The final subdivision plat shall be drawn on tracing cloth or plastic tracing material of good quality. It shall be black and white and the size shall be seventeen by twenty-two (17 x 22) inches. This size includes a margin of one-half ( 1/2) inch on the north, east and south sides and a two-inch margin on the west side. If the map is drawn in two (2) or more sections, each section shall be accompanied by a key map showing the location of the sections. The scale is to be shown on a bar graph and shall not be smaller than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet. The map is to be made within the rule of good mapping, with all bearings and distances to read in a clockwise direction, and all printing shall be readable from the south and east side. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Commission the original and three (3) prints of the final plat; also, one (1) copy of the above on linen is to be filed.
The boundary survey map shall show at least two (2) permanent monuments which can be used for orientation in the reproduction of the survey on the ground, and where possible it should be tied into the state coordinate system or national survey points placed by the Department of Interior and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Names of adjacent landowners, streets, highways, streams, etc., shall be shown.
The final plat shall be prepared by a certified professional engineer or land surveyor licensed by the State of Virginia. It shall contain the certificates and statements required by Article IV of this chapter. A place shall be provided on the plat to receive the signature of the Chairman of the Planning Commission and the Mayor of the Town of Hillsville.
The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as approved and shall show the following:
Name and location of subdivision.
Name and address of record owner and subdivider.
North arrow, shown with apparent declination designed. True North shall be shown with a full arrow and Magnetic North shall be shown with a half arrow, and it shall be placed outside the area included in the survey.
Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines of lots. Bearings shall be shown to the nearest ten (10) seconds and dimensions to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Data for all curves shall be shown in detail at the curve or in a curve data table containing the following: delta, radius, arc, tangent, chord, chord bearing and degree of curve.
Location of monuments and property markers.
Record name of adjoining subdivisions, and names of record owners of adjoining unsubdivided land.
Name and right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way.
Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements.
Abutting streets and roads, with names and right-of-way widths.
Designating numbers or symbols for all lots and blocks.
In the case of the resubdivision of existing recorded lots, existing lot lines shown by dotted lines and the resubdivision by full lines.
Purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved.
Minimum building setback lines on all lots.
Private restrictions, if any, proposed to be included in the deed.
Where temporary turnarounds are required by this chapter, shown on the plat and the following notation made on the plat: "Any area on this plat designated as a temporary turnaround shall be constructed and used as other streets in the subdivision until such time as (insert here the name of the street) is extended to join another street and the cul-de-sac ceases to exist. Thereupon the land in the temporary turnaround area which extends beyond the normal right-of-way line of the street will be vacated for street purposes and will revert to adjoining lot owners."
All dimensions, both linear and angular, shall be determined by an accurate control survey which must close and balance within a limit of one (1) foot in five thousand (5,000). A bearing and distance tie between at least two (2) permanent monuments on the interior boundary of the subdivision and a bearing and distance tie to a corner of the subdivision from an outside reference marker, in accordance with Article IX of this chapter, shall be made and shown on the plat.
Approval by the Administrator of the preliminary plat does not constitute a guarantee of approval of the final plat.