Sewer service charges to each customer shall be imposed using a methodology that allocates a reasonably proportionate share of the costs of administration, operation, maintenance, replacement and debt service for all wastewater facilities and services provided by the Village. The charges imposed shall be based on the best information reasonably available to the Village.
The basic sewer service charge is the total service charge incurred by the Village to pay for its share of debt retirement costs for capital expenditures as well as the operation, maintenance and replacement costs of the local and regional system. (The basic sewer service charge does not include surcharges, special charges or connection charges which are otherwise provided for in this chapter or Commission Regulations.) The component costs are described as follows:
Debt retirement costs. Debt retirement costs include the financing costs (both principal and interest) for all capital expenditures existing and proposed to be made by the Village. New debts shall be added as incurred.
Operation, maintenance and replacement (OM&R) costs. Operation and maintenance costs include costs to operate and maintain the local wastewater facilities in order to provide the capacity and performance required by the customers. These costs include all ordinary and necessary costs required to support daily operations of the local system, including treatment costs, supplies, employees' wages and benefits, administrative expenses, consultants' fees, and so forth. Replacement costs are the amount necessary to ensure replacement of all equipment, accessories, or appurtenances that are necessary to maintain the local system. These costs are determined by using the installed cost of the equipment (excluding the cost of technical, legal, administrative, and other fees, since such costs generally are not required when materials are replaced) and assigning a service life to such facilities in order to estimate when replacement will be required. A sinking fund factor is then applied to determine the amount of money to be collected per year to ensure that an adequate amount will be available at the time the equipment is likely to need replacement. It is anticipated that such funds will be invested by the Village in an interest-bearing account until required. Although not anticipated, it is conceivable that OM&R charges may include debt service costs if borrowing is ever required to meet unexpected OM&R costs.
Regional basic sewer service charges. Regional basic sewer service charges include the Village's share of debt retirement costs and OM&R costs related to the regional system. Regional basic sewer service charges shall be allocated to the Village on an equitable basis, as determined by the Commission and described in more detail in the Commission Regulations, which are incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.
Sewer service charge shall be reviewed by the Village or Commission on an annual or other regular basis and may be adjusted by resolution of the Village or Commission whenever necessary or prudent to meet the Village's or District's debt retirement costs, OM&R costs and related expenses.
In addition to general sewer service charges, customers may be subject to surcharges or other special charges, as determined by the Village.
Surcharge for regional debt retirement component of sewer service charge based on volume and characteristics of wastewater. The Village shall impose a fixed surcharge on significant dischargers based on the equivalent meter methodology set forth in Commission Resolution 99-03, as may be amended from time to time, and Commission Regulation Section 9.7. Commission Resolution 99-03 and Commission Regulation Section 9.7 are incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.
Surcharge for regional OM&R costs component of sewer service charge based on strength of wastewater. By resolution of the Village Board, the Village may impose a variable surcharge based on the strength of the wastewater discharged into the local system and ultimately discharged into the regional system. As of the date of adoption of this chapter, the Village has not established a surcharge based on strength of wastewater for regional OM&R costs. Prior to adoption of any such resolution, the Village Board shall consult with the Village Engineer and/or Commission Engineer to develop a methodology that identifies the basis for the surcharge and with the Village Attorney and/or Commission Attorney to confirm that adoption of the surcharge is in accordance with current law. A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of any such surcharge.
Special charges. Whenever any customer discharges waste into the local system or the District's wastewater facilities which causes physical damage to the local system or the District's wastewater facilities or which causes the Village and/or Commission to incur unusual additional costs, the Village may assess a special charge against such customer for the work required to repair the facilities or to recover the unusual additional cost.
Surcharges and special charges shall be assessed by the Village on a case-by-case basis, following consultation with the Commission Engineer and in accordance with Village ordinances and resolutions and Commission regulations and resolutions, as may be amended from time to time.
When authorized by resolution of the Village Board, the cost of any work or improvement to the local system may be levied and collected by special assessment against benefitted property pursuant to § 66.0703, Wis. Stats., or other applicable special assessment procedures.