The developer shall construct Town highways, private highways, and all other public and private improvements in the subdivision pursuant to the approved preliminary plan or final certified survey map, the approved construction plans and time schedule in the proposed or approved final plat or certified survey map, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, the ordinances of Waukesha County, and the ordinances of the Town of Vernon, and the requirements of the Town, pursuant to this chapter. A final plat or certified survey map shall be approved prior to commencement of the construction of the improvements herein, and the construction of the improvements herein shall not be commenced unless a cash escrow or letter of credit as required by the Town, and pursuant to this chapter, is filed with the Town Clerk for the purpose of performing the work required herein, completing the improvements herein, and maintaining the improvements herein, as required by the Town and the Town ordinances. No cash escrow or letter of credit shall be filed with the Town Clerk pursuant to this chapter without first being approved by the Town Attorney for the Town of Vernon regarding its form and content. The Town Board may from time to time, and as the need arises, pursuant to the recommendation of the Town Department of Public Works Director and the Town Engineer, reduce or otherwise amend the amount in terms of the cash escrows and/or letters of credit herein. The Town Board shall have the broadest discretion regarding the terms and amount of the cash escrow or letter of credit herein regarding subdivisions developed in phases, future improvements, and other future activities requiring security regarding the subdivision pursuant to this chapter. A developer's agreement shall be entered into between the developer and the Town upon review of the Town Attorney and Town Engineer.
After the preliminary plat (or certified survey map) and the construction plans have been approved by the Town Plan Commission, and before any site disturbance, whether public or private, can begin, a preconstruction conference shall be held unless waived by the Town Engineer. At a minimum, the following shall be invited: developer, developer's engineer, developer's contractor, Town Engineer, Town Planner, Town Clerk or designee, Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use, Land Resources Division, public utilities, Wisconsin Department of Transportation and/or Waukesha County Department of Public Works (if applicable).
The approved construction plans and project schedule shall be presented and reviewed. The developer's engineer shall run the conference and furnish the minutes to all attendees within one week of the meeting.
All documents must be filed with the Town Clerk prior to scheduling the meeting. These documents shall include but not limited to corrected plans based on conditions of approval from any agency having authority, letter of credit and developer's agreement for all public improvements, all permits, executed easements ready for recording, and letters of permission.
The developer shall install survey monuments placed in accordance with the requirements of § 236.15, Wis. Stats., and as may be required by the Town Engineer.
The developer shall grade the full width of the right-of-way of all streets proposed to be dedicated in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Plan Commission, upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer. The developer shall grade the roadbeds in the street rights-of-way to subgrade. Cut and filled lands shall be graded to a maximum slope of one to four or the soil's angle of repose, whichever is the lesser, and covered with permanent vegetation. All graded lands, with the exception of the roadbeds of streets, shall be treated for sediment and erosion control purposes as set forth in the Waukesha County Construction Site Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Ordinance.
After the installation of all utility and stormwater drainage improvements, the developer shall surface all roadways and streets proposed to be dedicated to the applicable required width as described in § 200-34 of this chapter.
The developer shall construct stormwater drainage facilities, adequate to serve the subdivision, which may include curbs and gutters, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, road ditches, open channels, water retention structures and settling basins. All such facilities shall be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate the maximum potential volumes of flow and shall be so designed as to prevent and control soil erosion and sedimentation and to present no hazards to life or property. All stormwater facilities may be maintained by the Town. All costs incurred for maintenance shall be charged back to the benefiting landowners.
When permanent rural street sections have been approved by the Town Board, the developer shall finish grade all shoulders and road ditches, install all necessary culverts at intersections and, if required, surface ditch inverts to prevent erosion and sedimentation in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Plan Commission, as recommended by the Town Engineer, and as set forth in this chapter.
The developer shall be required to install gas, if available, electrical power and telephone facilities in such a manner as to make adequate service available to each lot in the subdivision. No such electrical, telephone or other communication services shall be located on overhead poles. In addition, plans indicating the proposed locations of all utility lines required to serve the plat shall be subject to review and recommendation of the Town Engineer and approval of the Town Plan Commission.
The Town Department of Public Works shall install street signs of a design approved by the Town Board at the intersection of all streets to be dedicated which shall be in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Each sign shall contain the south and west quadrant location numbers. All costs incurred for installation and signs shall be charged to the developer.
The developer shall plant those grasses, trees, and vines, the species and size specified by the Town Board, necessary to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation. In addition:
The Town Board may require the developer to provide or install certain protection and rehabilitation measures, such as fencing, sloping, seeding, riprap, revetments, jetties, clearing, dredging, snagging, drop structures, brush mats, willow poles, and grade stabilization structures.
Tree cutting and shrubbery clearing shall not exceed 50% of the lot or tract and shall be so conducted as to prevent erosion and sedimentation; preserve and improve scenic qualities; and, during foliation, substantially screen any development from stream or lake users.
Paths and trails in wooded and wetland areas shall not exceed 10 feet in width unless otherwise approved by the Town Plan Commission and shall be so designed and constructed as to result in the least removal and disruption of trees and shrubs and the minimum impairment of natural beauty.
Earth altering and vegetative removal, such as grading, topsoil removal, mineral extraction, stream course changing, road cutting, waterway construction or enlargement, removal of stream or lake bed materials, excavation, channel, clearing, ditching, drain tile laying, dredging, and lagoons, shall be so conducted as to prevent erosion and sedimentation and to least disturb the natural fauna, flora, watercourse, water regimen, and topography.
Compliance with the Waukesha County Construction Site, Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Ordinance is also required.
The Town Board may require the developer to construct concrete curb and gutters in accordance with the plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Public Works Director upon recommendation of the Town Plan Commission. Mountable curbs shall generally be constructed wherever possible and provisions shall be made at the time of construction for driveway access curb cuts. The cost of installation of all curbs and gutters shall be borne by the developer (see Appendix C, Typical Concrete Curb and Gutter Section).
The Town Plan Commission and Town Board may require the developer to construct a concrete sidewalk or asphalt path on one side of all frontage streets. The construction of all sidewalks or paths shall be in accordance with plans and specifications adopted by the Town Board. Wider than standard sidewalks may be required by the Town Plan Commission and Town Board in the vicinity of schools, commercial areas, and other places of public assemblies where potential pedestrian density may warrant. The Town Board may require the construction of a sidewalk in a location other than required in the preceding provisions of this chapter if such sidewalks or paths are necessary in its opinion for safe and adequate pedestrian circulation.
A developer shall pay to the Town the cost of installation of streetlamps of a design approved by the Town Director of Public Works for each development street which intersects an arterial or collector streets at such interior block spacing as may be required by the Town Board, unless the Town Board authorizes the developer or his agent to perform this work.
When public sanitary sewage facilities are available to the proposed parcels, the developer shall construct sanitary sewage facilities in such a manner as to make adequate sanitary sewage service available to each lot.
In addition:
The Town Board shall require the installation of sewer laterals to the street lot line for all lots.
The size, type, and installation of all sanitary sewers and sanitary laterals proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with the plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Plan Commission upon recommendation of the Town Engineer. The latest revision of the Standard Specification for Sewer and Water Construction in Wisconsin ("Standard Specifications") shall govern all work. All sanitary sewer and sanitary sewer laterals and trenches within the proposed street shall be backfilled with granular material meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications. However, upon written approval of the Town Engineer, the trenches may be backfilled with excavated material meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications. If excavated material is allowed for backfill, it shall be compacted by mechanical methods meeting the approval of the Town Plan Commission upon recommendation of the Town Engineer.
Where a sanitary district has been created pursuant to § 60.71 or 60.72, Wis. Stats., for the purpose of providing and constructing sanitary sewers, such plans and standard specifications shall further be subject to the review and approval by the sanitary district commission.
The developer shall assume the cost of installing all sanitary sewer, sewer laterals, and sewer appurtenances within the proposed development, except that the added cost of installing larger sewers in the total tributary drainage area shall be prorated in proportion to the same ratio as exists between the total area of the proposed plat development and the total draining areas to be served by the larger sewers, and the Town Board shall determine who shall be responsible for the added cost of installing such larger facilities.
When a proposed subdivision or minor subdivision is planned for an area which is already within a designated sewer service area of a treatment facility, then said developer will be required to dedicate the required reserve capacity assessments, which may also be referred to as hookup charges and/or connection charges, lawfully required by the Town for the year of the recording of the subdivision. Said moneys will be held by the Town in a nonlapsing fund for the purpose of being transferred to the treatment facility when sewer becomes available.
Required. Fire protection facilities, in the form of water tanks and/or water sources, shall be required for all subdivisions and minor subdivisions, unless specifically waived in writing by the Town Board upon recommendation of the Plan Commission. The location and size of the tanks shall be specified by the Chief of the Fire Department in which the subdivision or minor subdivision is located. The Plan Commission shall receive a recommendation in that regard from the Fire Chief.
Specifications. The construction of the tanks shall be as specified below and as set forth on the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein:[1]
Sand bedding will be utilized for backfilling and for the base.
Any used steel tank will be hydrostatically tested and coated on the outside of the tank according to NFPA standards.
The drafting/suction pipe height above the finished road surface shall be 24 inches to the center line of the elbow fitting of the five-inch pipe with a four-and-one-half-inch adapter. The section fittings on the suction pipe shall start at a six-inch-diameter fire thread and then be reduced from a six-inch-diameter fire thread to a five-inch-diameter fire thread and then from a five-inch-diameter fire thread to a four-and-one-half-inch-diameter fire thread, and then from a four-and-one-half-inch-diameter fire thread to a two-and-one-half-inch-diameter fire thread with a two-and-one-half-inch cap.
The drafting pipe shall extend to within 12 inches of the bottom of the tank. The length of the draft pipe shall be kept to a minimum after meeting the requirements of Subsection B(3) above.
A screened five-inch vent pipe with the opening facing downward will be included in all tanks. This will be a minimum of 24 inches above the final roadway surface.
A four-inch fill pipe with elbow will be provided at each by the installer, which terminates 24 inches above the finished roadway surface, measured at the pipe with two-and-one-half-inch Siamese Y with cap and chain.
The maximum distance from the road edge to the drafting pipe shall not exceed nine feet. This will allow a fire pumper, positioned on the finished road surface, using one section of the standard hard suction hose, to easily reach the draft pipe.
All aboveground piping shall be primed and then painted red for suction, white for vent, and yellow for fill by the installer before the tanks are approved for service and filled.
The contractor installing the tank shall also install a "no parking" sign at a location specified by the Fire Department. The sign and installation shall be at the expense of the subdivider.
Installation shall be made with consideration of the winter temperatures. Steps will be taken to ensure the piping and water in the tank will not freeze during extended periods of below zero weather.
All installations shall be limited to a single tank.
In all tank installations ballast shall be installed.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is included at the end of this chapter.
Inspections. The developer or the installer of the water tank shall notify the Fire Department in which the subdivision or minor land division is located prior to the installation for purposes of inspection. Forty-eight-hour notification shall be provided, and the appropriate fee, as established by the Town Board by separate resolution, shall be submitted to the Town Clerk to cover the costs of inspection. All new or upgraded installations shall require inspection. Once approved, tanks shall be filled by the Fire Department, and all costs of doing so shall be charged to the developer and paid in the manner described in § 200-57 of this chapter. The Fire Chief of the Department protecting the district in which the subdivision or minor land division is located will notify the Town Clerk in writing that the project has been completed satisfactorily.
[Amended 12-18-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-09]
The developer or contractor installing the tank shall post with the Town a letter of credit in a form that is subject to the approval of the Town Board, and in an amount to be determined by the Town Board, prior to issuance of any building permit for any lot in the subdivision or minor land division, to be held by the Town until the tank has received final Fire Chief approval, unless the installation of the tank is contracted for in the developer's agreement and the letter of credit.
Any municipal or private fire department may utilize the water tank for fire protection purposes. All tanks shall be refilled by the department making use of the water. Refilling shall be accomplished as soon as possible.
The fire department having fire protection responsibility for the district in which the subdivision is located shall inspect the fire tanks in the spring and fall of each year.