Monuments, to serve as permanent reference points, shall be placed in accordance with the following requirements:
At least one (1) corner of the subdivision shall be designated by bearing and distance tie from a readily discernible reference marker. If a corner is within two thousand (2,000) feet of a United States Coast and Geodetic Survey station or a station of the state coordinated grid system, then this corner shall be marked with a monument designated by computed coordinates to an accuracy of one in ten thousand (1:10,000), and such monument shall be identified on the final subdivision plat. Where such reference station is not available, the tie shall be made to some permanent and readily identifiable landmark.
Monuments shall be placed in the ground at all corners and at angle points in the boundary lines of the subdivision, at all points of angles and curvature in the right-of-way lines of all streets and at all lot corners within the subdivision.
At designated points in the outer boundary and at a minimum of at least two (2) points in each block of the subdivision, such monuments shall be designated as control points and shall be of stone or precast concrete not less than four (4) inches square or four (4) inches in diameter and at least thirty (30) inches long. In all other locations, the monuments or markers shall be steel or wrought iron pipe not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch or more than one (1) inch in diameter and at least twenty-four (24) inches long. The monument shall not extend more than four (4) inches above ground level.