Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness may be obtained from the Office of the Building Inspector, from the Borough Zoning Enforcement Officer, from a Burgess, or from a Member of the Commission.
Applications may be accompanied by photographs and drawings showing the nature of the work to be performed as well as a list of materials to be used. With respect to signs, the application shall detail the size, materials, and proposed location(s). The Commission shall take action on each application within 65 days of receipt as defined herein.
Applicants shall submit completed application to the Chairperson or Clerk of the Historic District if the Chairperson is not available.
The Chairperson shall review the application and upon determination that the application is complete, may schedule the application for Hearing.
The date the notice of Hearing to Applicant is sent to applicant shall be considered the date of receipt of application. Each applicant shall be notified of the date, time, and place of the public hearing at which his/her application will be heard.
Completed applications may be heard at a special meeting, or at the next scheduled meeting of the Commission, provided applications are received 20 days in advance of that meeting (applications received in less than 20 days from the next regularly scheduled meeting may also be scheduled and heard at the discretion of the Commission).