This chapter shall be known as the "Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of the Borough of Jefferson."
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The purpose of these subdivision regulations is to ensure the harmonious development of the Borough by:
Assisting in the orderly and efficient integration of subdivisions within the Borough.
Attaining conformance of subdivision plans with public improvement plans.
Achieving coordination of intermunicipal public improvement plans and programs.
Facilitating the efficient movement of traffic.
Assuring the protection of water resources and drainageways.
Securing adequate sites for recreation, conservation, scenic and other open space purposes.
Providing uniform standards and procedures for equitable administration of all subdivision plans.
Promoting, in general, the greater health, safety, morals and welfare of the citizens of the Borough.
All plans for subdivision and land development within the Borough shall first be submitted to the Borough Planning Commission, which shall be empowered to review said plans either alone or jointly with the Borough Council, and shall make recommendations to the Council as to its approval (whether conditional or final) or rejection of any plan. As provided for in Pennsylvania Act 247, Article V, Section 501,[1] the Jefferson Borough Council shall be vested with final authority over subdivision and land development in the Borough.
Editor's Note: See the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10501.
Plans for subdivision and land development located within the Borough shall be submitted to the York County Planning Commission for review and report as required by Section 502 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Said submission shall take place before final approval of any plans by the Borough Council. However, if a report is not received from the County Planning Commission within 30 days after submission, the Borough Council may proceed without the report. The report of the County Planning Commission is advisory and shall be accepted or rejected in whole or in part as the Borough Council shall determine.