[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Redding 5-10-1968. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Park and Recreation Commission — See Ch. 10, Art. VII.
Alcoholic beverages — See Ch. 164.
Animals — See Ch. 170.
Littering — See Ch. 280.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 320.
Trees — See Ch. 378.
Open space land shall be open to the general public daily from 1/2 hour after sunup until 1/2 hour before sunset. Fishermen may, in areas so posted, fish before and after these times. State or Town officials may close any portion of open space land or the use of its facilities when it appears that the capacity of an area has been filled or for any reason the use of the same would endanger the public safety.
No person shall deface, remove, destroy or otherwise injure in any manner whatsoever any structure, rock, tree, flower, shrub, herb or moss, nor shall any songbirds and their nests be molested or disturbed at any time. Subject to the provisions of § 306-10, no person shall set or cause to be set any fire within five feet of any structure, tree, rock, flower or shrub on open space land.
[Amended 9-13-1968[1]]
Hunting, trapping or carrying of firearms is not permitted on any open space land except at such predetermined times in such areas as may be set aside by the Conservation Commission and posted for such purposes and subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Fishing, except in such ares as may be restricted by the Conservation Commission, is permitted on any open space land under the rules and regulations established by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 2-18-2021]
Dogs are permitted on open space land, provided they are on a leash at all times, unless otherwise posted.
No person shall erect or post any notice or sign upon open space land except such notices or signs as may be authorized by the Conservation Commission.
A person shall not leave any litter on the grounds or on the waters of open space land but shall place such litter in the receptacles provided therefor. Any litter placed in receptacles must be placed in such a manner that it will not drop or be blown out by the elements.
Dumping on any open space land is prohibited.
Horse, motorcycle or bicycle riding is prohibited except on such trails as may be so posted by the Conservation Commission.
Fires may be kindled only at such times and such places as may be so designated by the Conservation Commission. The disposal of residue from charcoal fires and embers of other fires, except in receptacles or areas designated for such purposes, is prohibited.
Disorderly conduct, intoxication and obscene or indecent behavior is prohibited, and all forms of rough play or activity creating hazards to human safety are prohibited.
Operation and parking of motor vehicles on any open space land are prohibited, except in designated parking areas.
Violation of any provision of §§ 306-1 through 306-12, inclusive, is sufficient cause for eviction, and any person who violates any provision of §§ 306-1 through 306-12, inclusive, shall be fined not more than $90 for each violation.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 9-13-1968]
Swimming or bathing is prohibited except at such predetermined times and in such areas as may be set aside by the Conservation Commission and posted for such purposes.
[Added 9-13-1968]
The Board of Selectmen is authorized to make amendments to this chapter which are not inconsistent with any presently existing provision.