[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hagerstown as Ch. 24 of the 1967 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The erection or construction of a piping system through which is conveyed gas for power, heating or illuminating purposes, including the connection therewith of gas fixtures, ranges, stoves, water heaters and gas engines, and all their attachments and appurtenances, and the maintenance in a good and safe condition of the system and the making of the necessary repairs and changes.
All gas fitting, piping, fixtures and appliances of all kinds shall be under the direction of the Plumbing Inspector and subject to his approval.
No work or material embraced under gas fitting as provided in this chapter shall be used or placed in any building without application having first been made to and a permit obtained from the Plumbing Inspector.
The application must be made by a registered licensed plumber or registered licensed gas fitter upon blanks specially prepared for that purpose and shall contain a full description of the work to be done.
If required, drawings or blueprints shall accompany the application, showing the piping in its entirety as to the length of the run, size of the same, etc.
There shall be a heavy main fullway cock on every service pipe close to the inside of the foundation wall, and in case there are two or more meters supplied from one service pipe, there shall be an additional straightway cock at the inlet side of each meter.
Every building must have an independent gas service of the size prescribed.
The service pipe shall be run and both connections with the meter made by the gas company.
Meters placed in cellars shall be set on the wall wherever practical, at least four feet above the cellar floor. In no case shall the meter be set in a vestibule or above the door of the same nor in any cellar, hallway or room closer to any furnace, open grate or range than 10 feet nor within 10 feet of any electric switchboard or other electrical appliance measured horizontally nor in any closed closet or under stairways nor in any similar enclosure or coal or ash vault.
All gas pipes shall be of the best quality wrought iron or steel and of the kind classed as standard pipe and shall weigh according to the following table:
Size of Pipe
Pounds per Linear Foot
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2
All fittings, except stopcocks or valves, shall be of malleable iron. Joints shall be made with white or red lead, preferably applied to male threads. No gas fitters' cement shall be used except for fixture joints. All bends or angles must be made with fittings. The bending of gas pipes will not be permitted.
No pipe shall be laid so as to support any weight, except fixtures, or be subject to any strain whatsoever. All pipe shall be properly laid and fastened to prevent becoming trapped and shall be laid, when practicable, above timbers or beams instead of beneath them. Where running lines or branches cross beams, they must be laid within three feet of the ends of the beams, and in no case shall the pipes be let into the beams more than two inches in depth.
No drop or bracket shall be taken from an ell; it must be taken from a tee fitting, and the pipes must be run not less than four inches longer, or to a bearing, and be capped and securely fastened on both sides of the tee so as to prevent movement when the fixture is attached.
All pipes must be properly graded and, if practicable, sloped toward the risers and meter. A bracket outlet shall be run as a riser rather than as a drop.
Any gas pipe laid in a damp or cold place shall be properly dripped or graded and painted with two coats of red lead and boiled in oil or be tarred. No gas pipe shall be laid in cement or concrete, unless the pipe or channel in which it is placed is well-covered with tar.
The size of gas pipe shall not be less, nor the length greater, than for the number of burners stated and enumerated in the following table, except that if the number of burners is not more than half the maximum, the length of run may be increased 1/2:
Size of Pipe
Maximum Length of Pipe
Maximum Number of Burners Allowed
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
An outlet for a gas range or small water heater shall be counted as equivalent to five burners and a gas log or grate as equivalent to three burners.
All outlets must be set plumb and securely fastened, each one having at least one strap, and they shall be left capped until fixtures are connected. They must not project more than two inches below a plastered ceiling, centerpiece or wall. No gas outlet shall be placed within 15 inches of any window or doorway trimming.
Outlets for gas stoves, heaters or gas logs must not be less than three inches above the floor and two inches in the clear from the baseboard.
No bracket or burner shall be located under or near any tank containing flammable oils, the back of any door or within 10 feet of any gas meter. No swinging or folding gas bracket shall be placed against any stud partition or woodwork, but a stiff bracket can be used if the length is not less than six inches, measured from the burner to the plastered surface or woodwork.
No gas hot-water heater, gas range, gas radiator, gas light or other gas appliance shall be placed in any location where the location of meters is prohibited, except near furnaces, nor in any garage or other place where flammable oils are kept, stored or used. No gas log or open-flame radiator shall be placed in any fireplace which is not provided with a flue to the outer air and which is not thoroughly fireproofed.
Gas brackets placed near window curtains or similar combustible material shall be protected by proper shields. All gas burners less than two feet from a plastered ceiling or less than five feet from overhead woodwork shall be protected by shields of approved material.
No independent connection for a hose outlet shall be placed above the stiff joint of any chandelier or pendant, but such connection shall be brought down to an accessible point; nor shall any independent hose connection be placed within six inches of the key of a gas bracket.
All brass tubing shall be at least No. 18 standard gauge. All threads on brass pipe shall screw in at least 5/16 of an inch. All cast fittings, such as cocks, swing joints, double centers, nozzles, etc., shall be extra-heavy brass. The plugs of all cocks must be ground to a true surface for their entire length, be free from sandholes and have not less than 3/4 of an inch bearing, except in cases of special design. All stop pins to keys or cocks shall be screwed into place.
Gas engines must be connected to separate service pipes from which no gas for illuminating or heating purposes is used.
Exhaust pipes shall be run to the roof when possible and must not come in contact with woodwork unless the same is properly protected.
When, for any reason, in remodeling old buildings, it is impracticable to comply strictly with the provisions of this chapter, the Plumbing Inspector shall have power to modify its provisions so that the spirit and substance thereof shall be complied with.
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the extension of a gas pipe from a building located on the front portion of a lot to a stable, workshop or building of a similar character located on the rear of the lot if there is no gas main in the rear alley or street and both buildings are located on the same lot and owned, occupied or used by the same owner.
No extension or alteration of any existing system of gas piping in a building in excess of 15 feet in length, and unless the same is entirely exposed, shall be made without reporting the work to the office of the Plumbing Inspector for inspection and approval. Extensions shall conform in size to the table in § 120-10 of this chapter and shall be made where the proper size pipe can be maintained, and in no case shall extensions be made from smaller pipe.
Where necessary to cut pipe for extensions or repairs, pipe shall be again put together with right and left couplings, and in no case shall unions or running threads be permitted.
All gas appliances, including gas ranges and all types of gas water heaters, shall be connected with a vent to a chimney or flue. In cases where this is impossible, the vent shall be run to the outside of the building and shall be installed subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector.
Upon the completion of any system of gas piping in any building, premises or establishment and before the piping is enclosed, covered or concealed, it shall be promptly reported to the Plumbing Inspector for inspection. The outlets shall be suitably capped and the system tested with air to a pressure equal to a column of mercury six inches high in the length of time as will satisfy the Plumbing Inspector that the work is sound and tight. No piping shall be covered up nor shall any fixture, gas heater, range or appliance be connected thereto until the test is approved.
Gas shall not be turned on in any building, premises or establishment until the piping and fixtures have been approved by the Plumbing Inspector and a certificate is issued stating that the town conforms to the provisions of this chapter.
[Added 7-17-1990 by Ord. No. 1990-39]
Any person or persons violating any provisions of this chapter shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II.