[Adopted 11-24-1998 by Ord. No. 98-13 as Ch. 9, Art. XIII, of the 1998 Code]
There is hereby established the Community Day Committee, composed of 25 residents or persons operating or employed by businesses in the Township, appointed by the Mayor for one-year terms. The Committee shall investigate, discuss, propose and plan programs and events for a community day(s) and such other cultural, social and community functions as the Township Council may from time to time request. Such investigation, discussion, proposal and planning shall be coordinated with other Township boards and committees, and the Community Day Committee shall report and recommend its plans to the Township Council for implementation in its discretion. At its first meeting in January, the Committee shall by majority vote elect a Chairperson from among its members and such other officers as are deemed necessary. The Mayor shall appoint any Township staff as liaisons to this Committee as shall be deemed necessary by the Mayor.