[Added 6-28-2011 by L.L. No. 5-2011]
A procedure is hereby established for the designation of property(ies) to be within the CBAT District in order to provide an appropriate transition of development type and density for certain properties abutting the Central Business A District.
In addition to the purposes and legislative intent set forth in § 310-2 of this chapter, the district established pursuant to this article shall have among its purposes the following:
To provide for a graduated transition between commercial and residential properties;
To recognize that some developments may, by virtue of their scale, size and unique building sites, require specialized consideration and treatment by Village authorities, and may not be adequately addressed by district regulations set forth in Article III.
To provide for the establishment of separate and distinct substantive standards for planned and controlled developments of varying sizes or to recognize and encourage the advantages that may accrue from the complexities of particular and/or unique parcel size, location within the Village, juxtaposition with adjacent land uses and community facilities and functions, and to take into account the increasing need for flexibility in types of uses, building types, location and design required in such developments, and the need to plan and control such developments so as to minimize their effect on surrounding uses and public services;
To provide combinations of permitted uses and variations in the relationship of uses, structures, open spaces, density and size of structures in developments to assure cohesive and unified projects; and
To provide a controlled review and zoning procedure and to encourage good development while assuring that such development shall further the purposes of this chapter.
Permitted uses. All uses within the CBAT District shall be determined by the Board of Trustees on a case-by-case basis for each parcel in the district by resolution following a public hearing, provided that permitted uses may include only those non-special permit uses permitted in the Central Business A District, irrespective of the location of the CBAT District, and further provided that in no event shall dry cleaner be a permitted use, even if no cleaning plant is on the premises.
Location. The CBAT District may be located only where each lot within the CBAT District immediately abuts the Central Business A District. For the purposes of this subsection only, where the boundary of the Central Business A District coincides with the center line of a segment of a street and/or alley, lots that abut such segment shall be deemed to abut the Central Business A District.
Exception to CBAT District designation: Any lot on which any building is being used for residential purposes at the time an application to the Board of Trustees for CBAT District approval is submitted, or within one year prior thereto, shall not be eligible for CBAT District designation.
Bulk regulations. Bulk regulations shall be set on a case-by-case basis by resolution of the Board of Trustees following a public hearing and according to the provisions of this article, provided that in no event shall the bulk regulations be less restrictive than the bulk regulations of the Central Business A District.
Off-street parking. Off-street parking requirements shall be set on a case-by-case basis by resolution of the Board of Trustees following a public hearing.
Ownership. Application for CBAT District designation of a particular parcel or parcels of land shall be made by or on behalf of all owners of such parcel(s).
In considering a CBAT District application, in addition to the purposes set forth in § 310-21.2, the Planning Board and the Board of Trustees shall give consideration to the standards set forth in § 310-30.
The Board of Trustees shall be the Village authority responsible for designating property(ies) to be within the CBAT District.
The procedure for designation of property(ies) to be within the CBAT District shall be as set forth in § 310-47 of this chapter.