Copies of this chapter shall be available on request for the use of any person who desires information concerning subdivision and land development standards and procedures in effect within the Borough. Any prospective subdivider or land developer may meet with the Borough Council and Planning Commission to discuss and review tentative plans and/or the provisions of this chapter.
Preliminary and final plans shall be prepared by an engineer, surveyor and/or a landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to perform such duties. Metes and bounds descriptions shall be prepared by surveyors, and designs which entail engineering expertise shall be prepared by professional engineers.
Where a land development plan includes improvements, the developer may submit a sketch plan to the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article III.
A sketch plan will be considered as submitted for informal review and discussion and shall not constitute formal filing of the plan with the Borough.
As far as may be practical on the basis of the sketch plan review and discussion, the Borough will informally advise the developer as promptly as possible of the extent to which the proposed land development conforms to both the Borough's Subdivision and Land Development and Zoning Ordinances[1] and will discuss possible plan modifications necessary to secure conformance.
Editor's Note: This Ch. 158 and Ch. 198, Zoning.
Any subdivision or land development which contains no more than four lots or prospective dwelling units may be reviewed and acted upon as a final plan without the necessity of a prior preliminary plan approval.
Such determination shall be made by the Borough Engineer after receipt of a written request for waiver of the requirement for a preliminary plan and a meeting to review the proposed plan. However, preliminary plans are required for any of the following:
Residential land development involving more than four units and requiring public improvements.
Residential subdivision involving more than four lots, whether initially or cumulatively.
Subdivision and land development involving new streets, alleys, public or joint-use sanitary sewer facilities, public or joint-use water supplies or stormwater management facilities.
Submission procedure:
Preliminary plans may be submitted to the Borough Zoning Officer at the office of the Zoning Officer on any business day. However, to be placed on the agenda for that month, plans must be received 10 days prior to the monthly meeting.
Applicants shall submit a sewer facilities plan revision or supplement in conjunction with the preliminary plan application in order to avoid unnecessary delays.
Application requirements. All plan applications shall include:
A minimum of seven copies of the preliminary and/or final plan and supporting documents, as required by this chapter. Additional copies may be required by the Borough.
One copy of the application form (on the application form available from the Borough Zoning Officer).
Two copies of any waiver requests (on the waiver request form available from the Borough Zoning Officer).
The appropriate filing fee, as described in § 158-21 and as set by Borough Council by resolution, as amended.
The Borough Zoning Officer shall maintain a log containing the following information:
The title of the plan.
The name of the owner or developer of the plan.
The name of the surveyor or engineer preparing the plan.
The name, address, telephone number and relationship to the owner or developer of the plan of the person filing the plan.
The date, time and place of the filing.
Tax parcel numbers.
Description of materials received.
All plans shall be stamped by the Borough Zoning Officer with the time and date when they are received.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Borough Zoning Officer, within seven days from the date of submission of an application, shall determine if the application is complete in accordance with § 158-9. This determination shall not constitute approval or disapproval of the plan and application but is rather a determination of administrative completeness. If the application is found to be incomplete, the Borough Zoning Officer shall notify the applicant, in writing, that the submitted application is incomplete and does not constitute a formal application and shall note the deficiencies. The formal review period as specified by § 158-14B and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code shall not begin until an administratively complete application has been received by the Borough.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Borough Zoning Officer shall forward one copy of the plans and all accompanying reports to each member of the Planning Commission for review and recommendation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The applicant shall submit additional copies of the plans and reports to the York County Planning Commission and Borough Engineer on the same date as required in § 158-9A(1) of this chapter.
The York County Planning Commission shall review the plans and reports and forward its comments to the Planning Commission within 30 days from the date the application was forwarded to it.
The comments from the Borough Engineer and the York County Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission and Borough Council. After its review, the Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations to the Borough Council.
During the course of the Planning Commission's review of the preliminary plan and prior to any action by the Borough Council, within the required ninety-day review period the preliminary plan may be revised by the applicant. The required number of copies of the revised plan shall be submitted, which shall note the dates of any and all revisions and a summary of the nature thereof. One of the copies submitted shall be color coded to identify the revisions. If it is determined that the revision(s) are of a substantial nature, the applicant shall sign a statement stipulating that a new ninety-day time period shall commence from the date of the Planning Commission's meeting next following the filing of the revised preliminary plan. Or, in the alternative, the applicant shall sign a statement granting an extension of time for a lesser period to be concurred with by the Planning Commission. The additional reviews required for revised plans may require the payment of additional fees by the applicant.
The applicant shall submit additional copies of all plans and reports to the York County Conservation District, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Borough Recreation Board, as required by the proposed subdivision and/or land development and applicable regulations.
All plans and reports shall be reviewed by the Borough for compliance with:
The standards, requirements, improvements, design and dedications or reservations required by this chapter.
The Jefferson Borough Comprehensive Plan, as amended and supplemented.
The Official Jefferson Borough Sewage Facilities Plan (537 Plan).
Site suitability for the particular type of development proposed.
The availability of necessary services and facilities.
The Borough Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 198, Zoning.
The requirements of any other applicable Borough chapter.
Any state highway, either existing or proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The Borough Council shall consider the comments and recommendations from the following:
Planning Commission.
Borough Engineer and/or Planning Consultant.
Jefferson Borough Historical Commission.
Codorus Valley Historical Society.
Zoning Officer.
Zoning Hearing Board.
Jefferson Borough Recreation Board.
Jefferson Borough Fire Chief.
York County Planning Commission.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
York County Conservation District.
Any interested citizen.
Purpose. Where the literal enforcement of the provisions of these regulations will exact an undue hardship upon an applicant, a waiver may be requested of the Borough Council. A waiver is the process to receive a modification of a requirement as it applies to a specific application.
Standards. A waiver may be approved by the Borough Council when the applicant is able to demonstrate that:
The literal enforcement of a requirement of this chapter will exact an undue hardship (not solely financial) by reason of a peculiar condition (to the land) that pertains to a specific proposal.
An alternative standard is equal or better.
The waiver will not be contrary to the public interest.
The waiver is consistent with the intent of this chapter.
The waiver is consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
Application requirements:[1]
All waiver requests must be completed, in writing, on the waiver application form as available from the Borough Zoning Officer.
Waiver requests shall be submitted, in writing, by the applicant to the Borough Zoning Officer concurrently with the application for a subdivision and/or land development plan. Two copies of each waiver request shall be submitted. However, if any of this information was submitted with an approved preliminary plan, it need not be submitted with the application for final plan.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Distribution. One copy of the waiver request shall be distributed by the Borough Zoning Officer to the Borough Engineer, Planning Commission and the Borough Council.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Review of a waiver request:
All waiver requests shall first be reviewed by the Borough Engineer. If necessary, other Borough officials may be requested to review the request. Secondly, the Planning Commission shall review the request.
A review of the waiver request shall determine its conformance with the standards contained in this chapter as well as other applicable ordinances. Review comments shall cite any applicable ordinance regulations and include any suggestions. The review shall recommend to the Borough Council whether the waiver request be approved or disapproved.
Ruling on the waiver:
The Borough Council shall consider and act upon requests for modification at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Council.
A formal hearing shall not be required. However, the applicant or any interested party may request a hearing upon agreement to pay for the public notice and stenographic costs thereof.
At any meeting or hearing, the applicant or his representative shall present evidence in support of the request.
The Borough Council, after hearing said evidence and considering the application, may grant or deny said modification.
In modifying any requirements, the Borough Council shall record its action and the grounds for the modification of a requirement and transmit a copy of the action and grounds for such modification to the applicant applying for the modification. A note should be placed on the plan stating the modification and date granted.
Whenever a request for the modification of a requirement is denied, the Borough Council shall record its action and the grounds for such denial in its minutes. The Borough Council shall transmit a copy of the action and the grounds for such denial of any alteration to the applicant applying for the modification.
After receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendations, the Borough Council shall:
Evaluate the applicant's submission and presentation, the report of the Planning Commission and review the comments of the County Planning Commission and Borough Engineer and/or Planning Consultant and other reports deemed necessary.
Determine whether the plan meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Borough.
Either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the plan.
The Borough Council shall render its decision and communicate it to the applicant not later than 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission next following the date the application was filed or after a final order of court remanding an application, provided that, should the said next regular meeting occur more than 30 days following the filing of the application or the final order of the court, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the application was filed:[1]
The decision of the Borough Council shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to the applicant at the last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the ordinance relied upon.
Failure of the Borough Council to render a decision and communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the application in terms as presented unless the applicant has agreed, in writing, to an extension of time or change in the prescribed manner of presentation of communication of the decision. In this case, failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of presentation of communication shall have like effect.
The Borough Council shall not approve any plan until the County Planning Commission report is received or until the expiration of 30 days from the date the application was forwarded to the county.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
In the event that the Borough Council shall approve a plan subject to conditions, the applicant shall indicate, in writing, his acceptance or rejection of any conditions which may be imposed. Approval of the plan shall be automatically rescinded upon the applicant's failure to accept or reject such conditions within 30 days of the date of the Borough Council's written communication of its decision.
Before acting on an application, the Borough Council may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice, given that it is done within the ninety-day period.
From the time an application for approval of a plan, whether preliminary or final, is duly filed as provided in this chapter and while such application is pending approval or disapproval, no change or amendment of the zoning, subdivision or other governing ordinance or plan shall affect the decision on such application adversely to the applicant, and the applicant shall be entitled to a decision in accordance with the provisions of the governing ordinances or plans as they stood at the time the application was duly filed. In addition, when a preliminary application has been duly approved, the applicant shall be entitled to final approval in accordance with the terms of the approved preliminary application as hereinafter provided. However, if an application is properly and finally denied, any subsequent application shall be subject to the intervening change in governing regulations.
When an application for approval of a plan, whether preliminary or final, has been approved without conditions or approved by the applicant's acceptance of conditions, no subsequent change or amendment in the subdivision or other governing ordinance or plan shall be applied to affect adversely the right of the applicant to commence and to complete any aspect of the approved development in accordance with the terms of such approval within five years from such approval. The five-year period shall be extended for the duration of any litigation, including appeals, which prevent the commencement or completion of the development and for the duration of any sewer or utility moratorium or prohibition which was imposed subsequent to the filing of an application for preliminary approval or disapproval of a plat. The five-year period shall be extended by the total time from the date the appeal was filed until a final order in such matter has been entered and all appeals have been concluded and any period for filing appeals or requests for reconsideration have expired; provided, however, no extension shall be based upon any water or sewer moratorium which was in effect as of the date of the filing of the preliminary application.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Where final approval is preceded by preliminary approval, the aforesaid five-year period shall be counted from the date of the preliminary approval. In the case of any doubt as to the terms of a preliminary approval, the terms shall be construed in light of the provisions of the governing ordinances or plans as they stood at the time when the application for such approval was duly filed.
Where the landowner has substantially completed the required improvements as depicted upon the final plan within the aforesaid five-year limit, or any extension thereof as may be granted by the Borough Council, no change of municipal ordinance or plan enacted subsequent to the date of filing of the preliminary plan shall modify or revoke any aspect of the approved final plan pertaining to zoning classification or density, lot, building, street or utility location.
In the case of a preliminary plan calling for the installation of improvements beyond the five-year period, a schedule shall be filed by the landowner with the preliminary plan delineating all proposed phases as well as deadlines within which applications for final plan approval of each phase are intended to be filed. Such schedule shall be updated annually by the applicant on or before the anniversary of the preliminary plan approval until final plan approval of the final phase has been granted, and any modification in the aforesaid schedule shall be subject to approval of the Borough Council in its discretion.
Each phase in any residential subdivision or land development, except for the last phase, shall contain a minimum of 25% of the total number of dwelling units as depicted on the preliminary plan, unless a lesser percentage is approved by the Borough Council in its discretion. Provided the landowner has not defaulted with regard to or violated any of the conditions of the preliminary plan approval, including compliance with the landowner's aforesaid schedule of submission of final plans for the various phases, then the aforesaid protections afforded by substantially completing the improvements depicted upon the final plan within five years shall apply, and for any phase or phases beyond the initial phase in which the required improvements have not been substantially completed within said five-year period, the aforesaid protections shall apply for an additional term or terms of five years from the date of final plan approval for each phase.
Failure of the landowner to adhere to the aforesaid schedule of submission of final plans for the various phases shall subject any such phase to any and all changes in zoning, subdivision and other governing ordinance enacted by the Borough subsequent to the date of the initial preliminary plan submission.
Preliminary plan approval shall expire upon the passage of five years after grant of such approval.
Approval of the preliminary plan constitutes approval of the proposed subdivision or land development with respect to general design, the approximate dimensions and other planned features.
Preliminary plan approval binds the applicant to the general scheme of the plan as approved and permits the applicant to begin preparation of the final plan.
Preliminary plan approval does not authorize the recording, sale or transfer of lots.
Upon the approval of a final plan, the applicant shall, within 90 days of such final approval or 90 days after the date of delivery of an approved plan signed by the governing body following completion of conditions imposed for such approval, whichever is later, record such plan in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of York County. The applicant shall bear any costs required to provide the Recorder of Deeds with a recordable plan in the required format.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Within 10 days after recording, the applicant shall furnish the Borough Council two Mylar copies of the plan bearing the recorder's certificate, certifying that said plan is properly recorded. Additionally, two Mylar copies of all plans required to show any dedicated rights-of-way, public improvements and the overall scope of the project shall be provided to the Borough.
Streets, public grounds, easements and other public improvements may be offered for dedication to the Borough by formal notation on the final plan, or the applicant shall note that any such improvements have not been offered for dedication to the Borough.
Streets and public grounds shown on a recorded final plan shall be deemed private until accepted by ordinance or resolution.
The recording of the plan shall not constitute grounds for tax assessment increases until such time as lots are sold or improvements are installed on the land included with the subject plan.
A parcel of land may be added to an existing recorded lot for the sole purpose of increasing the lot size, provided that:
The parcel to be added must be contiguous to the existing lot and should maintain or improve the overall straightness of lot line.
The plan prepared for the addition of such parcel shall follow the procedures outlined in this chapter, except that a preliminary plan need not be filed.
No principal structure (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) may be built upon this parcel. Accessory structures such as sheds and garages are permitted, provided they comply with all applicable building setback and size requirements.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No plan which will require access to a highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) shall be finally approved unless the plan contains a notice that a highway occupancy permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the "State Highway Law," or any amendments thereof, before driveway or utility access to a state highway is permitted.
The plan shall be marked to indicate that access to the state highway shall be only as authorized by a highway occupancy permit.
Neither the Department nor the Borough to which permit-issuing authority has been delegated under the State Highway Law shall be liable in damages for any injury to persons or property arising out of the issuance or denial of a driveway permit or for failure to regulate any driveway. Furthermore, the Borough shall not be held liable for damages to persons or property arising out of the issuance or denial of a driveway permit by the Department.
The applicant is urged to discuss the placement and dimensions of all proposed driveways with the Borough Council prior to application for a highway occupancy permit in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of the proposal.
The Borough Council shall set fees, payable in advance, for review of plans:
Such review fees may include reasonable and necessary charges by the Borough's professional consultants or Engineer for review and report thereon to the Borough.
Such review fees shall be reasonable and in accordance with the ordinary and customary charges by the Borough Engineer or consultants for similar service in the community, but in no event shall the fees exceed the rate or cost charged by the Engineer or consultant to the Borough when fees are not reimbursed or otherwise imposed on applicants.
Such fees shall be based upon a schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council upon enactment of this chapter or as such schedule may be amended. A copy of said fee schedule shall be available for review at the Borough office.
In the event the applicant disputes the amount of any such review fees, the applicant shall, within 10 days of the billing date, pay any undisputed amount and notify the Borough of any such fees that are disputed, in which case, the Borough shall not delay or disapprove a subdivision or land development application due to the applicant's request over disputed fees.
In the event that the Borough and the applicant cannot agree on the amount of review fees which are reasonable and necessary, then the applicant and the Borough shall follow the procedure for dispute resolution as set forth below:
If within 20 days from the date of billing the Borough and the applicant cannot agree on the amount of expenses which are reasonable and necessary, then the applicant and Borough shall jointly, by mutual agreement, appoint another professional engineer licensed as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to review such expenses and make a determination as to the amount thereof which is reasonable and necessary.
The professional engineer so appointed shall hear such evidence and review such documentation as the professional engineer in his or her sole opinion deems necessary and render a decision within 50 days of the billing date. The applicant shall be required to pay the entire amount determined in the decision immediately.
In the event that the Borough and the applicant cannot agree upon the professional engineer to be appointed within 20 days of the billing date, then upon application of either party the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of York County (or if at the time there be no President Judge, then the senior active judge then sitting) shall appoint such engineer, who, in that case, shall be neither the Borough Engineer nor any professional engineer who has been retained by or performed services for the Borough or the applicant within the preceding five years.
The fee of the appointed professional engineer for determining the reasonable and necessary expenses shall be paid by the applicant if the amount of payment required in the decision is equal to or greater than the original bill. If the amount of payment required in the decision is less than the original bill by $1,000 or more, the Borough shall pay the fee of the professional engineer, but otherwise the Borough and the applicant shall each pay 1/2 of the fee of the appointed professional engineer.
For any replatting or resubdivision of land, the same procedures and regulations apply as prescribed for an original land development. The plan shall indicate by title that any change is a "revised final plan" and refer to the original final plan number and date of original approval.