After enactment, the amendment must be sent to the Commissioner
of Environmental Conservation for certification.
After an amendment to this chapter has been initially reviewed
and found to be in conformance by the Commissioner of the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation, completed the public
hearing process and intergovernmental review, been finally approved
and adopted by the Village legislative body and been certified by
the Commissioner, the Clerk will, as prescribed by § 27
of the Municipal Home Rule Law:
A. Record the amended local law in the Municipal Clerk's Minute
Book and in the Recorded Book of Local Laws.
B. File the amended local law within five days after adoption as follows:
(1) One copy in the Clerk's office.
(2) One copy in the office of the State Comptroller.
(3) Three copies in the office of the Secretary of State.
(4) One copy with the Commissioner of the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation.