In any new subdivision or land division, the street layout shall conform to the arrangement, width and location indicated on the Comprehensive Master Plan and Official Map of the Village of Cottage Grove. In areas for which such plans have not been completed, the street layout shall recognize the functional classification of the various types of streets and shall be developed and located in proper relation to existing and proposed streets, to the topography, to such natural features as streams and tree growth, to public convenience and safety, to the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets and to the most advantageous development of adjoining areas. The subdivision or land division shall be designed so as to provide each lot with satisfactory access to a public street.
Collector streets, as hereafter defined, shall be arranged so as to provide ready collection of traffic from residential areas and conveyance of this traffic to the major street and highway system and shall be properly related to special traffic generators such as schools, churches and shopping centers and other concentrations of population and to the major streets into which they feed.
Minor streets, as hereafter defined, shall be arranged to conform to the topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit the design of efficient storm and sanitary sewer systems and to require the minimum street area necessary to provide safe and convenient access to abutting property.
Proposed streets shall extend to the boundary lines of the subdivision or land division unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions or unless, in the opinion of the Village Board, such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision or land division or for the advantageous development of the adjacent tracts.
Reserve strips shall not be provided on any plat to control access to streets or alleys, except where control of such strips is placed with the Village under conditions approved by the Village Board.
Alleys may be provided in commercial and industrial districts for off-street loading and service access but shall not be approved in residential districts. Dead-end alleys shall not be approved and alleys shall not connect to a major thoroughfare.
Street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names, and existing street names shall be projected wherever possible.
To facilitate solar access, streets shall be oriented in a manner that maximizes the east-west length of blocks to the maximum extent possible or to within 20º of such orientation. Solar access is generally greatest when the buildings' longest axis is east to west and southerly building exposures are maximized. The requirement above shall not apply where the subdivider demonstrates any of the following:
[Added 6-21-2021 by Ord. No. 05-2021]
There are other means of assuring solar access to lots in question, including but not limited to cluster development on large parcels or through the use of building setback or solar access easements.
Topographic conditions on or surrounding the land being subdivided make such orientation unreasonable.
The shape and size of the property being subdivided makes such orientation unreasonable.
Adopted stormwater management plans or policies make such orientation unreasonable.
Existing or approved future development contiguous to the subject property make such orientation unreasonable.
Existing street patterns contiguous to the subject property precludes adequate solar access to the portion in question.
Specific adverse environmental impacts would occur on the site if such orientation were achieved.
Desirable street circulation patterns require some streets to be in more of a north-south direction.
Whenever the proposed subdivision or land division contains or is adjacent to a limited access highway or railroad right-of-way, the design shall provide the following treatment:
When lots within the proposed subdivision or land division back up on the right-of-way of an existing or proposed limited access highway or a railroad, a planting strip at least 30 feet in depth shall be provided adjacent to a part of the platted lots but shall have the following restriction lettered on the face of the plat: "This strip reserved for the planting of trees and shrubs, the building of structures hereon prohibited."
Streets parallel to a limited access highway or railroad right-of-way, when intersecting a major street and highway or collector street which crosses said railroad or highway, shall be located at a minimum distance of 250 feet from said highway or railroad right-of-way.
Minor streets immediately adjacent and parallel to railroad rights-of-way shall be avoided, and location of minor streets immediately adjacent to arterial streets and highways and to railroad rights-of-way shall be avoided in residential areas.
The minimum right-of-way and roadway width of all proposed streets and alleys shall be as specified by the Comprehensive Master Plan, Comprehensive Master Plan Component, Official Map or neighborhood development study, or, if no width is specified therein, the minimum widths shall be as follows:
Pavement Width
Type of Street
Right-of-Way Width To Be Dedicated
Face of Curb to Face of Curb
32 to 40
28 to 36
Cul-de-sac streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall not exceed 500 feet in length. All cul-de-sac streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of 60 feet and a minimum inside curb radius of 45 feet.
Temporary dead ends or culs-de-sac. All temporary dead ends shall have a maximum length of 800 feet and a temporary cul-de-sac having a minimum right-of-way radius of 60 feet and a minimum inside curb radius of 45 feet.
Street grades.
Unless necessitated by exceptional topography subject to the approval of the Board, the maximum center-line grade of any street or public way shall not exceed the following:
Collector streets: 6%.
Minor streets, alleys and frontage streets: 10%.
Pedestrianways: designed for handicap access with a maximum grade of 8.33%.
The grade of any street shall in no case exceed 12% or be less than 1/2 of 1%.
Street grades shall be established wherever practicable so as to avoid excessive grading, the excessive removal of ground cover and tree growth and general leveling of the topography. All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length equivalent in feet to 15 times the algebraic difference in the rates of grade for major streets and 1/2 this minimum for all other streets.
Radii of curvature.
When a continuous street center line deflects at any one point by more than 10°, a circular curve shall be introduced having a radius of curvature on said center line of not less than the following:
Arterial streets and highways: 500 feet.
Collector streets: 300 feet.
Minor streets: 100 feet.
A tangent at least 100 feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
Half streets. Where an existing dedicated or platted half street is adjacent to the tract being divided, the other half of the street shall be dedicated by the subdivider or land divider. The platting of half streets should be avoided where possible.
Streets shall intersect with each other at as nearly right angles as topography and other limiting factors of good design permit.
The number of streets converging at one intersection shall be reduced to a minimum, preferably not more than two.
The number of intersections along arterials shall be held to a minimum. Wherever practicable, the distance between such intersections shall not be less that 600 feet.
Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 15 feet or of a greater radius when required by the Village Board or shall be cut off by a straight line through the points of tangency of an arc having a radius of 15 feet.
Minor streets shall not necessarily continue across arterial or collector streets, but if the center lines of such minor streets approach the major streets from opposite sides within 150 feet of each other, measured along the center line of the arterial or collector street, then the location shall be adjusted so that the adjoinment across the major or collector street is continuous and a jog is avoided.
The widths, lengths and shapes of blocks shall be suited to the planned use of the land; zoning requirements; need for convenient access, control or safety of street traffic; and the limitations and opportunities of topography.
Length. Blocks in residential areas shall not as a general rule be less than 600 feet nor more than 1,500 feet in length unless otherwise dictated by exceptional topography or other limiting factors of good design.
Pedestrianways of not less than 10 feet right-of-way width may be required near the center and entirely across any block over 900 feet in length where deemed essential by the Village Board to provide adequate pedestrian circulation or access to schools, shopping centers, churches or transportation facilities.
Width. Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth except where otherwise required to separate residential development from through traffic. The width of lots or parcels reserved or laid out shall be adequate to provide for off-street service and parking required by the use contemplated and the area zoning restrictions for such use.
The size, shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision or land division and for the type of development and use contemplated. The lots should be designed to provide an aesthetically pleasing building site and a proper architectural setting for the buildings contemplated.
Side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines on which the lots face. Lot lines shall follow municipal boundary lines rather than cross them.
Double-frontage and reverse-frontage lots shall be prohibited except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from through traffic or to overcome special disadvantages of topography and orientation.
Access. Every lot shall front or abut on a public street as specified in Chapter 325, Zoning.
Area and dimension of all subdivisions and minor subdivisions, including all plats and certified survey maps, and lot sizes shall conform to the area and width requirements of the Zoning Code,[1] unless otherwise modified by the provisions of this chapter. Whenever a tract is divided into large parcels, such parcels shall be arranged and dimensioned so as to allow redivision of any such parcels into normal lots in accordance with the provision of this chapter and the Zoning Ordinance.
[Amended 4-16-2001 by Ord. No. 03-2001]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
Depth. Lots shall be a minimum average depth of 100 feet. Excessive depth in relation to width shall be avoided and a proportion of 2:1 shall be considered a desirable ratio under normal conditions. Depth of lots or parcels reserved or laid out for commercial or industrial use shall be adequate to provide for off-street service and parking required by the use contemplated and the area zoning restrictions for such use.
Width of lots shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 325, Zoning.
Corner lots shall have an extra width of 10 feet to permit adequate building setbacks from side streets.
No person may record any certified survey map or plat unless they have obtained approval from the Village of an address plan pursuant to Article I of Chapter 133.
[Added 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. 10-2023]
All residential lots shall have a setback from the front lot line of not less than 25 feet.
Corner residential lots shall have a setback from the side street line of not less than 25 feet.
The Village Board shall require utility easements of widths deemed adequate for the intended purpose where necessary or advisable for electric power and communication poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers and gas, water and other utility lines.
Drainage easements. Where a subdivision or land division is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel, stream or low area, an adequate storm sewer, drainageway and/or easement shall be provided as may be required by the Village Board. The Village Board may also require easements for side lot or back lot drainage. The location, width, alignment and improvement of such drainage facility shall be subject to the approval of the Village Board. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. Where necessary, stormwater drainage shall be maintained by storm sewers or landscaped open channels of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate maximum potential volumes of flow. These details are subject to review and approval by the Village Board.
In the design of the plat or certified survey map, due consideration shall be given to the reservation of suitable sites of adequate area for future schools, parks, playgrounds, drainageways and other public purposes. If designated on the Comprehensive Master Plan, Comprehensive Master Plan Component, Official Map or neighborhood development plan, such areas shall be made a part of the plat as stipulated in Article IX of these regulations. If not so designated, consideration shall be given in the location of such sites to the preservation of scenic and historic sites, stands of fine trees, marshes, lakes and ponds, watercourses, watersheds and ravines.
The requirements and standards of §§ 274-40 through 274-48 of this chapter may be modified by the Village Board for planned unit development provided such proposed developments are zoned planned unit development (PUD) and shall not conflict with other laws or requirements or with the purpose or intent of this chapter and are approved by the Village Board. In addition, continued provision, maintenance and use of open space, recreation areas, services and amenities shall be assured in a manner acceptable to the Village Board.