When any portion of a commercial, industrial or residential building containing more than two dwelling units is set back more than 300 feet from a municipal fire hydrant, installation of additional fire hydrants shall be made at the owner's expense. Hydrants shall be freestanding and shall be installed not more than 75 feet nor less than 40 feet from the building. One hydrant shall be located at the main entrance to such building. Additional hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of the building so that no hydrant is more than 400 feet from any other approved hydrant when measured by normal access routes. The connecting waterline between the municipal water main and the approved fire hydrant shall be not less than eight inches. All fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Chief and shall be installed in compliance with the standards of the Village of New Glarus Water Utility. All fire hydrants shall be installed in such manner and location as to be accessible at all times to the Fire Department. All fire hydrants shall be tested at least annually. Hydrants shall be located at every intersection or in every cul-de-sac. The Water Utility shall provide the Fire Chief with a written report of fire hydrant testing by January 1 of each year.
Except where marked with official traffic markings, no person shall park any motor vehicle within 10 feet of any fire hydrant or connection or otherwise interfere with the accessibility of any fire hydrant by piling, dumping or placing any other obstructive material or object within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or between it and the center line of the street without first obtaining written permission from the Fire Chief. Every calendar day during which such interference continues shall constitute a separate offense.
General requirements. Fire hydrants' locations shall be identified with yellow paint on the curb. The curb shall be painted to produce a twenty-foot stripe extending 10 feet to each side of the hydrant unless a shorter distance is indicated by official traffic markings. Areas without a curb shall have a six-inch yellow stripe placed on the pavement. Pursuant to Chapter 2 of NFPA 291, all fire hydrants shall be color-coded.
Classification of hydrants. Hydrants should be classified in accordance with their rated capacities [at 20 psi (1.4 bar) residual pressure or other designated value] as follows:
Rated Capacity
Class AA
1,500 gpm or greater (5,680 L/min)
Class A
1,000 to 1,499 gpm (3,785 to 5,675 L/min)
Class B
500 to 999 gpm (1,900 to 3,780 L/min)
Class C
Less than 500 gpm (1,900 L/min)
Color coding.
Public hydrants.
All barrels are to be chrome yellow except in case where another color has already been adopted. The tops and nozzle caps should be painted with the following capacity-indicating color scheme to provide simplicity and consistency with colors used in signal work for safety, danger and intermediate condition:
Light blue
For quick identification at night, it is recommended that the capacity colors be of a reflective-type paint.
Hydrants rated at less than 20 psi (1.4 bar) should have the rated pressure stenciled in black on the hydrant top.
In addition to the painted top and nozzle caps, it may be advantageous to stencil the rated capacity of high-volume hydrants on the top.
The classification and marking of hydrants provided for in this section anticipate determinations based on individual flow tests. Where a group of hydrants may be used at the time of a fire, some special marking designating group flow capacity may be desirable.
Flush hydrants. Location markers for flush hydrants should carry the same color background as stated above for class indication with such other data stenciled thereon as may be deemed necessary.
Private hydrants. Markings on private hydrants within private enclosures is to be at the owner's discretion. When private hydrants are located on public streets, they should be painted red or some other color to distinguish them from public hydrants.