Section 179-f of the Town Law provides that, for the purpose of preserving the Official Map or plat, no permit for the erection of any building shall be issued unless a street or highway giving access to such proposed structure has been duly placed on the Official Map or unless such street appears on a recorded plat approved by the Planning Board and provides procedure for appeals.
No such permit shall be issued unless such street or highway has been suitably improved or, alternatively, where a performance bond has been posted to cover the full cost of such improvement.
Section 179-o of the Town Law provides that no public municipal street utility or improvement shall be constructed by the Town in any street or highway until it has become a public street or highway and is duly placed on the Official Map but provides that, subject to the discretion of the Town Board, a subsurface utility or improvement operated from revenue by the Town or by a special district may be constructed by the Town in a private street, provided that a public easement satisfactory to the Town Board is obtained for such utility or improvement. Measures for appeal are also provided.
The Town Board may, by ordinance, provide for additional remedies to prevent or abate violations and to establish penalties for violations, as provided by law.
No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made in any subdivision preliminary or final plat after approval has been voted by the Planning Board. Any plat so altered shall be considered to be null and void, and the Planning Board shall so indicate in its minutes and notify the County Recorder of Deeds.