[Adopted 10-11-1978 as Ch. 8, Art. II, Div. 1, of the 1978 Code]
[Amended 9-9-1982]
All persons owning land upon which buildings are now erected or which may be erected in the Town, any part of which land abuts a highway, street, alley or space in which sewer lines have been constructed for and on behalf of the owners of the property, shall connect closets, urinals, sinks, lavatories, laundry tubs, bathtubs and generally all appliances arranged as outlets for domestic or sanitary water supply or inlets to the sewer at their own cost within 60 days after the completion of the sewer line or section thereof, in the section of Town in which the property is located, and after notice has been given to such property owners by the Town that the sewer line is ready for service, provided that no person shall be required to so connect any such building where the distance from the main part of the building to the nearest sewer line exceeds 200 feet, measured in a straight line, and further provided that no person shall be required to so connect any building if the Town Manager of Hillsville deems such a connection to be a hardship and provides in writing to said person a letter stating the nature of the hardship and exempting said person from the provisions of this article. Such exemption may be limited in the discretion of the Town Manager.
Each owner of vacant property in the Town who shall erect and build for occupancy on land, any portion of which abuts upon a highway, street, alley or space in which the sanitary sewer is located, shall install and make service connection with the sewer at his own cost and expense, and any and all property so improved shall not be occupied until after the connection is made, provided that the exemption allowed in § 167-1 shall apply to any such building so constructed.
All connections with the Town sewerage system shall be made under the supervision of the Town and in accordance with the sewer service and connection rules and provisions set forth in this article.
There shall be no privies, septic tanks or cesspools constructed or used in any section of the Town where sanitary sewer has been installed and where connection can be made with such sewerage system. The use or maintenance of any such septic tanks, privies or cesspools on such premises is hereby declared a nuisance.
[Amended 6-22-1992]
All money and revenue arising from sewerage permit fees, monthly charges, taxes and fines, when received by the Treasurer of the Town, shall be deposited in a bank in a combined account fund. After the payment out of the fund for all of the necessary services and expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance and administration of the sewer system and for all purposes in connection therewith, the net balance of the fund shall be set apart and called a sinking fund and applied to the payment of bonds as they fall due and to the interest on bonds.
[Amended 7-13-1983; 12-9-1987; 11-11-1996]
The owners of property lying outside of the Town who desire to connect their property with the sewer system constructed and in operation in the Town shall obtain a permit to do so from the Town Manager, and the work shall be done under the supervision of the Town and in accordance with the rules and provisions embodied in this article. Any such person desiring to connect his property with the sewer system shall first deposit a fee based on the current fee schedule. Individual situations may be altered or exceptions may be allowed on approval of the Town Manager and approval of the Council. All such connections shall be made at the cost and expense of the property owner and maintained at his cost except as to the portion of the line which is located within a highway, street or alley within the Town which, after construction, will be repaired and maintained by the Town and shall become the property of the Town. Each owner of property connecting with the sewer system shall pay monthly charges for the use of the sewer system in the amounts set forth in this article.
[Amended 11-11-1996]
The Town Manager shall have full power and authority to carry out and enforce the regulations and provisions of the sewer and connection service regulations adopted as a part of this article.