[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Fairfax 9-3-2002 by Ord. No. 508. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Adult entertainment — See Ch. 64.
Alcoholic beverages — See Ch. 71.
Licensing — See Ch. 127.
The City Council finds it be in the best interests of the public health, safety and general welfare of the people of this City that certain types of activities are prohibited as provided in this chapter upon the premises of licensed liquor, wine and 3.2 malt liquor establishments so as to best protect and assist the owners and operators and employees of these premises, as well as patrons and the public in general. The Council also finds that the standard set forth in this chapter reflect the prevailing community standards of the City. The provisions of this chapter are intended to prevent harm stemming from the physical immediacy and combination of alcohol, nudity and sex. The Council also intends to prevent any subliminal endorsement of sexual harassment or activities likely to lead to the possibility of various criminal conduct, including prostitution, sexual assault and disorderly conduct.
It is unlawful for any license to permit or allow any person or persons on the licensed premises when the person does not have his or her buttocks, anus, breast, and genitals covered with a nontransparent material.
A violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and is justification for denial, revocation, or suspension of any liquor, wine or 3.2 malt beverage license.