No person, individual, party, partnership, corporation, joint venture, joint stock company, consortium, trust, individual, or other entity functioning as an operator of a cable system ("cable operator") shall violate any of the mandatory provisions of this chapter;
Violation of a mandatory provision of this chapter shall be a civil infraction punishable by a judgment of up to, but not exceeding, $100; and
The judgment for each such event involving any one consumer on any one day in regards to any particular section or subsection of this chapter shall not exceed $100.
The violation of this chapter by a cable operator, an operator's agents, employees and/or independent contractors employed or retained by the cable operator shall be grounds for evaluating:
A cable operator's compliance with an existing consent agreement and with applicable law; and
The quality of a cable operator's service and whether it has been reasonable in light of community needs; and
The technical ability of a cable operator to provide the services, facilities, and equipment as set forth in an operator's proposal for future or renewed cable services; and
The reasonableness of an operator's proposal to meet the future cable-related community needs and interests of the residents and cable television consumers of Kalamazoo.
These evaluations are proper and germane for the City to consider formally when reviewing proposal(s) for renewal of any consent agreement to provide cable services within the City of Kalamazoo.