[Adopted 2-7-1991]
The Town of Redding hereby creates a Water Pollution Control Commission, to be known as the "Redding Water Pollution Control Commission (RWPCC)," and designates said Commission as the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) for the Town of Redding with all its powers, purposes and objectives set forth in Chapter 103 of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended by 1978 Public Act 154.
The Redding Water Pollution Control Commission shall be made up of seven members ("Commissioners"), each of whom shall be an elector of the Town of Redding appointed by its Board of Selectmen. Each Commissioner shall serve without compensation.
On or before the 28th day of February 1991, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint one Commissioner, a member or designee nominated by the Planning Commission, who shall hold office for a term commencing March 1, 1991, and ending on February 28, 1992; one Commissioner, a member or designee nominated by the Zoning Commission, who shall hold office for a term commencing on March 1, 1991, and ending on February 28, 1993; one Commissioner, a member or designee nominated by the Conservation Commission, who shall hold office for a term commencing on March 1, 1991, and ending on February 28, 1993; one Commissioner, an at-large member of the public who shall be a resident of the Georgetown Fire District, who shall hold office for a term commencing on March 1,1991, and ending on February 28, 1994; two Commissioners, both at-large members of the public, who shall hold office for a term commencing on March 1, 1991, and ending on February 28, 1995; and the First Selectman or his/her designee who shall serve from March 1, 1991 to November 30, 1991.
A successor to each Commissioner, except the First Selectman or his/her designee, shall be appointed for a term of four years, effective on the expiration of the term of his/her predecessor and expiring on February 28 of the fourth year following the year of his/her appointment; provided, however, that whenever a vacancy on the Commission shall occur, the Board of Selectmen shall, as soon as practicable, appoint a successor Commissioner in the same manner as above, whose term shall expire on the same day as the last day of the term of his/her predecessor. The successor to the First Selectman or his/her designee shall be appointed for a term of two years effective on expiration of the term of office of his/her predecessor and expiring on November 30 of the second year of his/her appointment.
The Commission shall, at its first meeting, to be held not later than March 15, 1991, and at every second annual meeting held during the first 15 days of March in succeeding years, elect from among its number a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson of the Commission who shall serve for a term of two years and shall appoint a Clerk who may be, but need not be, a Commissioner. The Chairperson shall not be the First Selectman or the chairperson of an existing land use board or commission. The Commission may employ legal counsel, professional engineers, and such other persons as it shall deem necessary to carry out its purposes and objectives and shall prescribe and define their duties. The Commission shall, not less frequently than annually, determine the compensation, if any, to be paid to the Clerk and all other professional assistants and employees of the Commission. The Clerk shall keep a complete record of the proceedings of the Commission and shall give such notice of its meetings to the Town Clerk and file with the Town Clerk such record of its proceedings as may be prescribed by law. The Commission's records shall be open for public inspection at all reasonable hours.
The first meeting of the Commission shall be called by the First Selectman and thereafter meetings of the Commission shall be called by the Chairperson or by any two Commissioners. Notice of the call of any meeting of the Commission shall be effective as to its members if all Commissioners shall have received such notice not less than 36 hours prior to the date of such meeting.
The Commission shall maintain proper accounting and financial records and shall make an annual report to the Board of Selectmen. The Commission shall prepare, annually, a budget of estimated revenues and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year.
A Commissioner may be removed for neglect of duty or misconduct in office by the WPCA. Such Commissioner may request a hearing by the Board of Selectmen conforming to recognized standards of due process of law, including, without limitation, an opportunity to review the charges made against such Commissioner not less than 10 days prior to the date on which said charges shall be subject to such a hearing. The Board of Selectmen may confirm the removal or restore the Commissioner to office.
The Commission shall prepare and periodically update a water pollution control plan for the Town of Redding in the manner provided by C.G.S. § 7-246. Such periodic updating shall be accomplished not less frequently than every five years after the completion of the initial plan, and in addition to the filing requirements of said statute, the Commission shall file a copy of said plan and any periodic update with the Town Clerk. The WPCA shall be guided by the Town Plan of Development.
The Water Pollution Control Authority may prescribe all necessary rules and regulations to carry out its functions.
The Tax Collector of the Town of Redding is hereby designated as the collector of sewage system connection and use charges pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-258.
Revenues and expenditures of the Water Pollution Control Authority may be made through the general fund if approved by the Board of Selectmen and submitted to the Board of Finance and the Town Meeting in accordance with the Town's normal budgeting process and the provisions of law as govern the same. The Redding Water Pollution Control Commission, before making application for any state or federal funds, must obtain approval for the application from the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance and the legislative body of the Town.
All revenues from the benefit assessments and fee charges, and the proceeds of the sale of notes and bonds, shall be held and accounted separately from the other funds of the Town. Expenditures by the Water Pollution Control Commission must be approved by the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance.