[Adopted 1-24-1972 by L.L. No. 1-1972 as Ch. 16 of the 1972 Code]
No person shall open up, tunnel under, alter the grade of, dig or excavate in the roadbed, pavement or gutters of any street of the Village for any purpose whatever except upon compliance with the provisions herein.
Except as provided in § 108-10 hereof, not less than 24 hours prior to the proposed time for such digging or excavating, application shall be made to the Village Clerk for a permit therefor. Such application shall state:
The name of the applicant.
The precise place where the applicant desires to dig or excavate, with the distance from the nearest street intersection or from the property abutting the street at the point proposed for excavation.
Each application shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or bond or undertaking to cover the cost of restoring the street and its pavement to a condition which meets the approval of the Village Engineer. In the alternative and in the discretion of the Village Clerk, a guaranty or adequate assurance that such repavement will be made will be supplied.
Failure to restore the street and its pavement to a satisfactory condition shall result in forfeiture of the cash deposit or bond. Satisfactory completion of the work or restoration shall result in the release of the cash deposit or bond.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Each application for a permit shall further be accompanied by a certificate of insurance, in a from determined by the Village Counsel, approved by the Board of Trustees and issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state, running to the Village, guaranteeing that the applicant has provided public liability coverage of not less than $100,000./$300,000 and property damage insurance of $50,000/$100,000, to save the Village harmless from all claims, actions and proceedings brought by any person for injury to person or property resulting from or occasioned by any fault or default of the person to whom the permit is issued or by anyone acting thereunder on his behalf.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
As a condition precedent to receiving a permit, the applicant shall agree that, immediately upon completion of his work and, when required, its inspection and approval, he will backfill the excavation. Thereafter, when the Village restores the street at the place excavated to complete repair, the cost thereof will be paid by the permittee, the amount due being taken from the sum placed on deposit as provided in § 108-3 hereof. Until such complete repair has been made, all liability for the condition of the street remains upon the permittee.
In the alternative, upon permission, in writing, by authorization of the Board of Trustees, the permittee may himself restore the pavement to complete repair under supervision of the Village Engineer or Superintendent of Public Works and in conformity with grades and specifications to be provided for such work.
The fee for each permit hereunder will be as established by resolution of the Board of Trustees from time to time.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Editor's Note: The current fee schedule is available from the Village Clerk at the Village offices during regular office hours.
When there has been full compliance with the provisions herein stated and no other valid objections have appeared, the Village Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant therefor.
Permits are not transferable, and the work shall not be performed in any place other than the locations specifically designated in the permit.
Every grant of work for which a permit is issued must be begun within 48 hours of the time and date specified in the permit.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Every permit shall expire at the end of the period of time which shall be set out in the permit. If the permittee shall be unable to complete the work within the specified time, he shall, prior to the expiration of the permit, present, in writing, to the Chief Code Enforcement Officer a request for an extension of time, setting forth therein the reasons for the requested extension. If, in the opinion of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer, such an extension is necessary and not contrary to the public interest, the permittee may be granted additional time for the completion of the work.
Each person to whom a permit is issued hereunder must at all times have it available at the place of the excavation and, upon demand, show it to the representative of the Village.
Application. In an emergency, such as the breaking of a main or other condition calling for immediate opening of a street to prevent loss or injury to property, application may be made to the Village Clerk for an emergency permit, in person or by telephone, and authority shall be granted to proceed with the necessary work forthwith.
Notifying police. If such emergency develops during hours when the Village Office is closed, as during the night or on holidays, notification thereof shall be made to the Police Department, in person or by telephone, before proceeding with the street opening.
Duties thereafter. It shall be the duty of every person who undertakes to open a street under the provisions of this section to place warning signs, lights and barriers to protect the public and, upon the first day of resumption of regular business at the Village Office, to comply with the provisions of §§ 108-2, 108-3, 108-4, 108-5 and 108-6 hereof or to be held in violation of this Part 1.
Whenever the surface of a street is disturbed or an opening is made therein or when, as a result of work done thereon, there exists a depression below the surrounding grade or an elevation higher than the grade because of excess backfill or for other reasons, the person to whom the permit was issued or who has caused the hazard shall provide adequate safeguards to the public by erecting a barrier or fence, of distinctive type or color, marking the outside limits of the affected area and bearing warning signs distinguishable by day and adequate numbers of lighted lanterns or flares to give warning of danger after dark.
For the infraction of any provision hereof, any permit may be canceled, and permission to do similar work may be withheld from the offender for a period of three months from the time of such violation.
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this Part 1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York, punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.