[Adopted 3-2-1998 by Ord. No. 98-01]
[Amended 6-7-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-8]
The boundaries of Election District One are:
All that land located within the municipal corporate limits of the Town of Princess Anne, beginning at the northwesterly most boundary of the Town’s municipal limits and proceeding in a generally southerly direction by and with the municipal limits to a point which would be the center line of South Street if South Street was extended to the municipal limits and then easterly by and with the center line of South Street to Somerset Avenue, thence north by and with the center line of Somerset Avenue to the Manokin River, then generally in a northeasterly direction by and with the existing municipal limits to the northeastern most municipal limits, then by and with the existing municipal limits generally west and north to the place of beginning.
All that lot or parcel of land situate in West Princess Anne Election District, Somerset County, Maryland, on the south side of but not adjacent to Linden Avenue, on the east side of but not adjacent to U.S. Route 13, on the north side of but not adjacent to Beckford Avenue; said land is more particularly described as follows: beginning for the same at a point in the center of intersecting ditches on the east side of Dryden Road; said point of beginning designates the southwest corner of the lands herein described, thence from said point of beginning and by and with the center of the said ditches as follows: (1) north 17 degrees, 23 minutes, 25 seconds west by and with the east side of said Dryden Road, a distance of 391.8 feet to a point, thence (2) north 79 degrees, 16 minutes, 00 seconds east a distance of 660.07 feet to a point, thence (3) south 16 degrees, 02 minutes, 40 seconds east part way with the west side of a 30 foot road indicated on said plat a total distance of 229.14 feet to a point, thence (4) south 48 degrees, 19 minutes, 44 seconds west a distance of 285.46 feet, thence (5) south 51 degrees, 15 minutes, 49 seconds west a distance of 37.8 feet to a point, thence (6) south 79 degrees, 49 minutes, 49 seconds west a distance of 357.88 feet to the place of the beginning; containing 5.36 acres, more or less, and more particularly described on a plat entitled “A Residential Subdivision Kilkenny Court” by Chris D. Custis, dated June 23, 2001 and intended to be recorded among the land records of Somerset County, Maryland upon approval of annexation and being the same land that was conveyed unto Paul J .Thorton, by deed dated March 16, 2001 and recorded among the land records of Somerset County, Maryland in Liber 0503, Folio 377.
The boundaries of Election District Two are:
All that land located within the municipal corporate limits of the Town of Princess Anne, beginning at the point where the Manokin River intersects the easterly side of the center line of Somerset Avenue, then south by and with the easterly side of the center line of Somerset Avenue to the intersections of the center lines of Somerset Avenue and West South Street, then west by and with the center line of West South Street to a point where said center line would, if extended, intersect the Manokin River, then generally in a southerly direction to the intersection of the southernmost point of said limits (except for the southern point of the property identified in Subsection B of this description) and Stewart Neck Road, then generally in a northeasterly direction by and with the easterly side of Stewart Neck Road to the existing municipal limits, then by and with the municipal limits in a northerly direction to the intersection of Hampden Avenue and East Antioch Avenue, then by and with the southerly side of East Antioch Avenue to the intersection of East Antioch Avenue and the Conrail railroad tracks, then generally in a northwesterly direction by and with the existing municipal limits to the Manokin River, then generally in a southwesterly direction to the point of beginning where the Manokin River intersects the easterly side of the center line of Somerset Avenue; and
All that land located within the municipal corporate limits of the Town of Princess Anne, beginning at the southerly most point of the municipal corporate limits at the intersection of Mulder Branch Road and Old Princess Anne Road and proceeding in a generally northerly direction by and with Old Princess Anne Road to the northernmost point of the municipal limits contained in this Subsection B, then proceeding in a generally southwesterly direction to the intersection with the Conrail railroad tracks, then by and with the easterly side of the Conrail railroad tracks in a southerly direction to the intersection of the Conrail railroad tracks and Mulder Branch Road, then by and with the northeasterly side of Mulder Branch Road to the place of beginning.