The purpose of these rules and regulations are specifically stated as follows:
To prohibit excessive volume and/or inordinate rates of flow of wastewater into the City of Glens Falls system and all sewers tributary thereto.
To prohibit the contribution of wastewater, industrial wastes or other wastes of a flammable nature or which create in any way a poisonous or hazardous environment for sewerage maintenance and operation personnel.
To prohibit the contribution of wastewater, industrial wastes or other wastes which may impair the hydraulic capacity or operation of the intercepting sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage regulators and other structures and appurtenances of the City of Glens Falls system and sewer tributaries thereto.
To prohibit the contribution of wastewater, industrial wastes or other wastes which may create operating difficulties at the water pollution control plant as it now exists or may be constructed, modified or improved in the future.
To prohibit and/or regulate the contribution of wastewater, industrial wastes or other wastes which require for treatment at the plant, greater expenditures than are required for equal volume of normal sewage.
To require the pretreatment or flow control, before introduction into the City of Glens Falls sewage system or sewers tributary thereto, of such wastes as may impair the strength and/or durability of the structures appurtenant to the system or may interfere with the normal treatment processes or may impair the designated uses of the classified receiving waters.
To provide cooperation with the New York State Department of Health and any other agencies which have requirements or jurisdiction for the protection of the physical, chemical or bacteriological quality of watercourses within or bounding the county.
To protect the public health and to prevent nuisances.