[Adopted 3-18-1968 by Ord. No. 4078 (§§ 2-96 to 2-99 of the 1985 Code)]
A Human Relations Commission is hereby created for the City.
The Human Relations Commission shall consist of 13 members drawn from diverse segments of the public and selected for their wisdom, ability and broad perspective and not for the purpose of representing specific groups. Members shall be appointed for three-year terms.
The Human Relations Commission shall meet regularly at least once a month and shall hold special meetings upon the call of the Chairperson. The Commission shall prepare its own agenda and establish its own rules of order or adopt Robert's Rules of Order for the conduct of its meetings.
The Human Relations Commission shall have advisory powers only. The Commission shall have as its purposes and objectives the following:
To further amicable relations among the various population groups of the City.
To help preserve and further the good reputation of the City for fair play and tolerance.
To open the way for each individual, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin, to develop according to his abilities without limitation.
To aid the City and its people in benefiting from the fullest realization of its human resources.
To receive and investigate reports of tension and practices of discrimination or of efforts or activities of individuals and groups tending to incite discord, tension, hate and suspicion.
In carrying out the foregoing objectives, the Commission shall observe the following methods and procedures. The Commission shall:
Advise the City governing body on problems affecting human and intergroup relations and recommend such measures as it deems necessary to carry out its objectives.
Make studies and surveys and explore problems to provide data as needed in its work.
Function as a clearinghouse or as a source of referral when discriminatory situations arise or act as a board of mediation, when and if appropriate.
Consult with and obtain cooperation and coordinated effort on the part of all agencies, public and private, which function in the field of human relations in the City.
Utilize the resources of individuals and groups toward the improvement of intergroup relations.
Enlist all potential community forces to extend and make more secure human opportunities at both the individual and group levels.
Encourage community support for educational programs and voluntary action designed to reduce tension and eliminate discriminatory practices.