Department of City. The Office of City Clerk shall be a part of the administrative service of the City. The Office of City Clerk shall be headed by the City Clerk, who shall be a department head with the same powers of department heads as provided by the Charter.
Office under authority and control of Council. The Office of the City Clerk shall be under the sole authority and control of the Council.
Cooperation with Mayor and department heads. Although the City Clerk's department is not under the authority of the Mayor, the City Clerk shall exert every effort to establish a policy of cooperation with the Mayor and his or her department heads for the efficient and orderly transaction of the business and affairs of the City.
Custodian of City Seal. The City Clerk shall be the custodian of the official Seal of the City.
Council Clerk. The City Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Council unless otherwise provided by the Council and shall perform such other duties of a like nature as shall be required by that body. In the event the City Clerk shall be temporarily unable to perform such duties, he or she shall be empowered to designate a member of his or her office in such capacity without additional compensation pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter.
Recording, filing, etc., of Council proceedings. The City Clerk shall be responsible for the recording, filing, indexing and safekeeping of all proceedings of the Council and shall satisfy the requirement of § 2.9 of the City Charter with regard to publishing minutes of Council proceedings by reporting and posting such minutes on a centrally located bulletin board.
Duty to provide copies of Council minutes and communications. Within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of the adjournment of regular and special Council meetings, the City Clerk shall forward copies of the minutes of such meetings to all Councilmen, the Mayor and all department heads. Copies of such minutes shall also be made available to interested citizens. The City Clerk shall also immediately forward to department heads copies of Council communications affecting their departments.
Recording and authenticating ordinances. The City Clerk shall record in full, uniformly and permanently, all ordinances and shall authenticate the same.
Duty to prepare Council agenda. The City Clerk shall prepare an agenda of the matters to be considered by the Council at each of its regular meetings and shall make available copies of the same for persons attending such regular meetings.
Bulletin board. The City Clerk shall maintain a bulletin board and shall post thereon the time and place of special Council meetings, public hearings, advertised bids and such other pertinent information relating to Council matters.
Correspondence. The City Clerk shall promptly refer copies of all correspondence from the Council to various departments of the City to the appropriate City departments affected by same.
Election records. The City Clerk shall keep and maintain all election records and have custody of all property used in connection with elections.
Vital statistics. The City Clerk shall prepare, attest and report on the vital statistics of the City.
Expiration of terms of office. The City Clerk shall notify the appointing authority of the impending expiration of the term of office of a member of any board, commission or committee, such notice shall be given at least 30 days before such expiration.
Notification of Council of appointments, dismissals, etc., made by Mayor. The City Clerk shall immediately notify the Council in writing of an action taken by the Mayor, pursuant to Subsection C of § 5-51 of this chapter.
Minutes, etc., of boards, commissions, committees. The City Clerk shall keep the official minutes, records, rulings and opinions of the boards, commissions and committees of the City.
Secretarial services. The City Clerk shall provide such secretarial services to boards, commissions and committees as may be required.
Public works plans, specifications available; fee. The City Clerk shall upon receipt of any and all plans and specifications for all City public works and improvements make the same available as are reasonably needed by all parties and departments concerned. He or she may impose a fee to all prospective bidders for copies of such plans and specifications, which fee shall be refunded when such plans and specifications are returned in acceptable condition.
The City Clerk is entitled to receive, on behalf of the City, for services specified in this section, except where another fee is allowed therefor by statutory provision, the following fees to be paid in advance to be deposited by him or her with the City Treasurer:
For a search of the marriage records and furnishing a certificate of marriage registration: $10.
For a search of the birth, death or marriage records filed in his or her office:
[Amended 8-11-2003]
One- to three-year search: $22.
Four- to ten-year search: $42.
Eleven- to twenty-year search: $62.
Twenty-one- to thirty-year search: $82, etc.
For the issuance of a license of marriage and for the furnishing of a certificate of marriage registration upon receipt of the return of the marriage license properly endorsed and completed by the person who shall have solemnized the marriage in accordance with the laws of the state: $40.
[Amended 8-11-2003]
For preparing and furnishing a certified copy of a printed resolution or other printed paper filed in his or her office: $2.
For preparing and furnishing a copy of a resolution or other paper filed in his or her office: $0.25 for each folio and $0.25 for each certification thereof, but not less than $2.
For furnishing form, filing and docketing application for appointment to office of commissioner of deeds: $15.
[Amended 11-21-1994]
For preparing and furnishing photographic copies of papers on file in his or her office not including fees for certification, per page: $0.25.
[Amended 12-21-1992]
For an amended birth, death or marriage certificate: $2.
[Amended 10-16-2017]
Public duties; exception. The provisions of this section requiring the payment of fees shall not apply to the filing of applications and certification of papers where the head of the department of the state, county, City or duly created agency thereof certifies that such filing and certification is required in the performance of public duties.