose of providing for growth and development of the Town and affording adequate facilities for the housing, transportation, distribution, comfort, convenience, safety, health and welfare of its population, the Planning Board is authorized and empowered to:
Accept sketch plans, approve preliminary and final plats of subdivisions showing lots, blocks or sites, with or without streets or highways;
Approve the development of plats, entirely or partially undeveloped, which were filed in the office of the Dutchess County Clerk prior to the appointment of such Planning Board; and
Approve plats, entirely or partially undeveloped, which were filed in the office of the Dutchess County Clerk prior to the appointment of such Planning Board.
Applicability. Subdivision approval shall be required for the alteration of any lot line of any lot in an approved subdivision or division of any parcel into two or more lots, blocks or sites, with or without streets, in accordance with the restrictions and regulations set forth in this chapter, prior to filing any subdivision plat in the office of the Dutchess County Clerk and prior to the issuance of any building permit or certificate of occupancy for a parcel resulting from such lot line alteration or division, provided that any subdivision which is part of a planned unit development or Bellefield Planned Development under Article 5 or Article 7 of Chapter 108 of this Code shall also be subject to said provisions of Chapter 108.
Supersedence. It is the express intent of the Town Board that this chapter shall supersede §§ 261-b, 274-a, 274-b, 276, 277, 278, 279 and any other provision of Article 16 of the Town Law inconsistent with the provisions herein, pursuant to § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
Fees. The amount of fees required under this chapter shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Town Board, except that the amount of professional review fees held in escrow for each particular application may be established by the reviewing agency. The administrative fees established by the Town Board shall approximate the actual cost to the Town of providing the related administrative services.
Policy. It is declared to be the policy of the Planning Board to consider land subdivisions as a part of the orderly and desirable development of land guided by the following regulations. These regulations provide procedures and standards. Their intent is to encourage the most appropriate and best development of land in order to protect and promote the general welfare, which includes the following:
To ensure that land to be subdivided will produce building sites of such character and area that will permit its development for homes or buildings without danger to health or peril from fire or flood.
To facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of community facilities, services and utilities where practicable.
To ensure that all subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Hyde Park.
To ensure that the burden of financing improvements and infrastructure in new subdivisions is on the subdivision owner or developer, rather than on the particular district or the Town.
To ensure that the proposed streets compose a convenient system conforming to the Official Map, if such exists; that they are properly related to the proposals shown on the Comprehensive Plan; and that they are of such width, grade and location as to accommodate the prospective traffic, to facilitate fire protection and to provide access for fire-fighting equipment to buildings.
Greenway connections. By Local Law No. 1 of the year 2002, the Town adopted Greenway Connections: Greenway Compact Program and Guides for Dutchess County Communities, as amended from time to time, as a statement of land use policies, principles and guides. In its discretionary actions under this chapter, the reviewing agency shall be guided by said statement of policies, principles and guides. A copy of Greenway Connections is available for inspection or copying in the office of the Town Clerk.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 14, Greenway Connections.
By Resolution 7:11 — 5 of 2005, the Town amended and readopted the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Hyde Park, as a statement of vision, goals, and strategies for the Town. In its discretionary actions under this chapter, the reviewing agency shall be guided by said statement of vision, goals and strategies. A copy of the Comprehensive Plan is available for inspection and copying in the office of the Town Clerk.
Corridor management plan. In its discretionary actions under this chapter with regard to land use adjacent to or affecting Albany Post Road, the reviewing agency shall be guided by the goals, objectives and recommendations set forth in Albany Post Road/Route 9 Corridor Management Plan, Volumes 1 and 2, January, 2006, a copy of which is available for inspection and copying in the office of the Town Clerk.
The provisions of this chapter shall be construed to fulfill the purposes stated in § 96-2A above and § 108-1.4 of Chapter 108; the policies, principles, and guides referred to in § 96-2B; the statement of vision, goals and strategies referred to in § 96-2C; and the goals, objectives and recommendations referred to in § 96-2D above.