[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Mount Pleasant 8-14-2001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 11-27-2001; 1-8-2002; 1-14-2003; 11-11-2003; 2-24-2004; 1-10-2006; 2-13-2007; 8-14-2007; 1-12-2010; 11-9-2010; 12-14-2010 by L.L. No. 3-2010; 1-11-2011; 2-14-2012; 6-26-2012; 1-8-2013; 5-14-2013; 4-22-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 10-27-2015; 12-13-2016 by L.L. No. 12-2016; 12-13-2016; 12-27-2017; 10-10-2017; 9-25-2018 by L.L. No. 5-2018; 6-27-2023 by L.L. No. 7-2023; 8-13-2024 by L.L. No. 6-2024]
The following schedule of fees is hereby established for licenses, permits and certain other charges levied by the Town of Mount Pleasant. Fees which are specifically set by statute may be found in their corresponding chapters in the Code of the Town of Mount Pleasant.
Chapter 56, Amusements and Amusement Devices
§ 56-3
License for charitable or benevolent purpose or nonprofit organization
No charge
License for dancing to music supplied by a mechanical device
All other amusement licenses
§ 56-8C
License for first amusement device
License for second amusement device
Chapter 68, Building Construction Administration
§ 68-9A
Building permit extension fee (6 months each); two six-months periods maximum
§ 68-9C
Legalization fee per legalization
$1,000 per item
Working without a permit
Double the building permit application fee, $500 minimum charge (violation of Town Code)
§ 68-10A
Building permit fees; total valuation of work:
Up to $1,000
Each additional $1,000 or fraction
Record search
Per-page charge for copies
Verification of survey
§ 68-14D
Certificate of occupancy residential generators, oil tanks and sheds
All other residential projects
§ 68-17B
Temporary certificate of occupancy
Chapter 83, Dogs
§ 83-11A
Dog seizure/redemption fee
§ 83-18
Altered dogs
Unaltered dogs
Senior unaltered/altered dogs
Altered purebred dogs
Unaltered purebred dogs
Chapter 88, Elevators and Other Automatic Equipment
§ 88-4A
Annual inspection fee, per device or piece of equipment
§ 88-6
Certificate fee
Chapter 96, Excavations and Topsoil Removal
§ 96-6C
Excavation and topsoil removal permit
Additional charge per cubic yard excavated up to 5,000 cubic yards
Additional charge per cubic yard over 5,000 cubic yards
Chapter 104, Fire Prevention
§ 104-22A
Inspection fee for transportation of explosives
§ 104-24A(3)
Blaster's license
Registration for renewal
§ 104-24A(5)
Inspection fee
First blast
Each additional blast
Maximum per day
§ 104-55
Freestanding woodburning stoves and fireplaces
Certificate of occupancy
Chapter 111, Freshwater Wetlands
§ 111-9A
Permits for activities requiring approval of Town Engineer
§ 111-9B
Permits for activities requiring Planning Board approval
Chapter 145, Parking Lots
§ 145-5
Cedar Street Extension merchant parking permit (nonrefundable and not subject to proration)
§ 145-18
Annual commuter parking permit
Residents of the Town of Mount Pleasant
Nonresident annual
Senior (daily)
Student (annual)
Merchant (annual)
Replacement of lost permit
§ 145-20
Administrative fee for change of vehicle
Chapter 149, Art. II, Parkland and Recreation Land in Developments
§ 149-7
Recreation fee (Planning Board) See fee for § A227-27A(4) under Ch. A227, Subdivision Regulations
Chapter 153, Peddling and Soliciting
§ 153-5
Peddler's license
Chapter 157, Plumbing and Electrical Work
§ 157-22
Inspection for gasoline and oil separator equipment installation permit
§ 157-23
Inspection for catch basins and special sanitary disposal systems installation permit
Residential construction (new)
1 to 15 fixtures
16 to 25 fixtures
Over 26 fixtures
Residential electrical permit
Residential construction (remodeling)
Up to 3 fixtures
Each fixture over 3
Residential electrical permit
Inspection of the repair, replacement or installation of sewer connection
Storm sewer installation inspection
1 to 3 connections, including leader, roof, floor and canopy drains
Each connection over 3
Inspection of the repair, replacement or installation of water service line
Inspection of a fire line service sprinkler system, standpipe or connection
3 or fewer fixtures
Each additional fixture
Inspection of the repair, replacement or installation of a wet pipe sprinkler system
5 or fewer sprinkler heads
Each additional sprinkler head
Inspection of the repair, replacement or installation of a fixed lawn sprinkler system, irrigation system or ornamental display fountain
10 connections or fewer
Each connection over 10
Inspection of the repair, replacement or installation of any gas, oil, electric or solar-powered hot-water heater
Any inspection requiring a pressure test on roughing or piping not otherwise covered (gas)
Inspection of backflow prevention devices
Any required reinspection/additional
New/replacement heating boiler
New/replacement heating unit
New/replacement pool heater
New replacement HVAC unit
Heating installer's fee
Commercial construction
Up to 3 fixtures
Each fixture over 3
Plumbing Commercial (charging fees with no approved schedule)
New/replacement sewer
New/replacement water service
Storm sewer 1 to 3 connections, leaders, gutters, roof drains, floor area canopy drains
New commercial plumbing permit
1 to 15 fixtures
16 to 25 fixtures
Connections over 25
New commercial electrical permit
$15 per thousand
Electrical permits (commercial generators)
100 kw – 200 kw
200 kw – 300 kw
300 kw and up
New outside fire line service
1 to 3 connections
Connections over 3 (each)
Fire sprinkler in building
1 to 5 heads
Heads over 5 (each)
Lawn irrigation system
1 to 10 heads
Heads over 10 (each)
New/replacement heating boiler
New/replacement heating unit
New/replacement hot-water heater
New/replacement HVAC unit
Heating installer's fee
Residential gas test
Commercial gas test
Commercial oil tank 275 to 1,000 gallon air and pipe test
Commercial gas, LP and oil tanks over 1,000 gallons air and pipe test
Oil separators
Reinspection fee
Gas and oil tank in excess of 1,000 gallons air and pipe test
Residential 275, one-thousand-gallon oil tank piped-up air test
Gas or oil tank in excess of 1,000 gallons
LP gas tanks 100 to 1,000 gallons, includes air and piping test
Smoke test of unsanitary plumbing
Chapter 183, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Construction inspection fee
1/2% of total construction cost estimate
Stormwater management control permit application
Chapter 185, Streams and Watercourses
§ 185-9
Inspection and incidental costs in addition to actual cost of removal of debris from stream
Chapter 188, Streets and Sidewalks
§ 188-8
Street opening permit
Nonrefundable application fee
Per-linear-foot bond fee, refundable after work has been completed satisfactorily
$300 per linear foot
Curb cut permit
Nonrefundable application fee
Per-linear-foot bond fee, refundable after work has been completed satisfactorily
$60 per linear foot
Street opening permit
Street opening permit for work relating to 1 single-family dwelling
Chapter 196, Art. I, Sale of Real Property Acquired Through Tax Lien Foreclosures
Charges or legal charges for each parcel involving delinquent taxes
Chapter 211, Water
New connections, permanent services
Rates and charges, reading meters
Chapter 218, Zoning
Request for rezoning or zoning amendment (Town Board and Planning Board) (See Note No. 1. Also see Note No. 4 for SEQR review fees.)
$100, plus $20 per acre up to 5 acres; $200 for each acre over 5
Zoning administration and enforcement fees
For fees relating to applications for building or
Use permits, see § 218-108.
§ 218-22, § 218-23
Site plan, special permit or other (Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals) (Also see Note No. 4 for SEQR review fees.)
$200, plus $20 per parking space
Chapter A227, Subdivision Regulations
Subdivision, including open developments (Planning Board)
Preliminary plat
$120, plus $60 per building lot up to 3; $120 per lot in excess of 3 new lots
Final plat (See Note 1. Also see Note 4 for SEQR review fees.)
$120, plus $60 per new building lot up to 3; $120 per lot in excess of 3 new lots.
Inspection Fees (Town Engineer) Inspection fees shall be based on the estimated cost of improvements (which estimate has been reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer). Such fees shall apply to development of both residential and commercial properties. The following rate will apply: 3% of the value of all improvements.
Inspection for compliance with conditions of resolution: (Planning Board)
$240 to $600
Subsequent inspections
$120 each
Zoning and building permit (Building Inspector and Zoning Board of Appeals) (Also see Note No. 4 for SEQR review fees.)
See Building Department
Recreation fee (Planning Board) (NOTE: Where a habitable building or buildings exist on the land to be subdivided, a reduction of one lot may be made in computing the fee.)
In Residential Zones:
Single-family residences
$7,500 for each new lot created
Multifamily and two-family dwelling units
$7,500, plus $1,000 per bedroom or efficiency (studio) beyond that of the first unit
Accessory apartments and units required to be affordable housing
Excluded from this provision
In nonresidential zones:
$7,500 for each theoretical residential lot in the zoned area
In unusually large or complex development proposals, the Planning Board is authorized to adjust the fee sufficiently to cover the cost of professional consultation fees and other expenditures attributable to the proposal upon mutual written agreement with the applicant.
Additional fees for excessive inspections shall be required in accordance with § A227-18E of the Revised Land Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Mount Pleasant, New York.
Checks covering the above fees should accompany the application for approval and will be required before approval of the plans can be obtained. Individual checks should be prepared for each of the fees required and made payable to the Town of Mount Pleasant. In the event that the applicant elects not to file a final plan for approval, one-half (1/2) of the filing fee shall be returned.
Mandated New York State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) shall require a basic or minimum fee of $100, plus 10% of the subdivision, site plan, zoning, building or other permit fee. Additional SEQR review fee may be required in reference to Note 1 above but in no case shall the SEQR review fee be greater than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of the estimated gross value of the development construction cost.
The following schedule of escrow account deposits is hereby established:
Type of Review
(Reviewing Board)
Maximum Amount of Review Fee To Be Reimbursed by Applicant
Amount of Initial Escrow Account Deposit as a Percentage of Fee Maximum
Subdivision (Planning Board)
Change in one (front, side or rear) lot line resulting in no additional lots
Fee simple subdivision for townhouse or commercial developments approved under site plan provisions
$2,000, plus $200 per proposed lot
2-lot subdivisions
All others
$5,000, plus $400 per proposed new lot
Site Plan (Planning Board)
$7,000, plus $200 per proposed dwelling unit
Change of use in existing commercial floor space
Mixed use development (residential and nonresidential)
$7,000, plus $200 per proposed dwelling unit, plus $200 per required parking space for nonresidential use
All others
$7,000, plus $200 per required parking space
Special permit (Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Board)
$7,000, plus $200 per required parking space
Variance (Zoning Board of Appeals)
Use variance
Area variance
Zoning amendment (Town Board)
Petition for Zoning Map amendment
$14,000, plus $200 per acre of proposed parcel rezoning
Petition for zoning text amendment
Petition for Zoning Map and text amendment
$14,000, plus $300 per acre of proposed parcel rezoning
Satellite antenna permit (Planning Board)
Wetlands permit (Planning Board)
$7,000, plus $200 per acre of disturbed wetland
Environmental impact statement review or preparation pursuant to SEQRA (Lead agency)
Draft environmental impact statement
Refer to Part 617.17 of SEQR
$5,000, plus $200 per acre of site
Final environmental impact statement
Refer to Part 617.17 of SEQR
$5,000, plus $200 per acre of site
Supplemental environmental impact statement
Refer to Part 617.17 of SEQR
$3,000, plus $125 per acre of site
Initial deposit amounts may be increased or decreased by the reviewing board having jurisdiction over the application depending upon the complexity of the application or project under review.