[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Vernon 11-16-1995 by Ord. No. 45 (§§ 3.03 to 3.07 of the Town Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Authority. The Town Chairperson of the Town of Vernon has the specific authority, powers and duties pursuant to §§ 60.13, 60.22 and 60.24, Wis. Stats., to manage and direct certain affairs of the Town of Vernon. In addition, the Town Chairperson of the Town of Vernon has additional general and specific statutory authority, powers and duties beyond Ch. 60, Wis. Stats., and has additional statutory authority, powers and duties with specific authorization of the Town Meeting or the Town Board.
General statutory authority, powers and duties of Town Chairperson in Ch. 60, Wis. Stats.
Preside at meetings. The Town Chairperson of the Town of Vernon shall preside over meetings of the Town Board, Town Meetings and Plan Commission meetings.
Sign documents. The Town Chairperson of the Town of Vernon shall sign all ordinances, resolutions, orders, regulations, commissions, licenses and permits adopted or authorized by the Town Board unless the Town Board, by ordinance, authorizes another Town officer to sign specific types of documents in the absence of the Town Chairperson.
[Amended 12-18-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-07]
Assure administration of statutes. The Town Chairperson shall supervise the administration of statutes relating to the Town and Town operations to see that they are faithfully executed.
Act on behalf of the Board. The Town Chairperson shall act on behalf of the Board to:
See that Town orders and ordinances are obeyed.
See that peace and order are maintained in the Town.
Obtain necessary assistance, if available, in case of emergency, except as provided under Ch. 166, Wis. Stats.
Act on authorization of Town Board. The Town Board can authorize the Town Chairperson to act on the behalf of the Town Board to represent or designate another Town officer to represent the Town at meetings of, and hearings before, governmental bodies on matters affecting the Town.
Administer oaths. The Town Chairperson may administer oaths and affidavits on all matters pertaining to the affairs of the Town.
The Town Chairperson shall:
[Amended 3-16-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-05]
Nominate election officials when the Town Board disapproves of the nominee of a party committee under § 7.30(4)(b)2, Wis. Stats.
Serve as a caucus official under § 8.05(1)(c), Wis. Stats.
Sue on official bonds, if any, under § 19.015, Wis. Stats.
Execute and sign a certificate of indebtedness in connection with obtaining a state trust fund loan, if any, under § 24.67, Wis. Stats.
Serve as Town Fire Warden under §§ 26.13 and 26.14, Wis. Stats.
Exercise the powers and duties specified for a mayor under § 62.13, Wis. Stats., if the Town creates a joint board of police and fire commissioners or a joint police or fire department with a village under § 61.65(3g)(d)2, Wis. Stats., or a board of police and fire commissioners under § 60.57, Wis. Stats.
Publish annually a notice regarding noxious weeds and appoint one or more commissioners of noxious weeds under § 66.0407, Wis. Stats.
Approve the bond of the Town Treasurer delivered to the County Treasurer under § 70.67(1), Wis. Stats.
See that all tunnels in the Town of Vernon are constructed under § 82.37, Wis. Stats., and that they are kept in good repair.
Serve as a member of the County Highway Committee under § 83.015(1)(d), Wis. Stats.
Close county trunk highways when rendered dangerous for travel and notify the County Highway Commissioner under § 83.09, Wis. Stats.
Enforce regulation of fireworks under § 167.10, Wis. Stats.
Perform the Town Chairperson's duties related to stray animals and lost goods under Ch. 170, Wis. Stats.
Perform the Town Chairperson's duties related to distrained animals under Ch. 172, Wis. Stats.
Perform the Town Chairperson's duties related to animals that have caused damage in the Town under Ch. 173, Wis. Stats.
Cause actions to be commenced for recovery of forfeitures for violations of Town ordinances that can be recovered for violations of Town ordinances under § 778.11, Wis. Stats.
Approve bonds furnished by contractors for public works under § 779.14(1m), Wis. Stats.
Perform such other duties as authorized by law, the Town Board or the Annual Town Meeting.
[Amended 3-16-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-05; 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. V2020-02]
Change in selection method. Pursuant to Wis. Stats., §§ 61.195, 61.197 and 66.0101(4), the Village of Vernon hereby elects not to be governed by those portions of Wis. Stats., §§ 61.19, 61.23 and 61.25(2), which relate to the selection and tenure of the village clerk, and which are in conflict with this Charter Ordinance No. V2020-02.
Appointment of Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall be appointed by majority vote by the Village Board. Appointments shall be in writing and made for a fixed term not to exceed three years, subject to removal as provided by law.
Duties of the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall perform the statutory duties of the Village Clerk as outlined in Wis. Stats., § 61.25, and such other duties as described in the job description adopted by the Village Board as may be amended from time to time.
[Amended 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. V2020-02]
Change in selection method. Pursuant to Wis. Stats., §§ 61.195, 61.197 and 66.0101(4), the Village of Vernon hereby elects not to be governed by those portions of Wis. Stats., §§ 61.195, 61.197 and 66.0101(4), which relate to the selection and tenure of the Village Treasurer, and which conflict with this Charter Ordinance No. V2020-02.
Appointment of Village Treasurer. The Village Treasurer shall be appointed by majority vote by the Village Board. Appointments shall be in writing and made for an indefinite term, subject to retirement, resignation and or removal by a majority vote by the Village Board.
Duties of the Village Treasurer. The Village Treasurer shall perform the statutory duties of the Village Treasurer as outlined in Wis. Stats., § 61.26, and such other duties as described in the job description adopted by the Village Board as may be amended from time to time.
[Added 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. V2020-02]
The Village Clerk/Treasurer was appointed at the Village Board's organizational meeting on June 12, 2020, for a term until the first Village Board election unless modified by Charter ordinance. Such Village Clerk/Treasurer term shall continue until the offices are separated as follows. The Clerk/Treasurer office shall be separated into two separate positions as set forth herein effective on November 16, 2020, or, if a referendum is requested as set forth in Section 3,[1] on the 75th day after the effective date of this Charter ordinance. After such date, the offices of Clerk and Treasurer are hereby deemed incompatible, and no person shall serve in both offices at the same time.
Editor's Note: Section 3 of Ord. No. V2020-02 provided that this ordinance would take effect on the 60th day after its passage and publication as provided by Wis. Stats., § 66.0101, subject to the following. If within the sixty-day period a petition conforming to the requirements of Wis. Stats., § 8.40, and signed by a number of electors of the Village of Vernon equal to not less than 7% of the votes cast in the Village of Vernon (formerly the Town of Vernon) for governor at the last general election is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Vernon demanding that the ordinance be submitted to a vote of the electors, it may not take effect until it is submitted to a referendum and approved by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum.
Authority. The Town of Vernon Town Meeting, pursuant to § 60.10, Wis. Stats., gives the Town Board the authority to select and retain Town Assessors for the Town of Vernon. The Town Board has selected by appointment a Town Assessor. Adoption of this chapter confirms the specific statutory authority, powers and duties established in Chs. 60, 66, 70 and 73, Wis. Stats., and establishes, pursuant to the above-noted chapters and this chapter, other statutory authority, powers and duties of the Town Assessor.
Term and qualification. The term of the appointment for the Assessor and the contract made with the Assessor will be for a term to be determined from time to time by the Vernon Town Board. All persons responsible for the assessment shall be certified assessors under § 73.09, Wis. Stats. All designees shall file an oath under § 19.01, Wis. Stats., and shall sign the affidavit attached to the assessment roll under § 70.49, Wis. Stats.
Statutory authority, powers and duties of Town Assessor. The Town Assessor shall have all the statutory authority, powers and duties for property tax assessment required of the Town Assessor pursuant to Chs. 60, 66, 70 and 73, Wis. Stats.
The Town Board and the Town Chairperson have the specific statutory authority, powers and duties, pursuant to §§ 60.22 and 60.24, Wis. Stats., to establish special offices and retain or appoint, remove, compensate and establish the powers and duties of persons to those special offices.
Adoption of this chapter confirms the specific statutory authority, powers and duties noted above in Ch. 60, Wis. Stats., and establishes the powers to establish and to retain or appoint or remove the members and establish the powers and duties of these special offices and the power to terminate these special offices.
The Town Board may, pursuant to § 60.37, Wis. Stats., designate one or more Attorneys on a temporary or continuing basis for legal matters or to represent the Town of Vernon in legal proceedings.
The Town Attorney has the duties and powers established in § 60.37, Wis. Stats., plus any other additional powers and duties established by the Town Board from time to time.
The Town Board may, pursuant to §§ 60.41 and 60.43, Wis. Stats., designate, retain or employ one or more accountants, including certified public accountants, on a temporary or continuing basis to assist with financial matters and audit the Town's accounts.
The terms and conditions of retention and compensation shall be established by written agreement between the Auditor(s) and the Town Board.
The Accountant has the duties and powers established in §§ 60.41 and 60.43, Wis. Stats., plus any additional powers and duties established by the Town Board from time to time. The Auditor shall make periodic reports to the Town Board and an annual report to the Town Meeting of the status of the accounts of the Town.
The Town Board shall, pursuant to § 166.03(4), Wis. Stats., appoint the Town of Vernon Emergency Government Coordinator. The person appointed will hold office for a term to be determined by the Town Board from time to time.
The Emergency Government Coordinator has the duties and powers established in Ch. 166, Wis. Stats., plus any additional powers and duties established by the Town Board. The Emergency Government Coordinator shall submit a periodic report to the Town Board and an annual report to the Town Meeting of the activities within the officer's authority and status of emergency government in the Town. The officer shall submit a proposed budget for his/her department to the Town Clerk and the Finance Committee at an exact date to be established from year to year by the Town Board and the Town Clerk.
[Amended 1-19-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04]
The Village Board may appoint a Director of Public Works.
The Director of Public Works shall have the duties and powers established in § 61.54, Wis. Stats., plus any other additional duties established by the Village Board. The Director shall submit a proposed budget for his/her department to the Village Administrator/Clerk and the Finance Committee at an exact date to be established from year to year by the Village Board and the Village Administrator/Clerk.
The Town Board may, pursuant to § 60.37, Wis. Stats., appoint one or more Town Engineers. The terms and conditions of the appointment may establish a written agreement between the Engineer and the Town Board.
The Town Engineer shall assist the Director of Public Works, conduct surveys, review matters relating to traffic safety and land division, prepare engineering studies, plans and specifications, inspect work done and report to the Plan Commission or the Town Board.
The Town Board may, pursuant to §§ 61.35 and 62.23, Wis. Stats., appoint one or more Building, Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors for both residential and commercial duties. All such appointments shall be certified and remain certified for such positions by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Commerce.
The terms and conditions of retention and compensation shall be established by written agreement between the Inspector(s) and the Town Board.
The Inspector(s) shall perform all duties established by Ch. 101, Wis. Stats., the Wisconsin Administrative Code, and relevant sections within Town ordinances. The Inspector(s) shall keep accurate and complete records of all work performed and submit monthly reports to the Town Board and an annual report to the Town Meeting of all activity performed.
The Town Board may establish and appoint a Town Planner. The terms and conditions of the appointment are subject to a written agreement between the Town Planner and the Town Board.
The Town Planner has the powers and duties established by the Town Board, plus any other duties established by the Waukesha County Zoning Codes and the Town ordinances.
The Town Chairperson shall appoint on or before May 15 of each year a Weed Commissioner. The person appointed will hold the office for a term to be decided by the Town Board from time to time.
The Town Board shall establish the compensation and other terms and conditions in a written agreement for the Weed Commissioner. In addition, the Town Board may establish a method for reimbursement of cost and expenses.
The Weed Commissioner shall have the powers and duties established in § 66.0407, Wis. Stats., plus any other powers and duties established by the Town Board from time to time.
The Town Board may establish and appoint a humane officer. The terms and conditions of the appointment are subject to a written agreement between the Humane Officer and the Town Board.
The Town of Vernon Humane Officer(s) has the duties and powers established in §§ 95.21(b) and 174.001(4), Wis. Stats., and Chapter 117, Animals, of the Town Code, plus any other additional powers and duties established by the Town Board of the Town of Vernon. The Humane Officer shall make periodic reports to the Town Board and an annual report to the Town Meeting regarding the officer's activities.
Every person who holds an office under this chapter shall be a resident of the Town of Vernon within eight weeks of appointment except for the offices listed below. The person shall remain a resident of the Town of Vernon while he or she holds the office. If the person no longer resides in the Town, then the office shall be considered vacant and the appropriate appointing authority shall appoint new persons to these offices within 30 days after a vacancy has been declared by the Town Board.
The following positions need not be held by Vernon residents:
Town Attorney.
Town Engineer.
Building Inspector.
Humane Officer.
Town Planner.
Deputy Clerk.
All offices and office holders under this chapter shall comply with the State Open Meetings Law and the State Open Records Law.[2]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 70, Records.
Editor's Note: See §§ 19.81 to 19.98 and §§ 19.21 to 19.39, Wis. Stats., respectively.
Oath. Pursuant to § 60.31, Wis. Stats., all officials listed in this chapter shall take and file the oath prescribed in § 19.01, Wis. Stats.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Bond. Pursuant to § 60.31(2), Wis. Stats., the Town shall obtain a bond to cover the faithful performance of duties for the following listed officials: Town Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Town Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer. The Town Board establishes the bond amount. If the Town Board at any time determines that the bond is insufficient, it may require an additional bond to be filed within 10 days in an amount fixed by the Town Board.
Eligibility. Any person who is a qualified elector in the Town of Vernon may hold any elected Town office in the Town. No member of the Town Board may, during his or her term, be eligible for any Town office or Town position which is vested in the Town Board. Any member of the Town Board will be eligible for such Town office or Town position if such person resigns from the Town Board before being appointed to the office or position and if the office or position was not created during his or her term in office.
Compatibility. Certain Town offices are incompatible, by common law and statutory law, with other Town offices and also with other county, state, or federal offices. No Town officer, by this chapter, shall serve in both offices at the same time.