Districts established. For the purpose of this Zoning Code, the Town of Trenton is hereby divided into the following districts:[1]
Exclusive Agricultural District
Agricultural Transition District
Agricultural District
Single-Family Residential District (Unsewered)
Single-Family Residential District (Unsewered)
Rural Residential District
Single-Family Residential District (Sewered)
Single-Family Residential District (Sewered)
Two-Family Residential District (Unsewered)
Two-Family Residential District (Sewered)
Multiple-Family Residential District (Unsewered)
Local Business District
Highway Business District
Industrial District
Rural Institutional District (Unsewered)
Urban Institutional District (Sewered)
Park District
Country Estate District
5 Country Estate District (Hobby Farms — Country Homes)
10 Country Estate District (Hobby Farms — Country Estates)
Planned Development Overlay District
Conservancy District
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Boundaries. Boundaries of these districts are hereby established as shown on the map titled "Zoning Map, Town of Trenton, Wisconsin," dated March 31, 1986, which map accompanies and is hereby made a part of this Zoning Code. Unless otherwise noted on the Zoning Map, such boundaries shall be construed to follow corporate limits; United States Public Land Survey lines; lot or property lines; center lines of streets, highways, alleys, easements and railroad rights-of-way; or such lines extended.
Road vacation. Vacation of public streets and alleys shall cause the vacated land to be automatically placed in the same district as the abutting side to which the vacated land reverts.
A certified copy of the Zoning Map shall be adopted and approved with the text as part of this Zoning Code and shall bear upon its face the attestation of the Town Chairperson and Town Clerk and shall be available to the public in the office of the Town Clerk. Changes, thereafter, to the general zoning districts shall not become effective until entered and attested on the certified copy.
Purpose. The EA Agricultural District is intended to maintain, enhance and preserve agricultural lands historically utilized for crop production and the raising of livestock. The district is further intent upon preventing the premature conversion of agricultural land to scattered residential, commercial and industrial uses. Uses permitted in the EA Agricultural District shall be consistent with those uses permitted by § 91.75, Wis. Stats., as may be amended from time to time.
Permitted uses.
Apiculture (beekeeping).
Dairy farming.
Floriculture (cultivation of ornamental flowering plants).
Grazing and pasturing.
Livestock facilities of not more than 1,000 animal units.
[Amended 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.08.01]
Plant nurseries.
Poultry raising and egg production, not to exceed 5,000 birds.
Raising of grain, grass, mint and seed crops.
Raising of tree fruits, nuts and berries.
Sod farming.
Vegetable raising.
Viticulture (grape growing).
General farm buildings, including barns, manure storage facilities, silos, sheds and storage bins.
One single-family farm dwelling to be occupied by the farm operator.
Existing dwellings not accessory to a farm operation or dwellings remaining after the consolidation of farms, provided that such dwellings are located on a lot not less than 40,000 square feet in area having a lot width of not less than 125 feet.
Additional single-family dwellings for the farm operator or a child or parent of the farm operator, provided that such dwellings are located on a lot not less than 40,000 square feet in area having a lot width of not less than 125 feet. Additional dwelling units permitted by right shall be limited to two. However, additional dwelling units, exceeding two, may be permitted by conditional use permit.
Essential services.
Lots or acreage totaling less than 10 acres shall be subject to the following, relative to the keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres, with a maximum number for any parcel not to exceed three animals.
No more than five chickens, ducks, or similar poultry, over six months of age, shall be kept for each five acres.
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combination of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Any variance from the above requirements may be obtained for parcels exceeding five acres and shall be by conditional use permit.
No animals may be housed or kept in a building which is attached or connected to a residential dwelling or attached residential garage.
Permitted accessory uses.
Supporting agricultural practices associated with the agricultural uses listed.
Private garages.
Home occupations as specified herein.
One roadside stand for selected farm products produced on the premises and not exceeding 300 square feet in floor area.
Forest and game management.
Ponds for private recreational purposes.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection E, regarding accessory buildings, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(15).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-50 and 380-53.
Parcel area and width. Farm parcels shall provide a contiguous area of not less than 35 acres, and no farm shall be less than 600 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No farm buildings or parts of farm buildings shall exceed 100 feet in height.
No farm dwelling or part of a farm dwelling shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a farm dwelling or other residential dwelling shall be 1,200 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 800 square feet.
For property fronting Class B highways, a minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum shore yard of 75 feet from the high-water elevation of any navigable water shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
[Added 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.08.01]
Purpose. The Agricultural Enterprise District is intended to preserve and promote a full range of agricultural uses, secure land for livestock production and other agricultural uses that may be more intensive than crop production, strengthen agriculture's contribution to an area's economic base (including new employment opportunities), support processing, value added, and other activities closely allied to the agricultural industry, and prevent conversion of land identified as a valuable agricultural resource to uses that are not consistent with agriculture. The district's uses and regulations are designed to implement Comprehensive Plan goals by encouraging livestock and other agricultural uses in areas where conditions are best suited to these agricultural pursuits and discouraging residential development to avoid potential land use conflict. The AE District is generally compatible with the "prime agriculture" and "open space" land use designations of the Comprehensive Plan. Due to the more intensive nature of uses allowed, the AE District is not intended to be applied near moderately to densely populated areas, and it is not intended to accommodate residential uses as principle uses.
Permitted uses. All uses set forth in § 380-14B.
Permitted accessory uses. All uses set forth in § 380-14C.
Conditional uses. All uses set forth in §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-50 and 380-53 which are permitted conditional uses in the EA District, plus any uses permitted exclusively in the AE District.
Minimum lot area. No building, structure or use shall be established on any single parcel less than 40 acres or on multiple farm parcels providing a contiguous area of less than 40 acres.
General setbacks.
Property lines. Except as provided for waste storage structures, livestock structures must be located a minimum of 100 feet from the property line if the livestock facility will have fewer than 1,000 animal units, and 200 feet from the property line if the livestock facility will have 1,000 or more animal units. The setback requirement does not prevent the use or expansion of a livestock structure that was located within the setback area prior to the effective date of the setback requirement, except that a structure may not be expanded closer to the property line.
Public road right-of-way. Except as provided for waste storage structures, livestock structures must be located a minimum of 100 feet from a public road right-of-way if the livestock facility will have fewer than 1,000 animal units, and 150 feet from a public road right-of-way if the livestock facility will have 1,000 or more animal units. The setback requirement does not prevent the use or expansion of a livestock structure that was located within the setback area prior to the effective date of the setback requirement, except that a structure may not be expanded closer to the public road right-of-way.
Waste storage structure setback.
A new waste storage structure may not be located within 350 feet of a property line, or within 350 feet of the nearest point of any public road right-of-way. A single new waste storage structure may be constructed closer to the property line or public road if a new structure is:
Located on the same tax parcel as a waste storage structure in existence before May 1,2006.
No larger than the existing structure.
No further than 50 feet from the existing structure.
No closer to the road or property line than the existing structure.
This setback requirement does not apply to existing waste storage structures, except that an existing structure within 350 feet of a property line or road may not expand toward that property line or road.
Water-quality-related setbacks.
Navigable waters and wetlands. A livestock facility shall comply with setback and related requirements in any applicable shoreland or wetland zoning ordinances enacted within the scope of authority granted under § 59.692, 61.351 or 62.231, Wis. Stats.
Floodplain. A livestock facility shall comply with setback and related requirements in any applicable floodplain zoning ordinance that is enacted within the scope of statutory authority under § 87.30, Wis. Stats.
Wells. All wells located within a livestock facility shall comply with Chs. NR 811 and 812, Wis. Adm. Code. New or substantially altered livestock structures shall be separated from existing wells by the distances required in Chs. NR 811 and 812, Wis. Adm. Code, regardless of whether the livestock facility operator owns the land on which the wells are located. A livestock structure in existence on May 1, 2006, may be altered if the alteration does not reduce the distance between the livestock structure and an existing well.
Purpose. The AT Agricultural District is intended to preserve existing agricultural uses in the intermediate term until an orderly transition to another planned district and use is approved by the Town Board. For this purpose, use of lands in the district should be reviewed at least once every five years, or more often when lands are annexed to adjacent communities or when urban services, such as centralized sanitary sewer or centralized water supply, are extended into the area. Lands included in this district should be those located near incorporated or urbanized areas where the predominant use is agricultural but where conversion to nonagricultural use is expected to occur in the foreseeable future. Uses permitted in the AT Agricultural District shall be consistent with those uses permitted by § 91.75, Wis. Stats., as may be amended from time to time.
Permitted uses. Those uses permitted in the EA Exclusive Agricultural District.
Permitted accessory uses. Those accessory uses permitted in the EA Exclusive Agricultural District.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
[Amended 11-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-11-02]
Parcel area and width. Farm parcels shall provide a contiguous lot area of not less than 35 acres, and no farm shall be less than 600 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No farm buildings or parts of farm buildings shall exceed 100 feet in height.
No farm dwelling or part of a farm dwelling shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a farm dwelling or other residential dwelling shall be 1,200 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 800 square feet.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Purpose. The A-1 Agricultural District is intended to provide for, maintain, preserve and enhance agricultural lands historically utilized for crop production but which are not included within the EA Exclusive Agricultural District and which are generally best suited for smaller farm units, including truck farming, horse farming, hobby farming, orchards and other similar agricultural-related activity. The district also permits the creation of large rural residential estate-type lots.
Permitted uses.
Those agricultural uses permitted in the EA Agricultural District.
Any of the following agriculturally related uses:
Agricultural warehousing.
Egg production, provided that no more than 500 birds are maintained on parcels over 35 acres in area.
Feed lots for not more than 100 cattle, swine, sheep or similar animals on parcels over 35 acres in area.
[Amended 2-6-2007 by Ord. No. 2-1-2007]
Contract sorting, grading and packaging of fruits and vegetables.
Corn shelling, hay baling and threshing services.
Grist milling services.
Horticultural services.
Poultry hatchery services.
Parcels of 35 acres or more in area: general farm buildings, including barns, silos, sheds, and storage bins.
[Amended 7-16-2013 by Ord. No. Z2013-07-01]
Single-family dwellings with attached or detached garage.
Essential services.
Lots or acreage totaling less than 35 acres shall be subject to the following, relative to the keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding, or other purposes:
[Amended 7-16-2013 by Ord. No. Z2013-07-01]
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres, with a maximum number for any parcel not to exceed three animals.
No more than five chickens, ducks, or similar poultry, over six months of age, shall be kept for each five acres.
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combination of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
No animals may be housed or kept in a building which is attached or connected to a residential dwelling or attached residential garage.
Permitted accessory uses.
Supporting agricultural practices associated with the agricultural uses listed.
Home occupations as specified herein.
Forest and game management.
Ponds for private recreational purposes.
One roadside stand for selected farm products produced on the premises and not exceeding 100 square feet in area.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection E, regarding accessory buildings, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(13).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-50 and 380-53.
Parcel area and width. Parcels shall be not less than 125 feet in width. Development shall occur in this district at a density not to exceed one residential dwelling unit per 35 acres.
Building height and area.
No farm building or farm-related building shall exceed 100 feet in height.
No farm dwelling or other residential dwelling shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a farm dwelling or other residential dwelling shall be 1,200 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 800 square feet.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Purpose. The R-1 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 1.09 dwelling units per net acre served by on-site sanitary sewerage systems (septic tanks) and private wells and provide for smaller minimum home sizes.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage, excluding all mobile homes; for purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of "single-family dwelling." Note that homes constructed without an attached garage prior to November 7, 1989, are considered legal nonconforming.
[Amended 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.12.01]
Two-family dwellings existing at the time of adoption of this Zoning Code.
Essential services.
Community living arrangements and day-care centers which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons.
Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, provided that no such use generates traffic or noise that would create a public or private nuisance.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages. (See § 380-107.)
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 40,000 square feet and shall be not less than 125 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or part of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 440 square feet in area.
For property fronting Class B or C highways, a minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Keeping of chickens in R-1 Zoning.
[Added 3-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.03.01]
Chicken keeping in R-1 zoning districts. Hen chickens for egg production for personal use is allowed as an accessory use in the R-1 Single-Family Residential Districts in accordance with the following requirements and standards:
A maximum of five hen chickens on a lot of at least one acre in size may be kept. Roosters are not allowed.
Chickens shall be kept in a coop which may have an adjacent fence enclosed area. A coop shall be located in the rear yard only, and shall not exceed 100 square feet in area and eight feet in height. No portion of the coop or fenced area shall be closer than 25 feet to any lot line. Applicant is responsible for determination of all applicable lot lines. Such facilities shall not conflict with any public or private utilities, drainageways or any easements related thereto. Chickens must be contained within a coop or enclosed chicken run and may not be allowed to roam at large within or beyond the property.
Slaughter of chickens for personal use only is allowed on the property.
Chicken keeping shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, sound and usable condition, free of rodents, vermin and objectionable odors or noise.
It shall be the property owner's responsibility to verify that chicken keeping and chicken coops are permitted uses in any deed restrictions or covenants applicable to the subject property.
Prior to establishing the use, a building permit shall be obtained from the Building Inspector for construction of the coop and related fencing. The application for the permit shall include a location sketch, drawn to scale, of the coop and fencing showing property lines and nearby structures and design information for the coop. A fee shall be paid with submittal of the application in accord with the Town's fee schedule. A Zoning Permit shall also be required. A building inspection of the finished coop, coop's location, and applicable property setbacks is required before chickens can be kept on the property.
Coops. "Coop" means a new or existing enclosed accessory structure designed or modified for the keeping of chickens and meeting the requirements of this section. A coop of 100 square feet or less shall not be considered an accessory building under § 380-107 of the Town Code of Ordinances. Coops shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be moisture resistant and either raised up off the ground or placed on a hard surface such as concrete, patio block or gravel. Coops shall prevent the collection of standing water, and shall be cleaned of hen droppings, uneaten feed, and other waste daily as necessary to ensure that the coop and yard does not become a health, odor, or other nuisance.
Runs. Related fencing or chicken run means a fenced cage attached to a coop at least 10 square feet in area per chicken and not to exceed 120 square feet in area.
Annual permit required.
Any person who keeps chickens on land in the Town which the person owns, occupies or controls shall obtain a permit issued by the Town Administrator Treasurer in accordance with the Official Fee Schedule referenced by the Town Code of Ordinances. The permit is valid January 1 through December 31. The initial permit fee and annual renewals shall be as set forth in the official Fee Schedule of the Town Code of Ordinances. The annual permit fee shall be paid no later than January 31 of each year. Any fee payments not paid within 30 days of the permit required will become void and the requester will need to reapply. Proof of current registration with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection shall be submitted with the initial permit application and with all subsequent license renewal applications.
Permit applications submitted by a person other than a record title owner of the property upon which chickens will be kept shall provide written consent of the property owner with the permit application.
Annual permit applications. Upon receipt of an original or renewal application for the keeping of chickens, the Town Administrator or Treasurer shall notify all residents owning property adjacent to the applicant's property of the application being filed, asking for comments to be submitted within 14 days. The Town Administrator shall have authority to approve the application based on satisfaction of all provisions of this section and shall consider reasonable comments/objections of adjacent property owners. If all adjacent property owners object for good reason, or if any adjacent property owner provides proof of a chicken allergy, the Town Administrator shall deny the application and bring the application before the Town Board for further consideration.
Sale of chicks/chickens. All chickens and eggs produced in any Town coops in R-1 Zoning Districts are for personal use only and shall not be sold at the residential property.
Public health requirements.
All chickens shall be kept and handled in a sanitary manner to prevent the spread of communicable diseases among birds, animals or to humans.
Any person keeping chickens shall immediately report any unusual illness or death of chickens to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the Town of Trenton.
The Town may order testing, quarantine, isolation, vaccination, or humane euthanasia of ill chickens or chickens believed to be a carrier of a communicable disease. The owner of the chicken shall be responsible for all costs associated with the procedures ordered hereunder.
The keeping of chickens in the Town by any person not in compliance with this section is prohibited. Violations shall be subject to the penalties set forth in the official Fee Schedule of the Town Code of Ordinances. The Town Board reserves the right to revoke any chicken license for cause.
Effective date. This section shall be effective upon posting or publication according to state law.
Purpose. The R-2 Single-Family Residential District (Unsewered) is intended to provided for the preservation of a rural setting of very low density and high quality for estate or hobby farm type of development in the area appropriate to such use.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the R-2 District:
Single-family dwellings, with an attached garage, excluding all mobile homes; for purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of "single- family dwelling." Note that homes constructed without an attached garage prior to November 7, 1989, are considered legal nonconforming.
[Amended 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.12.01]
Community living arrangements which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons subject to the limitations set forth in § 62.23(7)(i), Wis. Stats.
The keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
For properties of three acres or more zoned R-2: No more than one horse, cow, steer, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres, with a maximum of three animals per five acres without a conditional use permit. A minimum of three acres is required for the keeping of one animal.
[Amended 3-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.03.02]
For properties of three acres or more zoned R-2: No more than eight chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over two months of age, shall be kept for each three acres. For properties of at least one acre but less than three acres, keeping of hen chickens, see Subsection I.
[Amended 3-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.03.02]
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre. (A minimum of three acres is required for the keeping of one animal.)
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses, sheds, or other similar structures, such as storage sheds used for gardening and tools incidental to the residential use. (See § 380-107.)
Home occupations and professional home offices.
The keeping or raising of domestic livestock for show, breeding, or other use incidental to the principal use of the premises.
Private residential outdoor recreational facilities.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings or structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(2).
Conditional uses (as regulated by Article IV of this chapter; see §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53).
[Amended 11-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-11-02]
Public, private commercial and private noncommercial group outdoor recreational facilities.
Public and private schools.
Churches and religious institutions.
Public administrative offices and service buildings.
Private lodges and clubs.
Commercial development of historic restoration.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments which are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.
Nursing and rest homes and homes for the aged.
Public utility offices and installations.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 40,000 square feet and shall not be less than 125 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 440 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Keeping of chickens in R-2 Zoning.
[Added 3-21-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.03.02]
Chicken keeping in R-2 zoning districts. Hen chickens for egg production for personal use is allowed as an accessory use in the R-2 Single-Family Residential Districts in accordance with the following requirements and standards:
A maximum of five hen chickens on a lot of at least one acre but less than two acres in size may be kept. Roosters are not allowed. A maximum of eight hen chickens on a lot of at least two acres in size but less than three acres in size may be kept. Roosters are not allowed.
Chickens shall be kept in a coop which may have an adjacent fence enclosed area. A coop shall be located in the rear yard only and shall not exceed 100 square feet in area and eight feet in height. No portion of the coop or fenced area shall be closer than 25 feet to any lot line. Applicant is responsible for determination of all applicable lot lines. Such facilities shall not conflict with any public or private utilities, drainageways or any easements related thereto. Chickens must be contained within a coop or enclosed chicken run and may not be allowed to roam at large within or beyond the property.
Slaughter of chickens for personal use only is allowed on the property.
Chicken keeping shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, sound and usable condition, free of rodents, vermin and objectionable odors or noise.
It shall be the property owner's responsibility to verify that chicken keeping and chicken coops are permitted uses in any deed restrictions or covenants applicable to the subject property.
Prior to establishing the use, a building permit shall be obtained from the Building Inspector for construction of the coop and related fencing. The application for the permit shall include a location sketch, drawn to scale, of the coop and fencing showing property lines and nearby structures and design information for the coop. A fee shall be paid with submittal of the application in accord with the Town's fee schedule. A zoning permit shall also be required. A building inspection of the finished coop, coop's location, and applicable property setbacks is required before chickens can be kept on the property.
Coops. "Coop" means a new or existing enclosed accessory structure designed or modified for the keeping of chickens and meeting the requirements of this section. A coop of 100 square feet or less shall not be considered an accessory building under § 380-107 of the Town Code of Ordinances. Coops shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be moisture resistant and either raised up off the ground or placed on a hard surface such as concrete, patio block or gravel. Coops shall prevent the collection of standing water, and shall be cleaned of hen droppings, uneaten feed, and other waste daily as necessary to ensure that the coop and yard does not become a health, odor, or other nuisance.
Runs. Related fencing or chicken run means a fenced cage attached to a coop at least 10 square feet in area per chicken and not to exceed 120 square feet in area.
Annual permit required.
Any person who keeps chickens on land in the Town which the person owns, occupies or controls shall obtain a permit issued by the Town Administrator Treasurer in accordance with the Official Fee Schedule referenced by the Town Code of Ordinances. The permit is valid January 1 through December 31. The initial permit fee and annual renewals shall be as set forth in the official Fee Schedule of the Town Code of Ordinances. The annual permit fee shall be paid no later than January 31 of each year. Any fee payments not paid within 30 days of the permit required will become void and the requester will need to reapply. Proof of current registration with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection shall be submitted with the initial permit application and with all subsequent license renewal applications.
Permit applications submitted by a person other than a record title owner of the property upon which chickens will be kept shall provide written consent of the property owner with the permit application.
Annual permit applications. Upon receipt of an original or renewal application for the keeping of chickens, the Town Administrator or Treasurer shall notify all residents owning property adjacent to the applicant's property of the application being filed, asking for comments to be submitted within 14 days. The Town Administrator shall have authority to approve the application based on satisfaction of all provisions of this section and shall consider reasonable comments/objections of adjacent property owners. If all adjacent property owners object for good reason, or if any adjacent property owner provides proof of a chicken allergy, the Town Administrator shall deny the application and bring the application before the Town Board for further consideration.
Sale of chicks/chickens. All chickens and eggs produced in any Town coops in R-2 Zoning Districts are for personal use only and shall not be sold at the residential property.
Public health requirements.
All chickens shall be kept and handled in a sanitary manner to prevent the spread of communicable diseases among birds, animals or to humans.
Any person keeping chickens shall immediately report any unusual illness or death of chickens to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the Town of Trenton.
The Town may order testing, quarantine, isolation, vaccination, or humane euthanasia of ill chickens or chickens believed to be a carrier of a communicable disease. The owner of the chicken shall be responsible for all costs associated with the procedures ordered hereunder.
The keeping of chickens in the Town by any person not in compliance with this section is prohibited. Violations shall be subject to the penalties set forth in the official Fee Schedule of the Town Code of Ordinances. The Town Board reserves the right to revoke any chicken license for cause.
Effective date. This section shall be effective upon posting or publication according to state law.
Purpose. The R-3 Rural Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development, at densities not to exceed 0.33 dwelling unit per net acre, served by on-site soil absorption sanitary sewerage systems (septic tanks) and private wells.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage, excluding all mobile homes; for purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of "single-family dwelling." Note that homes constructed without an attached garage prior to November 7, 1989, are considered legal nonconforming.
[Amended 2-6-2007 by Ord. No. 2-1-2007; 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.12.01]
The keeping and raising on domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres.
No more than five chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Community living arrangements and day-care centers which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons.
Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, provided that no such use generates traffic or noise that would create a public or private nuisance.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages of up to 1,000 square feet.
[Amended 3-21-2006]
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(3).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of three acres and shall be not less than 300 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 480 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The R-4 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 2.18 dwelling units per net acre served by public sanitary sewerage facilities.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage, excluding all mobile homes; for purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of "single-family dwelling."
Essential services.
Community living arrangements and day-care centers which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons.
Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, provided that no such use generates traffic or noise that would create a public or private nuisance.
Permitted accessory uses.
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use. (See § 380-107.)
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(4).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet and shall not be less than 100 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,100 square feet with a minimum first-floor area of 700 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 440 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 40 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 10 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The R-5 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 3.6 dwelling units per net acre served by public sanitary sewerage facilities.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached or detached garage.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use. (See also § 380-107).
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(5).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 7,000 square feet and shall be not less than 50 feet in width.
[Amended 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-01]
Building height and area.
No building or part of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,000 square feet with a minimum first-floor area of 700 square feet.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 25 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of five feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required on lots with lake frontage. A minimum side yard of 10 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required on lots without lake frontage.
[Amended 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-01; 3-15-2022 by Ord. No. Z2022-03-01; 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The R-6 Residential District is intended to provide for existing unsewered two-family residential development at densities not to exceed 1.45 dwelling units per net acre served by on-site sanitary sewerage systems (septic tanks) and private wells. This district is not intended for new unsewered subdivisions but may be used to infill existing two-family areas. No lands shall be zoned in this district after April 1, 1986.
Permitted uses.
Two-family dwellings with a required attached garage for each residential unit for at least one car.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use. (See § 380-107.)
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(6).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 60,000 square feet and shall be not less than 175 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or part of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a two-family structure shall be 1,100 square feet per dwelling unit or 2,200 square feet per structure.
The attached garage area shall be a minimum of 480 feet in total area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 50 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 25 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The R-7 Residential District is intended to provide for two-family residential development at densities not to exceed 4.36 dwelling units per net acre serviced by public sanitary sewerage facilities.
Permitted uses.
Two-family dwellings with a required attached garage for each residential unit for at least one car.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use. (See § 380-107.)
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(7).
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet and shall be not less than 100 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a two-family structure shall be 1,000 square feet per dwelling unit or 2,000 square feet per structure.
The attached garage area shall be a minimum of 480 feet in total area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 25 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 10 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 30 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The purpose of the R-8 Multiple-Family District is to provide the opportunity for construction and maintenance of multiple-family dwelling units on unsewered lots at varying dwelling units per acre densities.
Permitted uses.
Multiple-family dwellings.
Conditional uses.
Parks and playgrounds.
Professional home offices.
Planned residential developments.
Golf courses and private clubs.
Schools and churches.
Government, cultural, and public uses, such as fire and police stations, community centers, libraries, public emergency shelters and museums.
Home occupations.
Nursery schools.
Day-care centers (state licensed).
Area, height and yard requirements.
Area. The minimum lot area for a four-unit shall be 1 1/2 acres. For every additional two units, an additional 1/2 acre is required. A maximum of eight dwelling units is permitted.
Width: minimum 100 feet.
Building height: maximum 35 feet.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum street yard (setback) of 30 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 10 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
A minimum rear yard of 30 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
Minimum floor area.
Three-bedroom apartments: 1,000 square feet.
Two-bedroom apartments: 800 square feet.
One-bedroom apartments: 600 square feet.
Purpose. The B-1 Business District is intended to provide for small groups of retail and customer-service establishments in a shopping center setting serving the residents of the Town and the character, appearance and operation of which are compatible with the character of the surrounding area. No such district shall be less than two acres in area.
Permitted uses.
Antique and collectors' stores (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Appliance stores
Art gallery (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Banks, credit unions and savings and loan associations
Barbershops and beauty shops
Bookstores (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Bowling alleys
Broadcast studios without transmission or receiving towers
Business offices
Camera and photographic supply stores (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Clothing stores
Cocktail lounges (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Dental clinics
Department stores
Fish markets
Fruit stores
Furriers and fur apparel
Gift stores (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Grocery stores
Hardware stores
Hobby and craft shops (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Home furnishings
Insurance and real estate offices
Janitorial supplies
Jewelry stores
Law offices
Lodges and clubs (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Meat markets
Medical clinics
Newspaper and magazine stores (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Office supplies and business machine stores
Optical stores
Packaged beverage stores
Paint, glass and wallpaper stores
Plumbing and heating supplies
Publishing houses
Restaurants (subject to the conditional use provisions of § 380-49J if applicable)
Self-service laundries and dry-cleaning establishments
Shoe stores and leather goods stores
Soda fountains
Sporting goods stores
Tobacco shops
Travel agencies
Variety stores
Vegetable stores
Permitted accessory uses.
Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of a business.
Off-street parking and loading areas.
Residential quarters for the owner or proprietor, located in the same building as the business.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-49 and 380-53.
Lot area and width.
Local business shopping centers or districts shall contain a minimum of two acres and shall be not less than 200 feet in width.
Individual business sites in the B-1 Business District shall provide sufficient area for the principal building and its accessory buildings, off-street parking and loading areas, required yards and appropriate sanitary facilities.
Building height.
No principal building or part of a principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
Accessory dwellings located within the business structures in the B-1 District shall provide a living area of not less than 700 square feet.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 50 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to Plan Commission. To encourage a business environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in business districts shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town of Trenton Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans.
Purpose. The B-2 Business District is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive development at appropriate locations along principal highway routes of those businesses and customer services which are logically related to and dependent upon highway traffic or which are specifically designed to serve the needs of such traffic.
Permitted uses.
Gasoline service stations, provided that all service islands and pumps shall meet the setback requirements.
Motels and motor hotels.
Building supply stores excluding lumberyards.
Automotive sales and service.
Permitted accessory uses.
Accessory garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of the business or for occupants of the premises.
Off-street parking and loading areas.
Residential quarters for the owner, proprietor, commercial tenant, employee or caretaker as a secondary use.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-49, 380-52 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 40,000 square feet and shall be not less than 125 feet in width.
Building height.
No principal building or part of a principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
Accessory dwellings located within the business structures in the B-2 District shall provide a living area of not less than 700 square feet. An accessory dwelling located on a business parcel that is not within the business structure shall provide a living area of not less than 1,000 square feet and shall not exceed 35 feet in height.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 100 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to Plan Commission. To encourage a business environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in business districts shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town of Trenton Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans.
Purpose. The M-1 Industrial District is intended to provide for the orderly development of manufacturing or industrial operations which, on the basis of actual physical and operational characteristics, would not be detrimental to the surrounding area or to the Town as a whole by reason of smoke, noise, dust, odor, traffic, physical appearance or other similar factors, and to establish such regulatory controls as will reasonably ensure compatibility with the surrounding area in this respect. Uses which are generally perceived as being of a nuisance nature or considered to be a hazard to human life should not be permitted as a matter of right but permitted only as conditional uses after careful study and review. Listed conditional uses should not normally abut directly upon residential districts.
Permitted uses.
[Amended 2-1-2007 by Ord. No. 2-1-2007; 7-21-2020 by Ord. No. Z2020-07-02]
Automotive body repair
Automotive upholstery
Cleaning, pressing and dyeing
Commercial bakeries
Commercial greenhouses
Cosmetic manufacturing
Electrical appliances manufacturing
Electronic devices manufacturing
Farm machinery sales and repair
Food locker plants
Glass manufacturing
Jewelry manufacturing
Instrument manufacturing
Leather fabrication, not including tanning
Machine shops
Manufacture and bottling of nonalcoholic beverage
Mini warehousing
Packaging and packing of confections
Packaging and assembly of products made from fur
Pharmaceutical processing
Printing and publishing
Storage and sale of machinery and equipment
Tobacco and toiletries
Permitted accessory uses.
Garages and yards for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of an industry.
Off-street parking and loading areas.
Office, storage, power supply and other uses normally auxiliary to the principal industrial operations.
Residential quarters for the owner or caretaker in a separate building not housing the industrial use.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-50, 380-51 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum of 40,000 square feet in area and shall not be less than 125 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 45 feet in height.
No building or buildings shall occupy more than 50% of the lot area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 100 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to Plan Commission. To encourage an industrial use environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in industrial districts shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans.
Purpose. The I-1 Rural Institutional District is intended to eliminate the ambiguity of maintaining, in unrelated use districts, areas which are under public or public-related ownership and where the use for public purpose is anticipated to be permanent. I-1 institutional uses are served by on-site sanitary sewerage systems (septic tanks) and private wells.
Permitted uses.
Public or private schools, colleges and universities.
Funeral homes.
Hospitals, sanitoriums, nursing homes and clinics.
Libraries, community centers, museums and public art galleries.
Public administrative offices and public service buildings, including fire and police stations.
Public utility offices.
Day care.
[Added 11-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-11-02]
Permitted accessory uses.
Residential quarters for caretakers or clergy.
Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of a permitted use.
Service buildings and facilities normally accessory to the permitted use.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall be a minimum area of 40,000 square feet and shall not be less than 125 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No principal building or part of a principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
Residential uses permitted in the I-1 District shall comply with the building area requirements of the R-2 Single-Family Residential District.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 25 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to the Plan Commission. To encourage an institutional use environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in the Institutional District shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town of Trenton Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans.
Purpose. The I-2 Institutional District is intended to eliminate the ambiguity of maintaining, in unrelated use districts, areas which are under public or public-related ownership and where the use for public purpose is anticipated to be permanent. I-2 institutional uses are served by public sanitary sewerage facilities.
Permitted uses.
Public or private schools, colleges and universities.
Funeral homes.
Hospitals, sanitoriums, nursing homes and clinics.
Libraries, community centers, museums and public art galleries.
Public administrative offices and public service buildings, including fire and police stations.
Public utility offices.
Permitted accessory uses.
Residential quarters for caretakers or clergy.
Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of a permitted use.
Service buildings and facilities normally accessory to the permitted use.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47 and 380-53.
Lot area and width. Lots shall be a minimum area of 12,000 square feet and shall not be less than 75 feet in width.
Building height and area.
No principal building or part of a principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
Residential uses permitted in the I-2 District shall comply with the building area requirements of the R-5 Single-Family Residential District.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 25 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 10 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to Plan Commission. To encourage an institutional use environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in the Institutional District shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town of Trenton Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans.
Purpose. The P-1 Park District is intended to provide for areas where open space and recreational needs, both public and private, can be met without undue disturbance of natural resources and adjacent uses.
Permitted uses. Hours of operation are restricted to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
[Amended 1-20-2015 by Ord. No. Z2015-01-01]
Botanical gardens and arboretums.
Historic monuments or sites.
Outdoor skating rinks.
Park and playgrounds.
Picnicking areas.
Play fields or athletic fields.
Sledding, skiing or tobogganing.
Swimming beaches.
Tennis courts.
Retreat centers.
Permitted accessory uses.
Buildings accessory to the permitted use.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Conditional uses. See §§ 380-47, 380-52 and 380-53.
Building height. No building or part of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
No building or structure shall be erected, altered or moved closer than 50 feet to a side or rear lot line.
Plans and specifications to be submitted to Plan Commission. To encourage a recreational-use environment that is compatible with the residential character of the Town, zoning permits for permitted uses in the Park District shall not be issued without review and approval of the Town of Trenton Plan Commission. Said review and approval shall be concerned with general layout, building plans, ingress, egress, parking, loading and unloading and landscape plans. Municipally owned facilities shall be exempt from site plan review.
Purpose. The PDO Planned Development District is intended to permit developments that will, over a period of time, be enhanced by coordinated area site planning, diversified location of structures, diversified building types and/or mixing of compatible uses. Such developments are intended to provide a safe and efficient system for pedestrian and vehicle traffic, to provide attractive recreation and open spaces as integral parts of the developments, to enable economic design in the location of public and private utilities and community facilities, and to ensure adequate standards of construction and planning. The PDO Overlay District under this Zoning Code will allow for flexibility of overall development design with benefits from such design flexibility intended to be derived by both the developer and the community, while at the same time maintaining insofar as possible the land use density and other standards or use requirements set forth in the underlying basic zoning district. The unified and planned development of a site in a single or corporate ownership or control or in common ownership under the Unit Ownership Act set forth in Ch. 703, Wis. Stats. (condominiums), may be permitted by the Town upon specific petition under this section of the Zoning Code and after public hearing, with such development encompassing one or more principal uses or structures and related accessory uses or structures when all regulations and standards are set forth in this section of the Zoning Code have been met.
Application of district; private roads.
The PDO District may be used for development in any district except the EA Exclusive Agricultural District, AT Agricultural Transition District, A-1 Agricultural District and the R-3 Residential District.
The Town Board, following a recommendation from the Plan Commission, may allow the use of private roads/streets when a PDO District is used as an overlay in an R-2 Residential District. The applicant shall file documentation demonstrating adequate means to ensure long-term maintenance of the private road. The use of private roads, and the design thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board.
Permitted uses. Uses permitted in a planned development overlay district shall conform to uses generally permitted in the underlying basic use district. Individual structures shall comply with the specific building area and height requirements of the underlying basic use district. All open space and parking requirements of the underlying basic use district shall be complied with either individually or by providing the combined open space and parking space required for the entire development in one or more locations within the development.
Minimum area requirements. Areas designated as planned development overlay districts shall be under single or corporate ownership or control and shall contain a minimum development area as follows:
Principal Uses
Minimum Area of PDO
Residential PDO
Commercial PDO
Industrial PDO
Mixed compatible use
Procedural requirements.
Pre-petition conference. Prior to the official submission of the petition for the approval of a planned development overlay district, the owner or his agent making such petition shall meet with the Town Plan Commission or its staff to discuss the scope and proposed nature of the contemplated development.
Petition. Following the pre-petition conference, the owner or his/her agent may file a petition with the Town Clerk for approval of a planned development overlay district. Such petition shall be accompanied by a review fee and the following information:
A statement which sets forth the relationship of the proposed PDO to the Town's adopted Comprehensive Plan, or any adopted component thereof, and the general character of and the uses to be included in the proposed PDO, including the following information:
Total area to be included in the PDO, area of open space, residential density computations, proposed number of dwelling units, population analysis, availability of or requirements for municipal services and any other similar data pertinent to a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed development.
A general summary of the estimated value of structures and site improvement costs, including landscaping and special features.
A general outline of the organizational structure of a property owners' or management association which may be proposed to be established for the purpose of providing any necessary private services.
Any proposed departures from the standards of development as set forth in the Town zoning regulations, other Town regulations or administrative rules or other universal guidelines.
The expected date of commencement of physical development as set forth in the proposal.
A general development plan, including:
A legal description of the boundaries of the subject property included in the proposed PDO and its relationship to surrounding properties.
The location of existing and proposed public and private roads, existing and proposed driveways and existing and proposed parking facilities.
The size, arrangement and location of any individual building sites and proposed building groups on each individual site.
The location of institutional, recreational and open space areas and areas reserved or dedicated for public uses, including schools, parks and drainageways.
The type, size and location of all structures.
General landscape treatment.
Architectural plans, elevation and perspective drawings and sketches illustrating the design and character of proposed structures.
The existing and proposed locations of public sanitary sewer and water supply facilities.
The existing and proposed location of all private utilities or other easements.
Characteristics of soils related to contemplated specific uses.
Existing topography on the site with contours at no grater than two-foot intervals.
Anticipated uses of adjoining lands in regard to roads, surface water drainage and compatibility with existing adjacent land uses.
Referral to Plan Commission. The petition for a planned development overlay district shall be referred to the Town Plan Commission for its review and recommendation, including any additional conditions or restrictions which it may deem necessary or appropriate.
Public hearing. The Town Plan Commission and the Town Board shall hold a joint public hearing pursuant to the requirements of Article XII of this chapter. Notice for such hearing shall include reference to the development plans filed in conjunction with the requested planned development overlay district. As soon as is practical following the hearing, the Plan Commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the Town Board.
Basis for approval of the petition.
The Town Plan Commission, in making its recommendation, and the Town Board, in making its determination, shall consider that:
The petitioners for the proposed planned development overlay district have indicated that they intend to begin the physical development of the PDO within nine months following the approval of the petition and that the development will be carried out according to a reasonable construction schedule satisfactory to the Town.
The proposed planned development overlay district is consistent in all respects with the purpose of this section and with the spirit and intent of this Zoning Code and is in conformity with the adopted Comprehensive Plan or any adopted component thereof and that the development would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the community.
The Town Plan Commission, in making its recommendations, and the Town Board, in making its determination, shall further find that:
The proposed site shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities for surface and storm waters.
The proposed site shall be accessible from public roads that are adequate to carry the traffic that can be expected to be generated by the proposed development.
No undue constraint or burden will be imposed on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection, street maintenance and maintenance of public areas, by the proposed development.
The streets and driveways on the site of the proposed development shall be adequate to serve the residents of the proposed development and shall meet the minimum standards of all applicable ordinances or administrative regulations of the Town.
Adequate water and sewer facilities shall be provided.
The entire tract or parcel of land to be included in a planned development overlay district shall be held under single ownership or, if there is more than one owner, the petition for such planned development overlay district shall be considered as one tract, lot or parcel, and the legal description must define said PDO as a single parcel, lot or tract and be so recorded with the Register of Deeds for Washington County.
In the case of a proposed residential planned development overlay district:
Such development will create an attractive residential environment of sustained desirability and economic stability, including structures in relation to terrain, consideration of safe pedestrian flow, ready access to recreation space and coordination with overall plans for the community.
The total net density within the planned development overlay district will be compatible with and not exceed the average intensity and density of development permitted in the underlying basic use district.
Provision has been made for the installation of adequate public facilities and the continuing maintenance and operation of such facilities. Residential PDO developments containing more than two dwelling units per structure shall be served by public sanitary sewerage facilities.
Adequate continuing fire and police protection is available.
The population composition of the development will not have an adverse effect upon the community's capacity to provide needed school or other municipal service facilities.
Adequate guarantee is provided for permanent preservation of open space areas as shown on the approved site plan either by private reservation and maintenance or by dedication to the public.
In the case of a proposed commercial planned development overlay district:
The proposed development will be adequately served by off-street parking and truck service facilities.
The proposed development shall be adequately provided with and shall not impose any undue burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection, street maintenance and maintenance of public areas.
The locations for entrances and exits have been designated to prevent unnecessary interference with the safe and efficient movement of traffic on surrounding streets and the development will not create an adverse effect upon the general traffic pattern of the surrounding neighborhood.
The architectural design, landscaping, control of lighting and general site development will result in an attractive and harmonious service area compatible with and not adversely affecting the property values of the surrounding neighborhood.
In the case of a proposed industrial planned development overlay district:
The operational character, physical plant arrangement and architectural design of buildings will be compatible with the latest in performance standards and industrial development design and will not result in adverse effect upon the property values of the surrounding neighborhood.
The proposed development shall be adequately provided with and shall not impose any undue burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection, street maintenance and maintenance of public areas.
The proposed development will include adequate provisions for off-street parking and truck service areas and will be adequately served by rail and/or arterial highway facilities.
The proposed development is properly related to the total transportation system of the community and will not result in an adverse effect on the safety and efficiency of the public streets.
In the case of mixed-use planned development overlay district:
The proposed mixture of uses produces a unified composite which is compatible within the underlying districts and which, as a total development entity, is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.
The various types of uses conform to the general requirements as hereinbefore set forth applicable to projects of such use and character.
The proposed development shall be adequately provided with and shall not impose any undue burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection, street maintenance and maintenance of public areas.
Determination. The Town Board, after due consideration, may deny the petition, approve the petition as submitted or approve the petition subject to additional conditions and restrictions. The approval of a planned development overlay district shall be based upon and include as conditions thereto the building, site and operational plans for the development as approved by the Town Board.
Changes and additions. Any subsequent change or addition to the plans or uses shall first be submitted for approval to the Town Plan Commission, and if, in the opinion of the Town Plan Commission, such change or addition constitutes a substantial alteration of the original plan, a public hearing before the Town Plan Commission shall be required and notice thereof shall be given pursuant to the provisions of Article XII of this chapter, and said proposed alterations shall be submitted to the Town Board for approval.
Subsequent land division. The division of any land or lands within a planned development overlay district for the purpose of change or conveyance of ownership shall be accomplished pursuant to the land division regulations of the Town, and when such division is contemplated, a preliminary plat of the lands to be divided shall accompany the petition for PDO approval.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Subdivision of Land.
Purpose. The CES Country Estate District is intended to provide for the preservation of a rural setting of very low density and high quality for estate or gentleman's farm type of development in areas where the physical and environmental character of the land and of existing development in the area is appropriate to such use.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage.
The keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres or a maximum of 1 1/2 animals per five acres without a conditional use permit.
No more than five chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over two months of age, shall be kept for each five acres or a maximum of five per five acres without a conditional use permit.
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages, stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses, sheds, or other similar structures such as storage sheds used for gardening and tools incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
The keeping or raising of domestic livestock for show, breeding, or other use incidental to the principal use of the premises.
Private residential outdoor recreational facilities.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted, a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(9), (10), and (11).
Conditional uses (as regulated by Article IV of this chapter).
Public, private commercial and private noncommercial group outdoor recreational facilities.
Public and private schools.
Churches and religious institutions.
Public administrative offices and service buildings.
Private lodges and clubs.
Commercial development of historic restoration.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments which are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.
Nursing and rest homes and homes for the aged.
Public utility offices and installations.
Commercial riding stables.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 10 acres and shall not be less than 250 feet in width at the building setback line.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,800 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,200 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 600 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 100 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 30 feet in width on each side of all structures, except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall have a minimum side yard of 15 feet in width on each side of all structures.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 30 feet.
Purpose. The CES-5 Country Estate District is intended to provide for a single-family residential development in a farmette or estate-type setting, at densities not to exceed one dwelling unit, served by private sewer and water facilities.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the CES-5 District:
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage. The garage shall be a minimum 600 square feet in area.
Community living arrangements which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons subject to the limitations set forth in § 62.23(7)(i), Wis. Stats.
The keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres, with a maximum of three animals per five acres without a conditional use permit. (A minimum of three acres is required for the keeping of one animal.)
No more than five chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over six months of age, shall be kept for each acre, with a maximum of five per acre without a conditional use permit. (A minimum of three acres is required for the keeping of one such fowl.) Poultry must be kept in an enclosed coop at all times. The coop must be placed a minimum of 35 feet from the side and rear yard lot lines. The coop cannot be placed in the front yard of the residence.
[Amended 2-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.02.02]
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre. (A minimum of three acres is required for the keeping of one animal.)
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages, stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses, sheds, or other similar structures such as storage sheds used for gardening and tools incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
The keeping or raising of domestic livestock for show, breeding, or other use incidental to the principal use of the premises.
Private residential outdoor recreational facilities.
Roof-mounted solar collectors (over three feet in diameter), provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(10).
Conditional uses (as regulated by Article IV of this chapter; see §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-50 and 380-53).
Public, private commercial and private noncommercial group outdoor recreational facilities.
Public and private schools.
Churches and religious institutions.
Public administrative offices and service buildings.
Private lodges and clubs.
Commercial development of historic restoration.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments which are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.
Nursing and rest homes and homes for the aged.
Public utility offices and installations.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of five acres and shall not be less than 250 feet in width at the building setback line.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,600 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,200 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 600 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 100 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 30 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required, except that on lots fronting a cul-de-sac, a minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 30 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
Purpose. The CES-10 Country Estates District is intended to provide for the preservation of a rural setting of very low density and high quality for estate or hobby farm type of development in areas where the physical and environmental character of the land and of existing development in the area is appropriate to such use.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the CES-10 District (see Appendix for acreage and square footage scale):
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage; the required garage containing a minimum of 600 square feet in area.
Community living arrangements which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons subject to the limitations set forth in § 62.23(7)(i), Wis. Stats.
The keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animals, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres, with a maximum of 1 1/2 animals per five acres without a conditional use permit.
No more than five chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over six months of age, shall be kept for each acre, with a maximum of five per acre without a conditional use permit. Poultry must be kept in an enclosed coop at all times. The coop must be placed a minimum of 35 feet from the side and rear yard lot lines. The coop cannot be placed in the front yard of the residence.
[Amended 2-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.02.02]
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages, stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses, sheds, or other similar structures such as storage sheds used for gardening and tools incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
The keeping or raising of domestic livestock for show, breeding, or other use incidental to the principal use of the premises.
Private residential outdoor recreational facilities.
Satellite dish antennas located on the roof of the principal structure or in the rear yard. Where the satellite dish is roof-mounted (over three feet in diameter), a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Roof-mounted solar collectors, provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(11).
Conditional uses (as regulated by Article IV of this chapter; see §§ 380-47, 380-48, 380-50 and 380-53):
Public, private commercial and private noncommercial group outdoor recreational facilities.
Public and private schools.
Churches and religious institutions.
Public administrative offices and service buildings.
Private lodges and clubs.
Commercial development of historic restoration.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments which are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.
Nursing and rest homes and homes for the aged.
Public utility offices and installations.
Commercial riding stables.
Lot area and width. Lots shall have a minimum area of 10 acres and shall not be less than 250 feet in width at the building setback line.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,800 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,400 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 600 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 100 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
A minimum side yard of 30 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required, except that on lots fronting a cul-de-sac, a minimum side yard of 25 feet on each side of the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
A minimum rear yard of 30 feet from the dwelling shall be required.
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. Z2023.09.01]
[Amended 7-20-2010]
Purpose. The purpose of the C-1 Conservancy District is to preserve, protect, and maintain the natural environment and character of areas exhibiting significant natural resource features which contribute to the productive, recreational, or aesthetic value of the community. Slopes in excess of 12% are unsuitable for development and should be maintained in essentially natural, open uses.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings with an attached garage or detached garage located on upland areas outside of wetlands as per Washington County Park and Planning Department and the Department of Natural Resources; excluding all mobile homes; for purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of "single-family dwelling."
Farming and related agricultural uses when conducted in accordance with conservation standards.
The keeping and raising of domestic stock for agribusiness, show, breeding or other purposes, provided that the total number of animals shall be as follows:
No more than one horse, cow, sheep or similar animal, over six months of age, shall be kept on each 1 1/2 acres.
No more than five chickens, ducks or similar poultry, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
No more than eight rabbits or hare, over two months of age, shall be kept for each acre.
Combinations of the above shall be apportioned to the total acreage, and the Building Inspector shall determine the total number of animals allowed.
Essential services.
Residences existing on the property.
Forest and game management.
Hunting, fishing and hiking.
Parks and recreation areas; arboreta; botanical gardens; and greenways.
Nonresidential buildings used solely in conjunction with the raising of waterfowl or fish.
Harvesting of wild crops.
Recreation-related structures not requiring basements.
Single-family dwellings with attached or detached garage located on upland areas outside of wetlands.
Permitted accessory uses.
Private detached garages of up to 1,000 square feet.
Gardening, tool and storage sheds incidental to the residential use.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Roof-mounted solar collectors provided that a registered professional engineer shall certify that the structure is adequate to support the load.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection D, regarding accessory buildings and structures, was repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. Z2019-02-03. See § 380-107L(12).
Building height and area.
Area: minimum five acres.
Width: minimum 300 feet.
Building height: maximum 35 feet, measured from the foundation to the peak of the roof.
Other structure height: maximum 1/2 the distance from the structure's nearest lot line.
Building height and area.
No building or parts of a building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
The total minimum living area of a dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet with a minimum first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
The attached garage shall be a minimum of 480 square feet in area.
A minimum street yard (setback) of 75 feet from the road right-of-way shall be required.
There shall be a side yard of not less than 30 feet in width on each side of the dwelling, except that structures used for the housing of shelters for animals must be 100 feet from lot lines.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 30 feet.
Conditional uses.
Animal hospitals, shelters and kennels.
Archery and firearm ranges, sports fields and skating rinks.
Land restoration, flowage, and ponds.
Golf courses and clubs.
Ski hills and trails.
Yacht clubs and marinas.
Recreation camps.
Public and private campgrounds.
Riding stables.
Planned residential developments.
Sewage disposal plants.
Governmental, cultural and public buildings or uses.
Hunting and fishing clubs.
Professional home offices.
Farm structures.