[Adopted 10-11-1978 as Ch. 22 of the 1978 Code]
The Chief of Police, upon appointment by the Council, shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. He shall devote his entire time and attention to the discharge of the duties of his office and give prompt and efficient attention to all matters concerning the welfare of the Department and the public. The Chief of Police shall, in conformity with the Town Charter, serve at the pleasure of the Council and at such compensation as the Council may determine.
[Amended 7-12-1991; 2-11-2002]
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to direct the observance and enforcement of all laws of the United States of America, laws of the State of Virginia and the ordinances of the Town of Hillsville, and the enforcement of or observance which devolves upon the Department of Police, and he shall issue, at his discretion, such orders as may be necessary to facilitate this duty.
All instructions to the Chief of Police shall come from the Council or Town Manager. The Chief of Police shall report to the Town Manager. All instructions to the Department shall be issued by the Chief of Police and communicated to the members thereof through his subordinate officers, recognizing rank whenever possible, or in such other manner as circumstances and the efficiency of the service may require.
[Amended 7-12-1991; 3-13-2017]
He shall keep the Council fully acquainted concerning any and all matters of police affairs and other information pertinent to his office.
[Amended 7-12-1991]
The Chief of Police shall have the control of the stationing and transferring of all patrolmen and other officers and employees in the Department.
He shall, upon receipt of reports from subordinate officers or the public of any violation(s) of laws or ordinances, rules and regulations or orders governing the Department, promptly investigate or cause to be investigated such reports and follow them up with the necessary action.
He shall, immediately upon the receipt of reports of any negligence, violation of law or any other matter which comes within the jurisdiction of any other Town department, cause a report therefore to be made to the proper official in charge of such department.
He shall, subject to the approval of the Council, establish and maintain any division, bureau, police district or unit of service and regulate the duties and working hours thereof for the betterment of the Department and the public.
[Amended 7-12-1991]
He shall cause to be established and maintained such statistical information and records as may be required or directed.
He shall, with the approval of the Council, during periods of emergency, regulate the hours of employment which, in his judgment, shall be for the best interests of the Department and public safety.
[Amended 7-12-1991]
He shall immediately proceed to the scene of any riot or other unusual occurrence where the services of large details of police are necessary and take command of the force.
He shall maintain a proper discipline of subordinates under their separate commands and see that no partiality, favoritism or undue leniency is shown, nor any injustice done.
He shall, at all times, keep informed of the affairs of the Department and be assured that the duties of his subordinates are properly discharged.
He shall inspect or cause to be inspected at irregular and unannounced times all sections of the Department to assure the efficiency of police work; where conditions are found unsatisfactory, see that proper corrections are made.
He shall require from all members of the Department their loyalty, energy and obedience and take action in prosecuting any member guilty of interfering with or in any manner obstructing or attempting to obstruct the orderly and efficient operation and conduct of the Department.
He shall maintain in his office a personal record of each member or employee of the Department.
The Chief of Police shall be responsible for promulgating rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient operation of the Police Department.
[Amended 7-12-1991]
[Amended 10-24-1984]
All members will become familiar with the rules and regulations as set forth by the Chief of Police and will abide by the same.