[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg 9-14-1992; amended in its entirety 6-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-3. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Loitering — See Ch. 114.
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 132.
Public assemblies — See Ch. 154.
Special events permits — See Ch. 189.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the meanings as hereinafter set forth for the purpose of this chapter only:
Any liquid, substance or matter which is controlled and/or regulated by the Caroline County Liquor Board.
Any area wherein the public is invited as potential patrons or customers within any private business establishment, during hours which said business establishment is open to the public for business, provided that the business establishment does not hold a current and valid beer, wine and/or liquor license from the Caroline County Liquor Board.
Any property which is titled in the name of the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg, or any road, street, highway, alley, sidewalk or other public way which is open to the use of the public, regardless of in whose name the land is titled.
No person shall drink or otherwise consume any beverage containing alcohol upon any public property or public place within the Town, unless the following exemption applies. The Mayor and Council of Federalsburg may, in its sole discretion, grant an exception to this section for an event in the Town, provided that the applicant meets all of the following conditions:
The applicant is requesting to allow the consumption of alcohol as part of an event that celebrates the historical, cultural, philanthropic or traditional aspect of the Town of Federalsburg and thereby attracts visitors to the Town.
The serving of alcoholic beverages is incidental to and not the main or only purpose of the event, such as holding a tasting as one of other attractions of the event.
The alcoholic beverage will be served and/or consumed within a confined, designated area.
The applicant will obtain, before the event takes place, the appropriate license from the Caroline County Liquor Board.
In any trial of any person charged with the violation of this chapter, it shall be presumed that any container, can or bottle contains the beverage indicated on the label of said container, can or bottle. The defendant may rebut the presumption by credible evidence sufficient to persuade the trier of fact.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a municipal infraction and shall be liable, per violation, as provided in Chapter 1, Article I.