[Adopted 11-24-1998 by Ord. No. 98-13 as Ch. 9, Art. XII, of the 1998 Code]
There is hereby established a Cable Television Citizens Advisory Council composed of seven residents of the Township, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council for a term of two years. The initial term of four such members shall be for two years, and the initial term for the remaining three such members shall be for one year; thereafter all members shall be appointed to terms of two years so that three will expire in one year and four the next. The Committee shall report annually to the Township Council or as often as it deems appropriate, One member, to be designated by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council, shall sit on the Board of Directors of the company and have the same rights as other Board of Director members. The Citizens Advisory Board shall make provisions for the operation and service afforded by the company and may make such recommendations as it deems appropriate to the company and the Township Council.