[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of New Berlin 10-15-1990. Amendments noted where applicable.]
By the adoption of the chapter, the Town Board of the Town of New Berlin declares its intent to maintain the desirable rural character of the Town of New Berlin, to permit the continuation of the business of farming as it is now carried out throughout the Town of New Berlin, including the various agricultural districts within the Town, and to retain the existence of farms within the Town in view of the substantial contribution to the tax base now provided by said farms and farm properties. The Town Board of the Town of New Berlin further recognizes that there exist certain farming practices which must be permitted to be carried on to the furtherance of the business of farming and which can be carried on within the Town of New Berlin without interfering with the use and enjoyment of land not now devoted to the business of farming.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person, organization, entity, association, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of agriculture, whether for profit or otherwise, including the cultivation of land, raising of crops and the raising of livestock.
Any activity, now permitted by law, engaged in by a farmer, as defined herein, in connection with and in furtherance of the business of farming, and shall include the collection, transportation, distribution and storage of animal waste; storage, transportation and use of equipment for tillage, planting and harvesting: transportation, storage and use of legally permitted fertilizers, lime and pesticides all in accordance with local, state and federal law and regulation and in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and warnings; and construction of farm structures and facilities as permitted by local and state building code regulation, including construction and maintenance of fences.
It is resolved by the Town Board of the Town of New Berlin that farmers, as defined herein, may lawfully engage in farming practices, as defined herein, within the Town of New Berlin at such times and at such location as is necessary to conduct the business of farming and that no person, entity, association, partnership or corporation shall engage in any act to prevent or deter such conduct as is approved herein.