[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Abbottstown as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-20-1987 by Ord. No. 1987-8]
For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Owner, manager, managing agent, or other person, partnership or corporation responsible for the operation of a rental unit.
That portion of a dwelling rented or offered for rent for living and dwelling purposes, or any lots rented for the placement of mobile homes to an individual or family unit, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such portion of the property. Multiple use properties which have one or more rental units in addition to any and all other uses.
[Added 5-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
Each occupant or inhabitant, over the age of 18 years, of a rental unit, other than the owner of the rental unit, who is a permanent resident of the Borough of Abbottstown, but excluding transient or tourist persons who have stayed or intend to stay 30 days or less.
To enable the Borough of Abbottstown to more equitably and efficiently assess and levy taxes on taxable residents within the said Borough, each owner of a rental unit shall report to the Secretary of the Borough of Abbottstown between January 1 and 15 of each year the identities of all residents of the owner's rental unit or units. The owner shall also report any and all changes in occupancy that shall occur during the year within 30 days of the change. The report of such residents shall be made in writing on such forms as shall be prescribed by the Borough. Should the Borough fail to prescribe or have available forms for the aforementioned reports, then such report shall be made by the owner, in writing, to the Borough Secretary.
[Amended 5-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
The failure of any owner of a rental unit to make a report as hereinbefore set forth shall be punished, after conviction before any Magisterial District Judge, by a fine of not more than $600 for each resident not reported, together with costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not more than 30 days for each offense thereafter. Every unreported change shall constitute a separate offense hereunder and shall be punishable as such.
[Adopted 12-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person designated by the owner who has charge, care or control of a residential rental property.
Acceptable to the Code Official.
The official who is charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, or any duly authorized representative.
The Fire Prevention, Building, Property Maintenance, Electrical, Zoning, Stormwater Management and Plumbing Codes, as adopted by the Borough from time to time, and any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
The outside facade of a building, including but not limited to any porch, yard, lawn, landscaping, sidewalks, setbacks, curbs, and all open area contiguous to a building owned by the same person or persons or part of the same real estate parcel.
Any dwelling, including apartment dwellings or parts thereof, containing three or more dwelling units.
Any person (including an owner or operator) living and sleeping in a dwelling unit or rooming unit.
Any person having charge, care, management or control of any dwelling or a part of it, in which dwelling units, sleeping units or rooming units are let. See also AGENT.
Any person, agent, operator, firm, corporation, partnership, association, property management group, or fiduciary having legal, equitable or other interest in any real property; or recorded in the official records of the state, county or municipality as holding title to the property; or otherwise having control of the property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person and the executor or administrator of such person's estate. When used in this article in a clause proscribing any activity or imposing a penalty, the term, as applied to partnerships and associations, shall mean each partner, and as applied to corporations, the officers thereof.
A dwelling unit that is the primary, permanent residence and domicile of a natural person who is identified as the owner or one of the owners on the deed for the property. In order for a dwelling unit to be considered owner occupied, the dwelling must be considered the domicile of the record owner or at least one of the record owners under Pennsylvania law, and the owner must physically reside in the dwelling not less than six months each calendar year, and the owner cannot be registered to vote at any other address, and the owner must use the dwelling at the owner's address for payment of taxes including, but not limited to, earned income taxes.
An individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership.
A lot, plot or parcel of land including the buildings and structures thereon.
Refer to "Code Official."
A residential rental unit which has met the inspection requirements of this article and for which the annual fee has been paid
An annual license issued to the owner of a dwelling unit after having met the chapter's inspection requirements and satisfying the associated remittance.
(1) A dwelling unit let for rent, or (2) a rooming unit, or (3) a bed-and-breakfast establishment, or (4) a short-term rental, or (5) an accessory dwelling unit, or (6) a dwelling unit that is not occupied by the owner, is a residential rental unit. Each individual townhouse dwelling, each individual apartment unit, each individual unit in a multi-family building, each individual bed-and-breakfast establishment, each individual rooming unit, and each individual short-term lodging accommodation shall be considered a residential rental unit whether the owner or a relative of the owner also resides in the structure. A residential rental unit includes dwelling units under lease-purchase agreements or long-term (greater than six months) agreements for sale. A residential rental unit shall not include a hotel as defined herein or a hospital room utilized for medical services. It may include a motel or boarding house, where residents are permitted to stay for an extended period of time (greater than 30 days). For the purposes of this article, there shall be excluded from this definition those dwelling units subject to a periodic inspection by a state or federal agency at least once every two years applying a standard substantially the same as or more thorough than the Borough codes referenced in the definition of "codes" above.
Units must have a valid a short-term rental license as issued by the Borough of Abbottstown.
Installed, furnished or provided by the owner or operator at his expense.
A person, corporation, partnership or group, whether or not the legal owner of record, occupying a building or portion thereof as a unit.
An open space on the same lot with a structure.
A license shall be required for all regulated rental units (unless otherwise covered under a separate licensing program adopted and operated by the Borough or other approved entity/agency.
The following categories or rental properties shall not require licenses and shall not, therefore, be subject to the permitting provision of this article.
Owner-occupied dwelling units provided that not more than two unrelated individuals, in addition to the immediate members of the owner's family, occupy the dwelling unit at any given time.
Hospitals and nursing homes.
Dwellings in which a bed and breakfast use is made.
Short Term Rental units, where such units are inspected as part of the Short Term Rental registration and inspection program.
A license shall not be required for multiple-unit dwellings, although a license shall be required for each regulated rental unit within the structure. The foregoing notwithstanding, all other provisions of this article shall apply to the common areas of the structure.
The application for the license shall be in a form as determined by the Borough.
A license shall not be transferable. Any transfer of ownership in a regulated rental unit shall require that the new owner procure a new license for continued rental.
Each license shall have an annual term.
Upon application for a license and prior to issuance or renewal thereof, each applicant shall pay an annual license fee and an inspection fee, if an inspection is necessary, in amounts to be established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, to either the Borough or, if the Borough so designates, to the company which employs its duly authorized Code Enforcement Officer. Such resolution may provide for more than one fee scale for different categories of regulated rental units, to be more specifically set forth in the resolution.
No license shall be issued if the owner has not paid any fines and costs arising from enforcement of this article or any of the ordinances of the Borough of Abbottstown relating to land use and/or code enforcement or if any licensing fees under this article are due and owing the Borough.
The requirements for periodic inspections shall be as follows:
Each residential rental unit shall be inspected by the Property Maintenance Code Officer or other designee of the Borough at least one time in every twenty-four-month period; and for such purpose and for any reinspection required hereunder, the owner shall provide access to Borough representatives. A unit where inspection access is denied may not be a qualified residential unit until inspection access is provided.
Where the occupancy of the rental unit changes, the owner shall provide the Borough an updated renter information form no later than 15 days after the change in occupancy. No charge shall be assessed for the updated rental record submission.
This inspection shall include both the exterior and interior of the premises being inspected.
Upon submission of a new residential rental license application, or at such other times as provided for in this article, the Property Maintenance Code Officer or other designee of the Borough, or an approved independent inspector shall perform an inspection of the residential rental unit to insure that the residential rental unit meets all of the requirements of the Code of the Borough of Abbottstown, including, but not limited to, the International Property Maintenance Code, the Uniform Construction Code, the International Fire Code, the Abbottstown Borough zoning ordinance, the terms and conditions of this section, and any other applicable provisions of the Code of the Borough of Abbottstown or the laws of the Commonwealth.
For the purposes of enforcing this article, the Property Maintenance Code Officer or designee of the Borough may seek to obtain an administrative search warrant issued by a competent issuing authority in accordance with applicable legal standards for the purpose of compelling an inspection of a residential rental unit. The refusal to provide inspection access does not limit the Borough to the remedy that the unit is determined not to be a qualified residential unit.
The foregoing notwithstanding, if the building containing the residential rental unit in question has received a certificate of occupancy for new construction under any other Borough code, the owner of said building shall not be required to schedule an inspection of such new construction pursuant to this article until the expiration of 24 months from the date of the issuance of said certificate of occupancy.
If the owner of a residential rental unit can present to the Borough Property Maintenance Code Officer a certificate certifying that a particular residential rental unit has been inspected by a federal or a state authority pursuant to a maintenance standard equivalent to or more strict than the International Property Maintenance Code or any successor thereto which from time to time is in effect in the Borough of Abbottstown, and pursuant to said inspection found to be in compliance, the owner of said building shall not be required to schedule an inspection under the terms of this article until the expiration of 24 months from the date of the issuance of the state or federal certificate of compliance. If, as a result of the state or federal inspection, deficiencies were determined, there shall be no waiver of the inspection requirements under this article unless the property owner can also provide to the Borough Property Maintenance Code Officer a certificate evidencing resolution of the deficiency sufficient to obtain a certificate of compliance.
Independent inspectors.
Any owner shall have the right to employ an independent inspector certified as a qualified inspector per Item H.2 below and as to any residential rental unit inspected and certified as being in compliance by said inspector, the owner of said building shall not be required to schedule an inspection under the terms of this article until the expiration of 24 months from the date of the issuance of the certificate of compliance based on said inspection.
Approved independent inspectors must provide sufficient written evidence to document a thorough, current and competent knowledge of the Borough codes, as well as other relevant codes. The Borough reserves the sole right to determine the eligibility and appropriateness of an individual for the purposes of conducting rental unit inspections.
In this context, the Borough shall maintain a database list of inspectors which it recognizes as being properly certified to perform inspections under the International Property Maintenance Code and any independent inspector employed by an owner must be from said list.
When an inspection is performed by an independent inspector, a copy of the inspection report must be provided to the Borough Property Maintenance Code Officer within 48 hours of the date of inspection. Where violations or code deficiencies are noted in the independent inspector report, the independent inspector must provide a follow-up inspection to verify resolution of those deficiencies and must provide the Borough Property Maintenance Code officer a copy of the inspection report following the follow-up inspection to verify the status of corrections. The follow-up inspection must be prompt and within a reasonable time from the date of the original inspection. No inspection shall be recognized as having been completed under this section until a certificate of compliance is issued.
The Borough reserves the right to remove from the list of qualified inspectors any inspector determined by the Borough not to be conducting inspections in accord with the standards established by the International Property Maintenance Code or who fails to conduct the required re-inspections on properties in which deficiencies have been noted or who fails to provide copies of all inspection reports in accord with the provisions of this subsection.
For any inspection pursuant to Subsections E and F above, the Borough reserves the right to inspect any premises to verify the quality of any independent or government agency inspection. No fee will be charged for this inspection, but appropriate fees may be charged for re-inspections if violations are found.
No inspection under this article shall be made of hotels or motels principally providing overnight lodging only.
All owners of residential rental units shall submit an initial Residential Rental License Application to the Borough Code Enforcement Division of the Department of Planning & Engineering, the "Department", before allowing occupancy of a dwelling unit. A separate residential rental license application shall be required for each residential rental property identifying each residential rental unit therein. Every residential rental license application shall be accompanied by a residential rental license application fee, as fixed in an amount determined by Borough Council set forth in the Resolution of Fee as adopted and amended from time to time by Council.
Upon successful completion of all administrative and inspection requirements of this Chapter, the Department shall issue a residential rental license upon request of the owner or operator. Each subject rental unit shall physically display the rental license placard on the premises. Residential rental units which fail to meet the requirements of this Chapter shall not qualify for the issuance of a residential rental license unless the residential rental unit is brought into compliance with this Chapter. A reinspection fee may be assessed by the Code Official and shall be remitted wherein an owner or operator seeks a second or subsequent inspection under any application for a residential rental license prior to the Department conducting such reinspection. The inspection and reinspection fees shall be as fixed in an amount determined by Borough Council set forth in the Resolution of fees.
Each Owner of a residential rental unit in the Borough of Abbottstown or the agent or operator for such Owner shall comply with the Rental Property Registration Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1987-8, codified in Chapter 162 of the Code of the Borough of Abbottstown, as may be amended.
If an inspection of a residential rental unit, discloses code deficiencies, the Property Maintenance Code Officer or other Borough designee, or the independent inspector, shall issue a notice of violation. The notice of code violation shall set forth the following:
The street address or appropriate description of the subject property;
The date of the inspection;
The identity of the inspector;
A list of the code deficiencies;
An Appeals Form (for the owner's use should they dispute the cited conditions);
The number of days in which the owner and/or occupant is to accomplish repairs and/or otherwise eliminate the code deficiencies; and
Notice that, if the conditions are not repaired or the premises are not otherwise brought into compliance with the applicable code within the time specified, the tenant and/or the owner may be prosecuted and/or the residential rental unit may be placarded as unfit for human occupancy in accordance with the Borough Property Maintenance Code. Only the Borough shall have authority to institute prosecution proceedings under the terms of this article.
Upon the expiration of the time specified to accomplish repairs or otherwise bring the premises into code compliance, or upon notice to the Borough from the owner that the repairs have been accomplished or code deficiencies otherwise eliminated, whichever occurs first, the Borough Property Maintenance Code Officer or other Borough designee (to be Borough Engineer, Borough retained independent inspector or Borough Fire/Police Department personnel), or independent inspector, as the case may be, shall reinspect the subject residential rental unit.
In the event such reinspection discloses that the owner accomplished the repairs or the code deficiencies have otherwise been eliminated, the Borough Property Maintenance Code Officer shall note the citation to be closed. Where the reinspection has been completed by an independent inspector, the close out of the citation may only occur after the proper Borough official has been provided a report of the reinspection indicating that all deficiencies have been resolved and such report is received by the Borough within two working days of the date of the reinspection.
In the event such reinspection discloses that the owner failed to accomplish the repairs or otherwise eliminate the code deficiencies, the Property Maintenance Code Officer may pursue prosecution as otherwise provided in the Borough Property Maintenance Code.
Council, by resolution, shall establish the inspection fee annually, and invoices shall be mailed to owners of each rental unit before September 30 of each year that an inspection is due. Invoices are due upon receipt and must be paid prior to December 31 of each year. The foregoing notwithstanding, in times of community emergency, Council may, by resolution, extend the due date for payment to a later date. In the event of any such change, rental property owners will be notified.
In the event violations of any of the codes referenced in this article are found during the initial inspection of the premises, fees will be assessed according to the Fee Schedule Resolution for each reinspection of the premises for matters relating to the violations found during the initial inspection. Where the violation notice issued specifies times for resolving noted Property Maintenance Code violations, it should be anticipated that an additional inspection will be required for each time frame established in the notice. The foregoing notwithstanding, if the initial program inspection of the premises discloses five or more Property Maintenance Code violations, a fee will be assessable by the Borough for the administration and enforcement undertaken pursuant to this article and the Code as shall be established by the Borough by resolution from time to time.
It shall be the duty of every owner to keep and maintain all regulated rental units in compliance with the applicable codes and provisions of all other applicable State laws and regulations and local ordinances and to keep such property in good and safe condition.
As provided for in this article, to the maximum extent practicable, every owner shall be responsible for regulating the proper and lawful use and maintenance of every dwelling which he, she or it owns. As provided for in the Part, every owner shall also be responsible for regulating the conduct and activities of the occupants of every regulated rental unit which he, she or it owns in the Borough, which conduct or activity takes place at such regulated rental unit or its premises.
In order to achieve those ends, every owner of a regulated rental unit shall regulate the conduct and activity of the occupants thereof, both contractually and though enforcement, as more fully set forth below.
This Section shall not be construed as diminishing or relieving, in any way, the responsibility of the occupants or their guests for their conduct or activity; nor shall it be construed as an assignment, transfer or projection over or onto any owner of any responsibility or liability which occupants or guests may have as a result of their conduct or activity under any private cause of action, civil or criminal enforcement proceeding or criminal law; nor shall this section be construed so as to require an owner to indemnify or defend occupants or their guests when any such action or proceeding is brought against the occupant based upon the occupant's conduct or activity. Nothing herein is intended to impose any additional civil/criminal liability upon an owner other than that which is imposed by existing law.
This article is not intended to, nor shall its effect be, to limit any other enforcement remedies which may be available to the Borough against an owner, occupant or guest thereof.
The occupant(s) shall comply with all obligations imposed upon the occupant(s) by this article, all applicable codes and ordinances of the Borough and all applicable provisions of State law.
The occupant(s) shall abide by the Health and Safety Regulations as follows:
The maximum number of persons permitted in any regulated rental unit at any time shall not exceed one person for each 50 square feet of habitable floor space in said regulated rental unit. The maximum number of persons permitted in the common areas of any multiple unit dwelling at any time shall not exceed one person for each 15 square feet of common areas on the premises.
In tandem with obligations as set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code, the occupant(s) shall dispose from their regulated rental unit all rubbish, garbage and other waste in a covered trash container, and separate and place for collection all recyclable materials, in compliance with the recycling plan submitted by the owner to the Borough under its Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance or, if there is no recycling plan for the premises, then in compliance with the Borough's Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances, laws and regulations.
Peaceful enjoyment. The occupant(s) shall conduct themselves and require other person(s) including, but not limited to, guests on the premises and within his or her regulated rental unit with his or her consent, to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb the peaceful enjoyment of adjacent or nearby dwellings by the person(s) occupying the same.
Residential use. The occupant(s) shall, unless otherwise permitted by applicable law or ordinance, occupy or use their regulated rental unit for no other purpose than as a residence.
Illegal activities. The occupant(s) shall not engage in, nor tolerate nor permit others on the premises to engage in, any conduct declared illegal under the Pennsylvania Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.A. § 101, et seq.) or Liquor Code (47 P.S. § 1-101 et seq.), or the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P.S. § 780-101 et seq.)
The issuance of a certificate of compliance is not a representation by the Borough that the residential rental unit has been inspected and/or the building in which it is located does not contain any violation of any of the codes referenced in the definition of "codes" above. Rather, the issuance of a certificate of compliance represents that on the date of inspection, no material violation of any of said codes was noted by the inspector. Neither enactment of this article nor the issuance of a certificate of compliance is a guarantee to any person that no code violations exist in the premises inspected, nor shall there be imposed any liability upon the Borough for any errors or omissions which resulted in the issuance of such certificate, nor shall the Borough bear any liability not otherwise imposed by law.
The owner of a residential rental unit or a tenant of said unit if a tenant has been cited who is aggrieved by a decision of the Property Maintenance Code Officer or other Borough designee may, within 30 days of the date of receipt of the notice of violation or the time fixed for repair, whichever is shorter, appeal the decision in accord with applicable provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code.
Nothing in this article shall preclude or prohibit the Property Maintenance Code Officer or other Borough designee from identifying any code violations or inspecting any property according to the terms of any of the referenced codes at any time, whether or not the particular premises are scheduled for periodic inspection under the terms of this article.
The failure of any owner to effect corrections as provided in this article shall be considered a violation of the Code of the Borough of Abbottstown, including, but not limited to, the International Property Maintenance Code, the Uniform Construction Code, the International Fire Code, the Abbottstown Borough Zoning Ordinance, the terms and conditions of this section, and any other applicable provisions of the Code of the Borough of Abbottstown or the laws of the Commonwealth and the procedures and penalties prescribed therein shall be applicable.
Any person who violates any provision of this article, shall, upon conviction, be liable to pay a fine not to exceed $1,000 plus court costs and the reasonable attorneys fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement proceedings (inclusive of any equity proceedings), and in default of payment of said fine and costs/fees to a term of imprisonment to the extent allowed by law for the punishment of a summary offense. Each day in which an offense shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to the above, the Borough may enforce this article in equity in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Any Ordinance or Resolution, or any portion of any Ordinance or Resolution, of the Borough of Abbottstown, which is inconsistent with the contents of the present Ordinance shall be, and the same is hereby, repealed insofar as the same is affected by or inconsistent with the provisions of the present Ordinance.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this article is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed to be a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the present Ordinance.
This article shall take effect and be in full force and effect beginning January 1, 2024, provided however, in order to provide for an effective start up to the licensing and inspection provisions of this article, Owners of applicable properties located North of U.S. Route 30 must apply for a license and provide for an inspection and otherwise comply with this article within 12 months of the effective date of this article, and Owners of applicable properties located South of U.S. Route 30 must apply for a license and provide for an inspection and otherwise comply with this article within 24 months of the effective date of this article. Except as provided in this section, it shall be unlawful to occupy or let to others for occupancy any residential rental unit which has not been currently licensed and inspected as provided by this article.